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3D Scanner AppでImmersalのマップ作成

Last updated at Posted at 2021-08-24

Create an Immersal Map using 3D Scanner App

前回の記事で、REST APIを叩いて、マップ作成はできました。全てのステップはImmersal SDKを使います。今回は他のアプリからの撮影した画像をマップ作成する。

On the Previous Article, I compiled on how to use the Sample and REST API by using the Immersal SDK. In this article, I compiled on how to use another application to get object images and create a map using the Immersal REST API.


  • Immersalアカウント / Immersal Account
  • iPhone 12 Pro + 3D Scanner App

3D Scanner Appのページ / 3D Scanner App download page


##3D Scanner Appで画像撮影
Taking Picture with 3D Scanner App

3D Scanner Appのデモでモデルをスキャンして、「All Data」を保存します。
By watching the Scanner App Demo, scan a model and export 「All Data」 from the result.

Convert images using Python

Copy the exported all data to your computer using iTunes or any other app.


The Immersal Service doesn't process JPEG images (or maybe any other type of images). So we have to convert the image first using Pillow. We have to install Pillow first if we have never install it.

pip install Pillow

After that, with the code below we convert the JPEG images produced by 3D Scanner App into PNG images.

from PIL import Image
import os

for subdirs, dirs, files in os.walk('フォルダ名/Your Folder Name'):
    for file in files:
        if file.endswith((".jpg")):
            img_path = os.path.join(subdirs, file.split('.')[0] + ".jpg")
            save_path = os.path.join(subdirs, file.split('.')[0] + ".png")
            im1 = Image.open(r'{0}'.format(img_path))

After the images have been converted, we create a JSON data with scheme of Immersal image submission.

import json
import os
import base64
import quaternion
import numpy as np

index = 0

data = {}

data['token'] = "自分のToken/Input your token"
data['bank'] = 0
data['run'] = 0
data['index'] = 0
data['anchor'] =  False

def ConvertToBase64(src_filepath):
    with open(src_filepath, 'rb') as imageFileAsBinary:
        fileContent = imageFileAsBinary.read()
        b64_encoded_img = base64.b64encode(fileContent)

        return b64_encoded_img

for subdirs, dirs, files in os.walk('フォルダ名/Your Folder Name'):
    for file in files:
        if file.endswith((".json")):
            f = open(os.path.join(subdirs, file))
            json_Data = json.load(f)
            #This is camera rotation in the 4x4 Matrix
            data['r00'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][0]
            data['r01'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][1]
            data['r02'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][2]
            data['r10'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][4]
            data['r11'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][5]
            data['r12'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][6]
            data['r20'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][8]
            data['r21'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][9]
            data['r22'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][10]
            #This is Camera Position in the 4x4 Matrix
            data['px'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][3]
            data['py'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][7]
            data['pz'] = json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][11]

            #This is Camera Intrinsics
            data['fx'] = json_Data['intrinsics'][0]
            data['fy'] = json_Data['intrinsics'][4]
            data['ox'] = json_Data['intrinsics'][2]
            data['oy'] = json_Data['intrinsics'][5]
            imageData = ConvertToBase64(os.path.join(subdirs, file.split('.')[0] + ".png"))
            data['b64'] = str(imageData, 'utf-8')
            data['index'] = index
            #We set the first image to be Anchor
            data['anchor'] = True if index==1 else False
            #Create A savepath for your folder
            savepath = 'フォルダ名/frame_{index}.json'.format(index = index)
            with open(savepath, 'w') as fs:
                json.dump(data, fs)

            index = index + 1

After the process is completed, we have created a set of JSON files which are ready to be submitted using REST API.


Map Creation

I have compiled on how to use REST API to create a map. First we reset/clear the workspace. Then we submit the JSON data and finally we create the map.

こちらは3DScanner AppとImmersalの結果を比べます。
3D Scanner Appの結果はオリエンテーションがちょっと変。
Below is the comparison result of Mapping between 3D Scanner App and Immersal.
The 3D Scanner App orientation result is a bit strange.


Even though the orientation is strange, its still able to detect point cloud.


Fixing the Orientation

前を書いた通り、3D Scanner Appを付けば、角度がちょっと変です。なので、そのモデル角度を修理します。修理するためには、JSONを作成する時、Z-axisで90度回転します。回転のマトリックスコードはこちらになります。
As I wrote earlier, the result from the 3D Scanner is a bit strange so I want to fix it. To fix the orientation, before we submit we have to rotate the image on Z-axis for 90 degrees. Below is the code for rotation code.

                Matrix_base = [[json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][0], json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][1], json_Data['cameraPoseARFrame'][2]],
                #Rotate the images 90 Degrees
                Matrix_Rz = [[math.cos(math.radians(90)), -math.sin(math.radians(90)), 0],
                            [math.sin(math.radians(90)), math.cos(math.radians(90)), 0],
                            [0, 0, 1]]
                Matrix_Rotation_new = np.matmul(Matrix_base, Matrix_Rz)

                data['r00'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[0][0]
                data['r01'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[0][1]
                data['r02'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[0][2]
                data['r10'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[1][0]
                data['r11'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[1][1]
                data['r12'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[1][2]
                data['r20'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[2][0]
                data['r21'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[2][1]
                data['r22'] = Matrix_Rotation_new[2][2]

A theoretical reference for spatial transformation.

Below is the result of the rotated images.


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