
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-02-23


- .emacs
- .vimrc
- .tmux.conf
- .screenrc
- .zshrc
- sublime


(global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)


syntax on
colorscheme molokai
set t_Co=256

set encoding=utf-8

syntax enable

set visualbell t_vb=
set noerrorbells

set number


# Validate UTF-8
# setw -g utf8 on
# set -g status-utf8 on

# Change Prefix C-b to C-t
unbind-key C-b
set-option -g prefix C-t

# Create & move screen
unbind ^C
bind ^C new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
unbind ^p
bind ^p previous-window
unbind ^n
bind ^n next-window

# Split screen
unbind |
bind | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
unbin S
bind S split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"

# Validate scroll
set -g mouse on
set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'



source ~/.zshrc

# no annoying audible bell
vbell off

# make the shell in every window a login shell
shell -$SHELL

# don't display the copyright page
startup_message off

# detach on hangup
autodetach on

# make lockscreen invalid
bind x
bind ^x

# remove some stupid/dangerous key bindings
bind k
bind ^k
bind .
bind ^\
bind \\
bind ^h
bind h

# improve key bindings
bind '\\' quit
bind 'K' kill
bind 'l' login on
bind 'O' login off
bind '}' history
bind '^g' undo

# escape shortcut key
escape ^t^t

# UTF-8 support
defencoding utf-8
encoding utf-8 utf-8

# show date
hardstatus alwayslastline "screen |%c %m/%d| %w"

# load a shell title
#shelltitle "$ |shell"

# make mouse wheel valid
termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@


  • oh-my-zshを使わない場合
# complement options and arguments
autoload -U compinit
compinit -u

# history


setopt share_history

# alias

alias ls="ls -FG"
alias emacs="emacs -nw"
alias py="python3 "
alias mv="mv -v "
alias sublime="/Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl "
#alias sub="sublime "
alias mysql="mysql -T -t"
alias rm="rm -v"
alias revealjs="pandoc -s -t revealjs --variable transition="linear" -V theme="blood" -o "
alias dzslides="pandoc -s -t dzslides -o "
alias RR="R --no-save --slave --vanilla "
#alias cat="cat -n"

# pushd automatically when execute cd.

setopt autopushd

# show process ID when execute jobs.

setopt long_list_jobs

# show the current directory on the left side of the prompt
# show date & time on the right side of the prompt,
# and turn it off when command reach.

PROMPT="%F{green}%n@%m %~ %F{39}%# "
RPROMPT="%F{green}%D %* "
#setopt transient_rprompt


  • key-user
    // 右移動(Ctrl + F)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "characters", "forward": true } },
    // 左移動(Ctrl + D)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+b"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "characters", "forward": false } },
    // 上移動(Ctrl + P)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+p"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": false } },
    // 下移動(Ctrl + N)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+n"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": true } },
    // 左削除(Ctrl + H)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+h"], "command": "left_delete" },
    // 右削除(Ctrl + D)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+d"], "command": "right_delete" },
    // 行の先頭へ移動(Ctrl + A)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+a"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bol", "extend": false} },
    // 行の末尾へ移動(Ctrl + E)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eol", "extend": false} },
    // page up
    { "keys": ["ctrl+y"],  "command": "move", "args": {"by": "pages", "forward": false} },
    // page down
    { "keys": ["ctrl+v"],  "command": "move", "args": {"by": "pages", "forward": true} },
    // show at center
    { "keys": ["ctrl+l"], "command": "show_at_center" },
    // 日本語入力切り替え
    { "keys": ["ctrl+space"], "command": "toggle_mozc" },

    // 上記の設定のせいで上書きされたコマンドを、Ctrl+Shift で復活させる 
    // 全選択(Ctrl + Shift + A)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+a"], "command": "select_all" },
    // 同じ文字を一括選択・一括編集(Ctrl + Shift + D)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"], "command": "find_under_expand" },
    // 選択行のコピー(Ctrl + Shift + V)
    { "keys": ["alt+shift+d"], "command": "duplicate_line" },
    // 検索(Ctrl + Shift + F)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find", "reverse": false} },
    // 新規タブ(Ctrl + Shift N)
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+n"], "command": "new_file" },

    // タブの移動をスタックによる挙動ではなくブラウザlikeにする
    { "keys": ["ctrl+tab"], "command": "next_view" },
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+tab"], "command": "prev_view" }

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