We all make mistakes, let's move on.
(don't take this too seriously, no fancy hacking skill is required at all)This task is based on real event
Thanks to dhmonkeymistake@pwnable:~$ ./mistake
do not bruteforce...
input password : 0000000000
Password OK
Mommy, the operator priority always confuses me :(
hint : operator priority
ssh mistake@pwnable.kr -p2222 (pw:guest)
mistake@pwnable:~$ ls -l
total 24
-r-------- 1 mistake_pwn root 51 Jul 29 2014 flag
-r-sr-x--- 1 mistake_pwn mistake 8934 Aug 1 2014 mistake
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 792 Aug 1 2014 mistake.c
-r-------- 1 mistake_pwn root 10 Jul 29 2014 password
mistake@pwnable:~$ ls
flag mistake mistake.c password
mistake@pwnable:~$ cat mistake.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define PW_LEN 10
#define XORKEY 1
void xor(char* s, int len){
int i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++){
s[i] ^= XORKEY;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int fd;
if(fd=open("/home/mistake/password",O_RDONLY,0400) < 0){
printf("can't open password %d\n", fd);
return 0;
printf("do not bruteforce...\n");
char pw_buf[PW_LEN+1];
int len;
if(!(len=read(fd,pw_buf,PW_LEN) > 0)){
printf("read error\n");
return 0;
char pw_buf2[PW_LEN+1];
printf("input password : ");
scanf("%10s", pw_buf2);
// xor your input
xor(pw_buf2, 10);
if(!strncmp(pw_buf, pw_buf2, PW_LEN)){
printf("Password OK\n");
system("/bin/cat flag\n");
printf("Wrong Password\n");
return 0;
fd = open(~) < 0
という記述がありますね。これはおそらくopenが機能しているかを確認するコードにしたつもりだと思いますが、実際は fd = (open(~) < 0) となりfdに0が格納されます。
mistake@pwnable:~$ ./mistake
do not bruteforce...
input password : 0000000000
Password OK
Mommy, the operator priority always confuses me :(