#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pythonosc import udp_client
import serial
import time
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from biosppy.signals import ecg
from scipy import signal
import threading
from copy import copy
def main():
args = getargs()
history_buf = HistoryBuffer(
serial_port = args.serial_port,
serial_speed = args.serial_speed,
fs_supposed = args.fs_supposed,
fs_torelance = args.fs_torelance,
history_buf_size = args.history_buf_size,
bpm_estim_cycletime_sec = args.bpm_estim_cycletime_sec,
sensor_value_thres = args.sensor_value_thres,
thread_updatebuf = threading.Thread(target=history_buf.update_repeat)
thread_calculation = threading.Thread(target=history_buf.calc_repeat)
class HistoryBuffer():
Class for buffering and processing incoming sensor data from serial port.
For calculating BPM from buffered data, this class calls BeatAnalyzer.analyze() method.
Buffer update cycletime depends on sensor sampling rate; if sensor send data every 1ms, __receive_onedata() method wait for and receive data every 1ms.
def __init__(
serial_port: str,
serial_speed: int = 115200,
fs_supposed: int = 200,
fs_torelance: int = 2,
history_buf_size: int = 800,
bpm_estim_cycletime_sec: float = 1.0,
sensor_value_thres: int = 50000,
self.ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, serial_speed, timeout=0.1)
self.history_buf_size = history_buf_size
self.bpm_estim_cycletime_sec = bpm_estim_cycletime_sec
self.fs_supposed = fs_supposed
self.fs_torelance = fs_torelance
self.sensor_value_thres = sensor_value_thres
self.data = {
"time": np.zeros([history_buf_size]),
"value": np.zeros([history_buf_size]),
self.is_buf_full = False
self.datacnt = 0
self.beatanalyzer = BeatAnalyzer(fs = fs_supposed, Nsamples=history_buf_size)
################### data aquisition related #################
def update_repeat(self):
while True:
def __update(self):
# get incoming data
sensor_value, sensor_time = self.__receive_onedata()
if sensor_value is not None:
# update ring buffer
self.data["value"] = np.roll(self.data["value"], 1)
self.data["value"][0] = sensor_value
self.data["time"] = np.roll(self.data["time"], 1)
self.data["time"][0] = sensor_time
# update count
if not self.is_buf_full and self.data["time"][-1] > 0:
self.is_buf_full = True
def __receive_onedata(self) -> Tuple[Union[int, None], Union[float, None]]:
buf = ''
while True:
readtime = time.time()
data = self.ser.read_all()
if len(data) > 0:
# if something is received
data_str = data.decode()
print(f'skip {data}')
return None, None
buf += data_str
if '\n' == data_str[-1]:
# if data completed
buf_datas = buf.split('\r\n')
last_buf_data = buf_datas[-2] # because buf_datas is typically like [..., '1214', '1213', '']
# buffed data can somhow be incomplete
sensor_value = int(last_buf_data)
print(f'skip {buf}')
return None, None
sensor_time = time.time()
return sensor_value, sensor_time
################### bpm calculation related #################
def calc_repeat(self):
while True:
def __calc_bpm(self):
# get buffered data
buf_data = copy(self.data['value'])
buf_time = copy(self.data['time'])
if not self.is_buf_full:
# calculate measured fs based on data aquisition time
fs_actual = self.history_buf_size / (buf_time[0] - buf_time[-1])
if abs(fs_actual - self.fs_supposed) > self.fs_torelance:
print(f"Measured fs: {fs_actual} is too different from fs: {self.fs_supposed}")
# if any of bufferred sensor value are less than threshold, skip culculation. It seems nothing is attached to the sensor.
if np.min(self.data["value"]) < self.sensor_value_thres:
print(f"Min bufferred sensor value: {np.min(buf_data)} indicates nothing is attached to the sensor.")
