Option Explicit
Sub CellRangeToXMLFile()
Dim myXMLDoc As Object, myNode As Object
Dim ConstList As Object
Dim myRootNode As Object, tmpNode As Object
Dim myRange As Range, i As Long, j As Long
Set ConstList = New ConstClass
Set myXMLDoc = CreateObject(ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntLIBRARY"))
With myXMLDoc
Set myNode = _
.CreateProcessingInstruction(ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntXMLPREFIX"), _
.AppendChild myNode
Set myRootNode = .CreateElement(ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntDATANAME"))
Set myRange = Range(ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntSTARTDATA")).CurrentRegion
For i = 2 To myRange.Rows.Count
Set myNode = .CreateElement(ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntTABLENAME"))
myNode.SetAttribute ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntKeyName"), _
myRange.Cells(i, 1).Value
For j = 2 To myRange.Columns.Count
Set tmpNode = .CreateElement(myRange.Cells(1, j).Value)
tmpNode.AppendChild .CreateTextNode(myRange.Cells(i, j).Value)
myNode.AppendChild tmpNode
myRootNode.AppendChild myNode
.AppendChild myRootNode
.Save ThisWorkbook.Path & ConstList.XMLCONFIG.Item("cntOUTPUTXML")
End With
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private xmlFile As Object
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Call xml_config
End Sub
Public Property Get XMLCONFIG() As Object
Set XMLCONFIG = xmlFile
End Property
Private Sub xml_config()
Set xmlFile = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntLIBRARY", Item:="MSXML2.DOMDocument"
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntXMLPREFIX", Item:="xml"
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntXMLFORMAT", Item:="version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"""
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntDATANAME", Item:="FishMarketData"
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntSTARTDATA", Item:="A1"
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntTABLENAME", Item:="Sales"
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntKeyName", Item:="No"
xmlFile.Add Key:="cntOUTPUTXML", Item:="\XMLデータ.xml"
End Sub