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EVM Smart Contract Development Random Tips

Last updated at Posted at 2024-05-17


  1. Pattern for testing lens against mutative version function

  1. Heuristic Invariant/Property in finance apps

  1. Compiling contracts faster with forge-std::deployCode or forge-std::deployCodeTo

Gas Optimization

  1. Storing callback data on transient storage might be chapter than passing data to callback function

    Example: metapool-router #246

  2. Replace JUMPI with opcode for failure pattern
    Imagine if-else branch like if condition, then revert, the JUMPI can be replaced with mload(condition - 0x01). The similar optimization can be seen in mega-dropper.


  1. Crunch CREATE2 salt on terminal

  1. Library to deploy contracts built by Hardhat with Foundry

  1. Recording git commiet on-chain will make it easier to find version of upgradable contract


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