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Azure DevOps で Basic Process で、Iteration を生成する

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Basci Plan において、Iteration を作る際に powershell で作りたかったので調査した備忘録


  • start to end で月曜日から日曜日までの一週間後との iteration を作成
create iteration on basic process
# 設定
$organization = "https://dev.azure.com/organization"
$project = "Project"
$rootIteration = "\Project\Iteration\Sprint 1"
$startDate = [datetime]::Parse("2024-11-01")
$endDate = [datetime]::Parse("2024-11-30")

# devops config
az devops configure --defaults organization=$organization project=$project

# create iteration
$currentDate = $startDate
while ($currentDate -le $endDate) {
    $iterationName = "Iteration " + $currentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
    $iterationPath = $rootIteration 
    $iterationStartDate = $currentDate
    $iterationEndDate = $currentDate.AddDays(6) # 日曜日まで
    if ($iterationEndDate -gt $endDate) {
        $iterationEndDate = $endDate

    Write-Host "Creating iteration: $iterationName at $iterationPath from $iterationStartDate to $iterationEndDate"

    az boards iteration project create `
        --name "$iterationName" `
        --path "$iterationPath" `
        --start-date "$iterationStartDate" `
        --finish-date "$iterationEndDate"

    $currentDate = $currentDate.AddDays(7)


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