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string.Compareの挙動がおかしい [C#]

Last updated at Posted at 2019-06-09



"-" < "0" < "1" なので、"1-1" < "101" < "111"になるはずだけど、"101" < "1-1" < "111"になってしまう。謎。

追記: string.Compare はカルチャ依存の比較を行い、ハイフンを無視した文字列で比較を行っている模様。string.CompareOrdinal を使えば良いらしい。


using System;

class StringCompare
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"-\",\"0\") = {0}", string.Compare("-","0"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"-\",\"1\") = {0}", string.Compare("-","1"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"0-\",\"00\") = {0}", string.Compare("0-","00"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"0-\",\"01\") = {0}", string.Compare("0-","01"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"1-\",\"10\") = {0}", string.Compare("1-","10"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"1-\",\"11\") = {0}", string.Compare("1-","11"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"0-0\",\"000\") = {0}", string.Compare("0-0","000"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"0-0\",\"010\") = {0}", string.Compare("0-0","010"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"1-0\",\"100\") = {0}", string.Compare("1-0","100"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"1-0\",\"110\") = {0}", string.Compare("1-0","110"));
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"1-1\",\"101\") = {0}", string.Compare("1-1","101")); // これのみ 1 他 -1
        Console.WriteLine("string.Compare(\"1-1\",\"111\") = {0}", string.Compare("1-1","111"));


string.Compare("-","0") = -1
string.Compare("-","1") = -1
string.Compare("0-","00") = -1
string.Compare("0-","01") = -1
string.Compare("1-","10") = -1
string.Compare("1-","11") = -1
string.Compare("0-0","000") = -1
string.Compare("0-0","010") = -1
string.Compare("1-0","100") = -1
string.Compare("1-0","110") = -1
string.Compare("1-1","101") = 1
string.Compare("1-1","111") = -1

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