
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-12-27



並列データベース拡張機能(PDE)は、オペレーティング システムとTeradata Databaseの間にあるソフトウェア インターフェース層です。PDEでは、Teradata Databaseの速度および線形スケーラビリティと関係しているシステム ノード間の並列処理がサポートされます。多くの診断およびトラブルシューティング ユーティリティは、PDEレベルで動作します。



内容 コマンド 実行例・補足
amp ampload Teradata DatabaseでのAMPワーカー タスク(AWT)のAMP vproc使用を表示(各AMP vproc上のロードを示す)
awt awtmon ローカル ノードまたはすべてのノードに対して、AMPワーカー タスク(AWT)の使用中カウント スナップショットのわかりやすいサマリーを収集して表示
PDEコンソール cnscim -s PDEコンソールの一覧を表示
SuperVisorコマンド実行 cnsterm 6 SuperVisorコマンド実行するターミナルに接続
Control GDO controlgdo Control GDOの内容を表示(GDO=グローバル分散オブジェクト)
Control GDOエディタ ctl PDE Controlプログラム。PDE構成設定値を表示・変更
ログを確認 logview システム ログとダンプ ユーティリティ
ノードの状態を分析 nodecheck ローカル ノードからのPDE vital情報を収集して分析
PDE構成情報 pdeconf PDE構成情報
PDEツールヘルプ pdehelp Teradataツールのオンライン ヘルプを表示


ampload:AMPワーカー タスク(AWT)のAMP vproc使用を表示

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # ampload
Vproc    Rel.       Node         Msg     AWT Availability   AWT Inuse
 No.     Vproc#     ID          Count         Count           Count  
-----    ------     ------     -------   ----------------   ---------
    0         1     001-01        0             55              1
    1         2     001-01        0             56              0

awtmon:AMPワーカー タスク(AWT)の使用中カウント スナップショットのサマリー

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # awtmon
====> Sat Dec 26 09:26:43 2020 <====
Amp 0   : Inuse:  1:  FOUR:  1

controlgdo:Control GDOの内容を表示

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # controlgdo
restartkind:                     0
onenodeaction:                   0
cliquedown:                      0
minnodesperclique:               1
enablelogons:                    2
cyclecount:                      14
dontstartappl:                   0
startdebug:                      0
breakstopsystem:                 0
restartafterdapowerfail:         1
apparmorprofiles:                0
contigpreload:                   0
syscrashcount:                   0
contigpreloadthreshold:          0
activemaps:                      64
dbsmaps:                         3
temporaldisable:                 0
pdeasyncabort:                   0
tskstopwaittime:                 0
avxflag:                         0
udfdebugging:                    0
minidumptype:                    0
prgtrace:                        0
datacache:                       30
dbschkon:                        0
dbstimeout:                      0
dbschkrate:                      0
dbschkdelay:                     0
dbschklogflush:                  0

ctl : PDE Controlプログラム。PDE構成設定値を表示・変更

Control GDOエディター(ctl)は、PDE Controlプログラムとも呼ばれ、PDE構成設定値を表示したり、変更したりできます。

グローバル分散オブジェクト(GDO)は、Teradata Databaseの構成設定値を格納するバイナリファイル。
Teradata DatabaseのPDE層により、すべての仮想プロセッサでGDOの一貫性が保たれます。

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # ctl
> help 
For help on a particular command, enter 'help command' 
or enter 'help topics' for a list of the help topics.

CTL Command Syntax Summary

help [<cmd>|topics]

exit [write]
quit [write]

save [filename]

<variable> = [<v>|?]

print <variable> [; <variable> [; <variable>]
print [all|text|labels|scales|buttons|trace|checkbox]
<v> is a value appropriate to the type of variable being assigned,
and <variable> is one of the control gdo variable names.
Most commands and arguments can be abbreviated to two characters.

screen [version|dbs|debug|rss]

> screen dbs

(0) Minimum Node Action:    Clique-Down
(1) Minimum Nodes Per Clique:   1       (2) FSG cache Percent:  30
(3) Clique Failure:     Clique-Down (4) Cylinder Read:      On
(5) Restart After DAPowerFail:  On      (6) Cylinder Read Ageing Threshold:  0
(7) Maximum Fatal AMPs:     0

> screen debug

(0) Start DBS:         On       (1) Break Stop:       Off
(2) Start With Logons:     All      (3) Start With Debug:     Off
(4) Save Dumps:        Off      (5) Snapshot Crash:   Off
(6) Maximum Dumps:     0        (7) Start PrgTraces:      Off
(8) Restart Dump Type:     Selective    (9) UDF Debugging:    Off

