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Automating Dependabot with GitHub Actions

Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-21

Title: Automating Dependabot with GitHub Actions

Dependabot, a helpful tool provided by GitHub, automatically creates pull requests (PRs) for updating dependencies. However, dealing with these PRs every week can be time-consuming. To streamline the process, I decided to set certain conditions for automatic PR merging. In this blog post, I'll discuss the common configurations for Dependabot and explore two approaches for automating the merging process.

Configuring Dependabot

To get started with Dependabot, you can refer to the official documentation, which provides valuable insights on how to automate Dependabot using GitHub Actions[^1]. Here is an example configuration for Dependabot:

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm" # See documentation for possible values
    directory: "/docs" # Location of package manifests
    open-pull-requests-limit: 20
      interval: "weekly"

This configuration, tailored to your project's specific needs, manages the update process weekly. However, it's essential to note that this can be quite challenging to handle.

Automating the Merging Process

There are two main approaches to automate the merging process: using a GitHub Token or a GitHub App. Let's explore both options.

  1. GitHub Token: While using a GitHub Token allows for automatic merging, it does not provide the flexibility to execute another workflow on the base branch after the merge. Therefore, it's not recommended to use Personal Access Tokens for this purpose.

  2. GitHub App: Creating a GitHub App provides more control and flexibility. However, it's important to note that creating a GitHub App requires organizational management permissions, so proceed with caution.

Considerations for Enterprise and Private Repositories

When it comes to private repositories, it appears that addressing this challenge without an Enterprise plan can be difficult. This limitation can be quite frustrating.

Alternative Solutions

If you're looking for alternative options, consider exploring platforms like Mergify[^2]. Although I haven't personally worked with it, it might be worth investigating for automating the merging process.

You can also refer to various articles and resources that provide insights and different perspectives on automating the merging process with Dependabot[^3][^4][^5][^6].

The command-line interface (CLI) tool, gh pr, offers another potential solution for automation[^7][^8]. By leveraging GitHub Actions, you can trigger actions upon opening a PR to determine if it originates from Dependabot. This workflow can include tests and subsequently merge the PR. However, careful attention should be given to handling multiple open PRs simultaneously to avoid any conflicts.

It's worth noting that some of these solutions may require financial support or advanced configurations to achieve the desired automation[^9][^10].

To find the best approach, explore best practices, and consider your project's specific needs. Automating the process using gh pr may be a suitable option, especially if you're actively utilizing GitHub CLI[^11].


Automating the merging process with Dependabot can help streamline the handling of frequent PRs and save time. While different approaches, such as using a GitHub Token or a GitHub App, offer automation possibilities, there are limitations and considerations for private repositories and organizational permissions.

When faced with these challenges, it's worthwhile to consider alternative solutions such as Mergify or exploring the use of command-line interfaces like gh pr. Ultimately, finding the right automation strategy will depend on your project's specific requirements and constraints.

Regardless of the method chosen, the goal is to simplify the management of Dependabot PRs, improve efficiency, and reduce manual effort.

Happy automation!


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