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REX-Ray + Isilon Docker Container Operation Test

Last updated at Posted at 2017-06-16

Docker Basic Operation

Show docker volume list
[root@sunny ~]# docker volume ls
local               b09d0a175d914c7f24fcf877aeeb232f80d348b87e52841f8fc388d606c34247
rexray              rexray_isilon_1
rexray              rexray_isilon_2
rexray              test_at_isilon_ifs_volumes
Show docker image list
[root@sunny ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
centos              latest              3bee3060bfc8        10 days ago         193 MB
friendlyhello       latest              d058024f6d16        3 weeks ago         195 MB
python              2.7-slim            1c7128a655f6        5 weeks ago         183 MB
debian              jessie              3e83c23dba6a        5 weeks ago         124 MB
debian              latest              3e83c23dba6a        5 weeks ago         124 MB
hello-world         latest              48b5124b2768        5 months ago        1.84 kB

Docker Container Operation

Create a new container

Used REX-Ray volume "rexray_isilon_1" and "centos" image to run a new container.

[root@sunny ~]# docker run -it -v  rexray_isilon_1:/mnt centos:latest /bin/bash

Confirmed /ifs/volumes/rexray_isilon_1 was mounted at /mnt

[root@89a04fa09cc2 /]# df
Filesystem                                                                                          1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/docker-253:0-134453907-9bfae4440e565d8293448572183c94d408c9a297a39b4284f91eeaca328ecb86  10474496  241716  10232780   3% /
tmpfs                                                                                                 1941352       0   1941352   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                                                                 1941352       0   1941352   0% /sys/fs/cgroup                                                     180613632 2964992 177648640   2% /mnt
/dev/mapper/centos-root                                                                              39265556 3974456  35291100  11% /etc/hosts
shm                                                                                                     65536       0     65536   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                                                                                 1941352       0   1941352   0% /sys/firmware
Write on a container

Created a file to test if the REX-Ray volume was writable.

[root@89a04fa09cc2 /]# cd /mnt
[root@89a04fa09cc2 mnt]# ls
[root@89a04fa09cc2 mnt]# touch centos_test
[root@89a04fa09cc2 mnt]# ls
[root@89a04fa09cc2 mnt]# vi centos_test
[root@89a04fa09cc2 mnt]# cat centos_test

Access to the same REX-Ray volume from different containers

Opened a new sessoin via ssh, then checked currently running containers. In the list, there was the container started earlier.

[root@sunny ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
83ad1fd603e9        centos:latest       "/bin/bash"         28 minutes ago      Up 28 minutes                           keen_davinci

Then, started a new container on the other session using the same REX-Ray volume "rexray_isilon_1".

[root@sunny ~]# docker run -it -v  rexray_isilon_1:/mnt centos:latest /bin/bash
[root@83ad1fd603e9 /]# df
Filesystem                                                                                          1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/docker-253:0-134453907-9bfae4440e565d8293448572183c94d408c9a297a39b4284f91eeaca328ecb86  10474496  241716  10232780   3% /
tmpfs                                                                                                 1941352       0   1941352   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                                                                 1941352       0   1941352   0% /sys/fs/cgroup                                                     180613632 2964480 177649152   2% /mnt
/dev/mapper/centos-root                                                                              39265556 3924724  35340832  10% /etc/hosts
shm                                                                                                     65536       0     65536   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                                                                                 1941352       0   1941352   0% /sys/firmware

There was the same test file created earlier by the other container. As a result, the Isilon NFS was sucessfully shared by 2 containers.

[root@83ad1fd603e9 /]# ls /mnt

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