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Atomic Simulation Environmentの使い方: 表面の作成

Last updated at Posted at 2024-02-02



from ase.build import fcc111
surf = fcc111("Cu", size=[3,3,5], a=3.2, vacuum=10.0)
  • fcc100, fcc110, bcc100, bcc110, bcc111, fcc111, hcp0001が使える


from ase.build import bulk, surface
bulk = bulk("Cu", "fcc", a=3.2)
surf = surface(bulk, (1,1,1), 5, vacuum=10.0)  # lattice, Miller indices, layers
surf = surf*[3, 3, 1]  # if you want to replicate
surf = surf.translate([0, 0, -10]) # if you want to shift


from ase import Atoms, Atom
from ase.build import surface
from ase.visualize import view
from ase.io import read
from ase.io import write
bulk = read("1000053.cif") # or read("oldPOSCAR")
surf = surface(lattice=bulk, indices=(1,1,1), layers=5, vacuum=10.0)
surf.translate([0,0,-10.0+0.1]) # shift slightly for easier to view
write("POSCAR", surf)


  • add_adsorbateを使う
from ase import Atoms
from ase.build import fcc111, add_adsorbate

surf = fcc111("Cu", size=[3,3,6], vacuum=10.0)
mol  = Atoms("CO", [(0,0,0),(0,0,1.2)])
add_adsorbate(surf, mol, 1.6, position="ontop")
# slab, adsorbate, height, position=(0,0), offset=None, mol_index=0)
  • offsetはfloatでよい(e.g. offset=(1, 1), offset=(0.5, 0))。unit cellのfractional coordinateになっている
  • メジャーなsurfaceに対してはstringでの吸着位置がある
surface available adsorption sites
fcc100 ontop, hollow, bridge
fcc110 ontop, hollow, longbridge, shortbridge
bcc100 ontop, hollow, bridge
fcc111 ontop, bridge, fcc, hcp
hcp0001 ontop, bridge, fcc, hcp
bcc110 ontop, shortbridge, longbridge, hollow
bcc111 ontop, hollow


  • Atomsのconstraintを設定することでPOSCARに原子固定情報が追加される

  • ASEで表面を構築した場合、tagが自動的に設定されるのでこれとase.constraint.FixAtomsを用いてconstraint条件を設定する(下記スクリプトのconstraints)

    • adsorbateはtag=0, 表面層はtag=1など。深いほどtagの値が増える
  • スクリプトの例

from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp
from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
from ase.build import fcc111

surf = fcc111(symbol='Pd', size=[2, 2, 4], a=3.9, vacuum=10.0)
constraints = FixAtoms(indices=[atom.index for atom in surf if atom.tag >= 3])
surf.constraints = constraints

# using ASE optimizer
calc = Vasp(prec='Normal', xc='PBE', encut=400.0,
            ibrion=-1, nsw=0, kpts=[2, 2, 1], potim=0.5)
dyn = QuasiNewton(surf, trajectory='pd-relax.traj')

energy = surf.get_potential_energy()
printf("Energy after relaxation: {energy} eV")

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