> screen rss

(0) Node Logging Rate  : 600 sec

            RSS Table Logging Enable

(1) SPMA : Off     (2) IPMA : Off     (3) SCPU: Off
(4) SVPR : Off     (5) IVPR : Off     (6) SLDV: Off     (7) SHST: Off
(8) SPDSK: Off     (9) SVDSK: Off     (A) SAWT: Off     (B) SPS : Off
(C) SMHM : Off

            RSS Summary Mode Enable

    Summarize SPMA: Off        Summarize IPMA : Off    (D) Summarize SCPU : Off
(E) Summarize SVPR: Off    (F) Summarize IVPR : Off    (G) Summarize SLDV : Off
(H) Summarize SHST: Off    (I) Summarize SPDSK: Off    (J) Summarize SVDSK: Off
(K) Summarize SAWT: Off        Summarize SPS  : Off    (L) Summarize SMHM : Off

cnscim -s : CNSコンソールの一覧を表示

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # cnscim -s

CNS Screens

Screen 3  --  qrysessn
   active=True,  enabled fkeys=, help level=0,
   nostop=False,  reading=True, hide=True

Screen 4  --  qrysessn
   active=True,  enabled fkeys=, help level=0,
   nostop=False,  reading=True, hide=True

Screen 5  --  DBS I/O
   active=True,  enabled fkeys=, help level=0,
   nostop=False,  reading=False, hide=False

Screen 6  --  SUPERVISOR
   active=True,  enabled fkeys=, help level=0,
   nostop=False,  reading=True, hide=False

cnsterm 6 : SuperVisorコマンド実行するターミナルに接続

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # cnsterm 6

Input Supervisor Command:
> help

CNSSUPV Command Summary



 cnsset lines      <n>
 cnsset statepoll  <n>
 cnsset timeout    <n>

 disable logons
 disable all logons
 enable logons

 enable all logons

 enable dbc logons

 get config
 get extauth
 get logtable {all|spma|ipma|svpr|ivpr|scpu|sldv|spdsk|svdsk|sawt|sps|shst|smhm}
 get sumlogtable {svpr|ivpr|scpu|sldv|spdsk|svdsk|sawt|sps|shst|smhm}
 get activelogtable {all|spma|ipma|svpr|ivpr|scpu|sldv|spdsk|svdsk|sawt|sps|shst|smhm}
 get resource
 get time
 get version
 get permissions <user>@<host>

 grant <unix-user>@<host> <permission-list>
 revoke <unix-user>@<host> <permission-list>

 log <text>
 query state

 abort session sessionid [logoff] [list] [override]
 restart tpa [nodump|dump={yes|no}] [cold|coldwait] <text>
 set extauth {on|off|only}
 set logtable {all|spma|ipma|svpr|ivpr|scpu|sldv|spdsk|svdsk|sawt|sps|shst|smhm} {on|off}
 set sumlogtable {svpr|ivpr|scpu|sldv|spdsk|svdsk|sawt|sps|shst|smhm} {on|off}
 set activelogtable {all|spma|ipma|svpr|ivpr|scpu|sldv|spdsk|svdsk|sawt|sps|shst|smhm} {on|off}
 set resource coll[ection] <n1> [log[ging] <n2>]
 set resource log[ging] <n1> [coll[ection] <n2>]
 set session collect <n>

 start[1|2|3|4]  [,debug|-d] [,vproc=<n>|-v=<n>|-v <n>] <program> <args>
 start [,debug|-d] {-p <part> [ -g <group> | -v <n> ] <program> <args>

 stop {1|2|3|4}
 stop {-p <p> [ -g <group> ] }

The following commands may not be available in all modes:
quit, cnsget, cnsset, start, and stop.  Some options of the
start and stop commands may not be available (-p and -g).

Input Supervisor Command:

