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public interface INotifyService{    
  bool Notify(string message);

public class SMSService : INotifyService{    
  private readonly Dictionary<string, dynamic> _configs;    
  private readonly ILogger<EMailService> _logger;    
  public SMSService([FromKeyedServices("smsRep")] IConfigRepository configRepository, ILogger<EMailService> logger)    {        
    _logger = logger;        
    _configs = configRepository.GetConfig();    
  public bool Notify(string message)    {        
    return true;    

public class EMailService : INotifyService{    
  private readonly Dictionary<string, dynamic> _configs;    
  private readonly ILogger<EMailService> _logger;    
  public EMailService([FromKeyedServices("emailRep")] IConfigRepository configRepository, ILogger<EMailService> logger)    {        
    _logger = logger;        
    _configs = configRepository.GetConfig();    
  public bool Notify(string message)    {        
    return true;    

public interface IConfigRepository{    
  Dictionary<string, dynamic> GetConfig();

public class IEMailConfigRepository : IConfigRepository{    
  public Dictionary<string, dynamic> GetConfig()    {        
    // データベースから設定情報を取得する        
    return new Dictionary<string, dynamic>() { { "name", "メール設定" } };    

public class ISMSConfigRepository : IConfigRepository{    
  public Dictionary<string, dynamic> GetConfig()    {        
    // データベースから設定情報を取得する        
    return new Dictionary<string, dynamic>() { { "name", "SMS設定" } }; ;    


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateSlimBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddKeyedScoped<IConfigRepository, ISMSConfigRepository>("smsRep");
builder.Services.AddKeyedScoped<IConfigRepository, IEMailConfigRepository>("emailRep");

builder.Services.AddKeyedScoped<INotifyService, EMailService>("emailSev");
builder.Services.AddKeyedScoped<INotifyService, SMSService>("smsSev");
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapGet("/sms", ([FromServices]SMS sms, string message) => new { Result = sms.Notify(message), Messgae = message, Type = sms.GetType().Name });
app.MapGet("/email", ([FromServices]EMail email, string message) => new { Result = email.Notify(message), Messgae = message, Type = email.GetType().Name });

//app.MapGet("/sms", ([FromKeyedServices("smsSev")] INotifyService notifyService, string message) => new { Result = notifyService.Notify(message), Messgae = message, Type = notifyService.GetType().Name });
//app.MapGet("/email", ([FromKeyedServices("smsSev")] INotifyService notifyService, string message) => new { Result = notifyService.Notify(message), Messgae = message, Type = notifyService.GetType().Name });


public class SMS([FromKeyedServices("smsSev")] INotifyService notifyService){
  public bool Notify(string message)    {        
    return notifyService.Notify(message);    

public class EMail([FromKeyedServices("emailSev")] INotifyService notifyService){
  public bool Notify(string message)    {        
    return notifyService.Notify(message);    

// もう一つの書き方は、AddSingleton方式で注入し、app.Services.GetRequiredKeyedService方式で通知インタフェースを取得し、使用することです。
builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton<IConfigRepository, IEMailConfigRepository>("emailRep");
builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton<INotifyService, EMailService>("emailSev");
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/email", (string message) =>{
  var email = app.Services.GetRequiredKeyedService<INotifyService>("emailSev");
  return new { Result = email.Notify(message), Messgae = message, Type = email.GetType().Name };

(Translated by GPT)



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