### ecg toolkit based bpm estimation
# analyzed = ecg.ecg(signal=self.data["value"][::-1], sampling_rate=fs_actual, show=False)
# estim_bpm = np.median(analyzed["heart_rate"])
### custom bpm estimation
estim_bpm = self.beatanalyzer.analyze(buf_data[::-1], actual_fs = fs_actual)
print(f"estimated bpm: {estim_bpm:.01f}")
class BeatAnalyzer():
Class for calculating beat from time series sensor data.
def __init__(
fs: int,
Nsamples: int,
min_bpm: float = 40.0,
max_bpm: float = 180.0,
self.min_bpm = min_bpm
self.max_bpm = max_bpm
self.fs = fs
self.Nsamples = Nsamples
self.datalen_sec = Nsamples/fs
self.fft_bpm_resolution = fs/Nsamples*60
self.bpms = np.arange(np.ceil(min_bpm/self.fft_bpm_resolution), np.floor(max_bpm/self.fft_bpm_resolution)+1) * self.fft_bpm_resolution
basis_phase = 2 * np.pi / fs * np.dot(self.bpms[:,None]/60, np.arange(0,Nsamples)[None,:])
self.basis_sin = np.sin(basis_phase)
self.basis_cos = np.cos(basis_phase)
def analyze(self, data: np.ndarray, actual_fs: float) -> float:
# step1 detect rough bpm based on fft
cor = np.sqrt((np.dot(self.basis_sin, data)/self.Nsamples) ** 2 + (np.dot(self.basis_cos, data)/self.Nsamples) ** 2)
rough_bpm = self.bpms[np.argmax(cor)]
print(f"rough_bpm: {rough_bpm}")
rough_fs_range = [max(rough_bpm/60 - 0.5, self.min_bpm/60), min(rough_bpm/60 + 0.5, self.max_bpm/60)]
# step2 filter using rough bpm range
filter_coef = signal.firwin(numtaps=91, cutoff=rough_fs_range, fs=actual_fs, pass_zero=False)
filterd_signal = signal.lfilter(filter_coef, 1, data)[92:]
# step3 detect local extremums
extremums = np.diff((np.diff(filterd_signal) > 0).astype(int))
local_maxima = np.where(extremums == -1)[0] + 1
local_minima = np.where(extremums == 1)[0] + 1
# print(local_maxima/200)
# print(local_minima/200)
# step4 check if each local maxima/minima is max/min within a certain range
is_local_maxima_max = np.zeros(len(local_maxima))
is_local_minima_min = np.zeros(len(local_minima))
detect_width = int(actual_fs/(self.max_bpm/60) / 2)
for i, idx in enumerate(local_maxima):
target_range = [max(0, idx - detect_width), idx + detect_width]
argmax_within_range = np.argmax(filterd_signal[target_range[0]:target_range[1]]) + idx - detect_width
if idx == argmax_within_range:
is_local_maxima_max[i] = 1
for i, idx in enumerate(local_minima):
target_range = [max(0, idx - detect_width), idx + detect_width]
argmin_within_range = np.argmin(filterd_signal[target_range[0]:target_range[1]]) + idx - detect_width
if idx == argmin_within_range:
is_local_minima_min[i] = 1
max_candidate = local_maxima[np.where(is_local_maxima_max == 1)[0]]
min_candidate = local_minima[np.where(is_local_minima_min == 1)[0]]
# print(max_candidate/200)
# print(min_candidate/200)
if len(max_candidate) < 2 or len(min_candidate) < 2:
print(f"No enough pulse detected.")
return None
# step5 calculate period
period_max = np.diff(max_candidate)
period_min = np.diff(min_candidate)
# step6 calculate average bpm
if len(period_max) >= 3:
period_max = period_max[1:-1]
if len(period_min) >= 3:
period_min = period_min[1:-1]
period_mean = np.mean(np.hstack([period_max, period_min])/actual_fs)
return 1/period_mean * 60
def getargs():
argparser = ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('--serial_port', type=str, required=True, help='Arduino serial port. Specify like "COM4"')
argparser.add_argument('--serial_speed', type=int, default=115200, help='Serial speed in bps')
argparser.add_argument('--history_buf_size', type=int, default=800, help='Sensor data buffer size')
argparser.add_argument('--bpm_estim_cycletime_sec', type=float, default=1.0, help='Estimate BPM using bufferred data every specified cycles')
argparser.add_argument('--fs_supposed', type=int, default=200, help='Sampling rate of the sensor.')
argparser.add_argument('--fs_torelance', type=int, default=2, help='If actual sample rate goes below this value, stop updating BPM since something seems wrong...')
argparser.add_argument('--sensor_value_thres', type=int, default=50000, help='If data buf contains value less than this threshold, skip BPM estimation.')
args = argparser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':