logview : システム ログとダンプ ユーティリティ

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # logview
Dec 26 09:30:01 TDExpress1620_Sles11 /usr/sbin/cron[9792]: (root) CMD (/var/opt/teradata/TASM_Throttle_Enforce.sh  2 1 2)
Dec 26 09:34:20 TDExpress1620_Sles11 syslog-ng[1542]: Log statistics; dropped='pipe(/dev/xconsole)=0', processed='center(queued)=520', processed='center(received)=413', processed='destination(messages)=411', processed='destination(mailinfo)=2', processed='destination(mailwarn)=0', processed='destination(localmessages)=14', processed='destination(mailerr)=0', processed='destination(newserr)=0', processed='destination(warn)=54', processed='destination(netmgm)=0', processed='destination(null)=0', processed='destination(mail)=2', processed='destination(xconsole)=37', processed='destination(firewall)=0', processed='destination(acpid)=0', processed='destination(newscrit)=0', processed='destination(newsnotice)=0', processed='source(src)=413'
Dec 26 09:40:01 TDExpress1620_Sles11 /usr/sbin/cron[10430]: (root) CMD (/var/opt/teradata/TASM_Throttle_Enforce.sh  2 1 2)
Dec 26 09:44:31 TDExpress1620_Sles11 gnome-session[8621]: WARNING: Unable to determine session: Unable to lookup session information for process '8621'
Dec 26 09:48:04 TDExpress1620_Sles11 gnome-session[8621]: WARNING: Unable to determine session: Unable to lookup session information for process '8621'

nodecheck : ローカル ノードからのPDE vital情報を収集して分析

TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # nodecheck
Reading Node Resources... please wait...
Which Linux are we:  SuSE

FreeMemory(Pages) and FreeSwap(Blocks)
/usr/bin/sar -r 2 5
FREEMEM        1045599   
FREESWAP       30438200  

PDE Msg Daemon Queue length
/usr/pde/bin/pdeglobal msg -knode
MSGEVCOUNT     0         

BNS Block Queue
/usr/pde/bin/puma -D BlockStats/d
BNSBLKQ        0         

Available AMP Worker Tasks
/usr/pde/bin/puma -c
Count   Vproc   
55      0       
56      1       

BNS reject% for different Message types
/usr/pde/bin/tdnstat -a 5 2
Not available at this time: 

Evaluating results... please wait...

No tunables show status of WARN or ALERT

pdeconf : PDE構成情報

TDExpress1620_Sles11:/etc/init.d # pdeconf
User         = 'teradata'
Group        = 'tdtrusted'
UDFUser      = 'tdatuser'
UDFGroup     = 'tdatudf'
SSON         = 'teradata:tdatuser'
LegacyAuth   = '1'
SysAdminUDF  - is not set
AutoStart    = '1'

