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[How to config Gmail as mail sender] [SMTP config]

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Gmail side (use 2-Step Verification and generate app password) :

*Because Google stopped supporting “Less Secure Apps” as of May 30th, 2022, seems this is a MUST to config this.

  1. Google Account -> Security -> 2-Step Verification -> Input password as asked -> Turn ON (you could use SMS to get Gmail code to activate 2-Step Verification)
  2. Google Account -> Security -> App password -> Input password as asked -> Select the app as mail and device... -> e.g. Other(Custom name) -> Input app name e.g. MyApp -> Generate
  3. Copy a 16-character password
  4. Use a 16-character password with Gmail username (xxx@gmail.com) in Liferay side.

Google support link here.

Liferay side:

  1. Control Panel -> Server Administration -> Mail
    1.1 Outgoing SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
    1.2 Outgoing Port: 465
    1.3 Use a Secure Network Connection: checked
    1.4 User Name: xxx@gmail.com
    1.5 Password: [Generated by Gmail side]
  2. Control Panel -> Instance Settings -> Email -> Email Sender
  3. Send as xxx@gmail.com

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