pdehelp : Teradataツールのオンライン ヘルプを表示

TDExpress1620_Sles11:/etc/init.d # pdehelp
ampload          - Display AWT availability and message counts on AMP VPROC
awtmon           - Amp Worker Task Inuse (or Active) Count monitor tool
bns.mtune        - Master tunable or mtune File for tdntune program
btrace           - Displays an application task's backtrace
cgrouptree       - Displays the TDAT cgroup tree
cnscim           - PDE Console Subsystem
cnscons          - PDE Console Subsystem for running Supervisor commands
cnsrun           - Scripting a Database Utility
cnsterm          - PDE Console Subsystem Terminal
cnstool          - PDE Console Subsystem Tool 
collectd         - Trace collection daemon
controlgdo       - Displays Control GDO contents
csp              - Crashdump Save Program
cspclean         - Clean up Crashdump Save Program's run time environment
cspinfo          - Crashdump Save Program Information display utility
csppeek          - Display useful information from a PDE dump
cspslave         - Crashdump Save Program Slave process
cspstop          - Graceful shut down of the Crashdump Save Program
cspstreamend     - Load stream files from the Crashdump Save Program
cspwake          - Awaken the Crashdump Save Program
ctl              - Mutil GDOs Read/Write utility
dapowerfail      - Shutdown and restart the Teradata database 
                   because of a disk array power failure
dbgcrnr          - System Debugger coroner
dbgok            - script to check the system state prior to attaching to the system debugger.
dbgpidf          - System debugger information utility
dbgsrvr          - System Debugger server
dbgvpcp          - System Debugger Virtual Processor control program
dmp              - Dump PDE specific information during a PDE error
dmpbust          - Decode PDE dump files
dmpconfig        - Tool to configure the new dump device 
emfmkidx         - Converts "emffile" to an indexed file for Teradata
evtool           - Displays the event message text for any event message provided by EMF
exttest          - Teradata Virtual Storage Extent Driver Utility
fragmon          - memory fragmentation monitoring script
fsgagestat       - PDE fsgcache ageout statistic display utility
fsgcacheadjust   - Utility to adjust LRU or VH cache in FSG without restart.
fsgiopstat       - PDE FSG I/O priority statistic display utility
fsgmon           - FSG Subsystem Data Display Utility providing a user interface
fsgstat          - FSG Statistics Display Utility
gdom             - monitor the GDOs' changes and record into history files.
gdomview         - display the history records based on the time range
gdoviewer        - Displays the contents in the GDO
gen_html         - Generates html files from the POD sources
gencachefile     - Local Cache File Setup Script
globaltvam.py    - Global Tvam Aggregator.  
ins_pde          - Creates PDE's running environment for a given version
judbagent        - -Java UDF Debugger Agent
judbsrvr         - JUDF Debugger Server
killtask         - Teradata task kill utility
kpatch           - PDE kernel symbol display/patch tool
logevent         - Log messages to the Unix System Log (Syslog) and/or 
                   to the display
logtpad          - daemon to archive system logs into database.
logview          - System Log and Dump Utility
mboxchk          - DBS well-known mailbox check and monitor tool
memfree          - show free memory on a live Linux node
mm               - Monitors kernel memory
modmpplist       - Modify the mpplist file on local or all system nodes
nodecheck        - Gathers and analyzes PDE vital information from local node
nodepowerfail    - Create file to indicate main power loss to a node
pdcmanager       - PDC Manager component
pdcmaster        - PDC Master component
pdcslave         - PDC Slave component
pdctester        - PDC Tester component
pdeacl           - Display file access control list
pdeclio          - Parallel CLuster IO performance/diagnostic tool
pdeconf          - PDE configuration settings
pdedrv           - PDE device driver load/unload administration command
                   pdedrv - TVSA extent device driver load/unload administration command
pdefixpaths      - Enforce file permissions on Teradata files and directories
pdeglobal        - Displays the PDE global information
pdehelp          - Displays Teradata tools online help
pdeinfo          - Saves system-wide PDE related data
pdemain          - PDE master control program
pdemem           - PDE memory statistic utility
pdepath          - Displays paths of Teradata running environment
pdeperfchk       - Benchmark hardware performance
pdesemfix        - Display and Modify Teradata semaphores
pdestat          - PDE System call Statistics Display Utility
pdestate         - Displays the current PDE state and substate
pdestop          - Brings PDE down immediately on the local node
pdesysfs         - Read the PDE kernel information in sysfs and output the 
                   data as an xml document.
pdewrap          - A front-end utility to run non-PDE executable or PDE tool 
                   written in scripting language under CNS interface.
pgcachedel       - drop page cache for a file
pgcachestat      - Display or drop page cache for a file
pgcachestats     - print page cache statistics for a file
pgnocache        - don't keep or remove Linux page cache on given command
pnetecho         - Find all hosts connected through a network interface
prginv           - PDE program invocation utility
prgreset         - PDE Partition Reset Utility
prgtrace         - Produces detailed traces of actions taken by PDE programs
pschstat         - Parses pcl -s schstat output and gathers stat data for each node
psh              - Parallel SHell (P-SHell)
ptype            - Extracts and displays type information from an ELF object
puma             - Prints PDE information and kernel memory addresses 
rcbview          - RCB Dump Display Utility
recond           - Start Teradata Reconcile 
reconinfo        - Teradata Package Information Collector
reconsh          - Teradata reconcile rule interpreter
resclear         - Reservation clear script.  
rssmon           - RSS Data Monitoring Tool
runcnstool       - Run cnstool with timeout so that perl scripts do not hang
schinfo          - Displays PSF information for a session and/or awt usage
schmon           - Priority Scheduler Utility. Information for SLES10 schmon.
schmonslg        - Priority Scheduler Utility. Information for SLES11 schmon.
schset           - Display and modify Priority Scheduler settings
schstat          - Display Priority Scheduler statistics. Information for SLES10 schstat.
schstatslg       - Display Priority Scheduler statistics
schtracebt       - Display long monitor and fsg lock wait/hold traces
segstat          - SEG subsystem Statistics Display Utility
stpmon           - DBS AMP-step processing trace monitor utility
syscheck         - Gathers and analyzes PDE vital information from system node(s)
sysmsgstat       - DBS message monitor utility
tbimpmon         - Displays TBIMP data
tdapparmor       - Configure the use of Teradata AppArmor profiles
tdatcmd          - Sets up a Teradata command shell or window
tdinfo           - Displays the Teradata system configuration
tdinstall        - Install a Teradata component software package
tdiopstat        - TDSCHED Statistics Display Utility
tdmaint          - Tool for marking the node for maintenance and change it back
tdmem            - Teradata memory information tool 
tdnstat          - Teradata Network (TDN) Statistics Display Utility
tdntune          - TDN dynamic tunables read/write utility
tdoprofile       - Profile the CPU registers across the Teradata system and generate reports for the samples collect from all nodes on control node.
tdpkgrm          - Removes old Teradata software versions
tdpperf          - Monitor Teradata library functions for Path Performance information
tdrmpde          - Removes the current version of PDE
toscrashcount    - TPA Crash Count Utility 
tosgetpma        - Displays the contents of the tosgetpma structure
tpacontrolnode   - Display the PDE control node id, cabinet, and module number in decimal format.  Also displays the node name.
tpanode          - Display the PDE node id, in decimal format, as well as the node type.
tpanodecrash     - Forces an OS-level memory (or panic) dump
tpareset         - TPA reset utility
tpasetcfg        - Cancels PDE's NETCONFIG start-up timeout
tpasumtrace      - Summarizes TPA start-up and restart traces for all nodes
tpatrace         - Displays PDE start-up and restart traces for various 
tpatracedump     - Extracts and displays TPA traces from a kernel panic dump
tracebit         - Trace selection bit manipulator utility
tracectl         - Trace control function management utility
tracedmp         - Trace dump extraction utility
tracefmt         - Trace data formatting utility
tracemrg         - Trace data file merge utility
tracenum         - Trace configuration data enumeration utility
trext            - Trace data extraction utility
tsklist          - Displays information about PDE processes and their tasks  
tut              - Trace UTility for Teradata software trace subsystem 
tvam             - Teradata Virtual Storage manager
tvsaallocdbg     - Teradata Virtual Storage allocator debug utility
tvsacheckcyl     - Teradata Virtual Storage check cylinder
tvsadeviceinit   - Teradata Virtual Storage device initializer.
tvsadisableciseg - Teradata script used for converting segregated devices back to a non-segregated state. 
tvsadisplaymap   - Teradata Virtual Storage display device map
tvsadisplaytag   - Teradata Virtual Storage display device tag
tvsadisptbuf     - Teradata Virtual Storage display trace buffer
tvsadumpstats    - Teradata Virtual Storage dump statistics
tvsafilterheatmap - Teradata Virtual Storage utility to parse heatmap files
tvsafixtag       - Teradata Virtual Storage fix device tag
tvsainitall      - Teradata Virtual Storage initialize all devices
tvsaiotrace      - Teradata Virtual Storage I/O trace
tvsamapeditor    - Teradata internal testing tool for tvsaallocator
tvsamapzap       - Teradata Virtual Storage tvsaMapZap
tvsaminampspce   - Teradata Virtual Storage minimum AMP space
tvsamodtemps     - Modifies temperatures
tvsanormalize    - Teradata Virtual Storage Utility to normalize extents
tvsaparseprofile - Internal Profile Check
tvsaprofiler     - Teradata Virtual Storage device profiler
tvsaprofilercheck - Teradata internal testing tool for checking pdisk profiles
tvsasegci        - Teradata utility used for a variety of CI Seg related functions including converting segregated devices back to a non-segregated state.
tvsatrashci      - Teradata Virtual Storage trash cylinder index
udbconnect       - UDF Debug Server Connection Manager
udbctrl          - UDF Debugger Controller
udbsrvr          - UDF Debugger Server
uns_pde          - Removes PDE's running environment for a given version
v2pgdo           - Displays the contents of the V2P GDO
vconfig          - Translates configuration definition to VCONFIG GDO  
verify_pdisks    - verifies configuration definition of vconfig.gdo 
                   and matches the configuration on disk.
vprocgdo         - Displays the contents of the VprocConfig GDO
xdbw             - Database Window (DBW)
certlink         - Creates hash links to Certificates and CRLs present in the specified directory. 
cyrus            - SASL
genselfsignedcert - Generates a self-signed certificate and the corresponding private key 
gethost          - display network information for Kerberos configuration
jansson          - License
                   JANSSON License
openldap         - License
tdgssconfig      - TDGSS configuration tool
tdgssfiles       - Display files that comprise the TDGSS configuration
tdgssfixpaths    - Enforces file ownership and permissions on both the Kerberos files and the LDAP files. 
tdgssupdatefix   - Updates Teradata keytab file for Kerberos and enforces file ownership and permissions for both the Kerberos files and the LDAP files. 
tdsbind          - TDGSS binds the user in the directory 
tdspolicy        - TDGSS Policy Query Utility
tdssearch        - TDGSS Directory search utility
updatekeytab     - Creates or updates the Teradata keytab file for Kerberos.
xerces-c         - XML Parser
gtwcontrol       - Teradata Gateway configuration manipulation utility
gtwglobal        - Teradata Gateway session monitor and control utility


PDEツール • Teradata Vantage™ - データベース ユーティリティ • リーダー • Teradataドキュメント


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