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Oculus App Publishing Overview 日本語で翻訳

Last updated at Posted at 2016-01-14

App Publishing Overview
-Publishing Process: Oculus Store and Oculus Concepts
-Content Standards and Requirements
-Application Manifest Requirements
-Application Signing
-Commerce and Entitlement Checking
-Common Issues
-Publishing Process and Requirements: Oculus Share

App Publishing Overview
This guide will walk you through the process of submitting mobile applications to the Oculus Store and Oculus Concepts, and PC applications to Oculus Share. We will cover our application requirements, the submission process, and publishing options.
このガイドはmobile アプリをoculus storeとoculus concept, そうしてPCのアプリをOculus Share二案内するガイドです。

Oculus Store is our primary distribution platform for free and for-sale mobile VR applications. Oculus Store apps are available for download on any phone that uses Gear VR, through Oculus Home and the Oculus mobile app.
Oculus Storeはmobile VRアプリを無料または販売用に配布するプラットフォームです. Oculus StoreアプリはGear VRから, Oculus Homeそして Oculust Mobileアプリを使ているMobile機器にDownloadができます。

Oculus Concepts is a special section of the Oculus Store used to distribute apps that innovate creativity, innovation, and new methods of VR interaction and design. For example, they may be single preview scenes, or experiments for which you want real user feedback.
Oculus ConeceptはVRとこのデザインについてイノベーション、総意そして新しいmethodのために作ったOculus Storeのスペシャルセクションです。たとえば、それは一つのpreviewシーンとかユーザーのfeedbackのために実験をすることができる場所です。

Oculus Share is a web-based distribution platform for free VR applications for the Oculus Rift. It can be found here: https://share.oculus.com/
Submissions to Oculus Concepts and Oculus Share are not held to the same demanding requirements as Oculus Store submissions, but they must work reliably and provide an experience of value.
Oculus ShareはOculus Riftのため、Web-basedの無料アプリのために提供する配布プラットホームです。リンクはこち:https://share.oculus.com/
Oculus ConceptとOculus Shareへの提出は Oculus Storeの提出と必要することは同じではないんですが、きちんと作動しなければなりません。そして経験の価値の提供が必要です。

Publishing Process: Oculus Store and Oculus Concepts

Once you submit your application, we will review it as illustrated below. Please allow at least two weeks to complete the publishing process.

 アプリの提出 Q/A, Malware検査 パブリッシュ

Figure 1. Publishing Process

Application Validation(アプリの検証)
We offer a simple Submission Validator command-line tool which you may run against your package to perform basic checks for our requirements before you uploading it. We recommend using this tool, as it may save you a significant amount of time if we find a simple problem that requires you to resubmit your application. You may download the tool for Windows or Mac OS X here:
アプリをuploadする前に、必要ことを簡単にcheckができる Submission Validator command-line toolがあります。問題があったら時間がかかりますますのでこのtoolを使って先にcheckすることを推薦します。Windows or Mac OS X用toolのリンクはhttps://developer.oculus.com/validator/
Application Submission(アプリの提出)
Note: Before submitting your app, be sure to review our Content Standards and Requirements to be sure you’re ready.
ノート:提出する前、Content Standards and Requirementsを是非checkしてください。

Once you have prepared your application and the necessary assets, submit your application through our Submission Dashboard at https://dashboard.oculus.com. Note that you may navigate to other tabs in the submission process and continue filling in information while your files upload.
The Submission Dashboard will guide you through the stages as illustrated below. When your app upload is complete, we will immediately run some basic validation checking on your application.
もし準備が出来たら、このSubmission Dashboard https://dashboard.oculus.comに行って、提出しましょう。Note ファイルをuploadしながら、submission processのべつなtabを見えます。
Submission Dashboardが以下のプロセスであなたを案内します。アプリのuploadが終わったらアプリのbasic validation checkingをすぐします。

*App specification:アプリの分類

Figure 2. Submission Process

Updating a Previously-Published Application(先に提出したアプリをupdating)
If you would like to submit an updated binary for an application you have previously published, log into the Submission Dashboard, mouseover the icon for the application you’d like to update, and select Update App.
The procedure for submitting an updated binary is pretty much the same as the initial submission process, except you find that all entries are pre-filled with the values used in your previous submission. You may update those values as necessary.
Note: Do not change the PackageName of your binary.

Content Standards and Requirements
This section describes content standards for Oculus Store and Oculus Concepts.
このセクションはOculus Store 、Oculus Conceptsを基準の説明があります。
As a VR content developer, we want you to be successful. This section describes requirements to follow so you don’t waste time or money building a game or experience that we won’t be able to publish.
Developing in VR is different than other technologies. Before you begin any development, read the Oculus Best Practices Guide, Mobile VR Application Development, and any other relevant documentation.
VRで開発することは、他の技術とは異なります。あなたが任意の開発を開始する前に、Oculus Best Practices Guide, Mobile VR Application Development、およびその他の関連ドキュメントを参照してください。
As we move toward consumer-ready virtual reality, our requirements for publishing are becoming more demanding. Applications must work reliably as a minimum qualification for consideration. For example, we will not consider publishing any app that crashes, fails to make frame rate, or causes discomfort in most players. Once that minimum bar is reached, we can make an assessment with respect to the quality of concept, execution, and so forth.
consumer-ready VRに近くなりながら、publishingのための我々の要求はより厳しいなってきています。アプリは、検討のための最低限の資格として確実に動作しなければなりません。たとえば、クラッシュ(衝突)があるので失敗した場合、またはほとんどのプレーヤーに不快感の原因となるアプリを公開考慮しません。最小条件を満たせばconcept、発売などに関する評価をします。

The following is a non-exhaustive list of criteria that we use to evaluate submissions. It is not intended to be a checklist of factors that will guarantee acceptance, but instead a guide to some important considerations that you should keep in mind.
Content Requirements
If your app includes advertising content, it must provide a compelling utility or entertainment experience beyond product promotion.
Oculus trademarks must not appear in apps.
Your app must not feature nudity, adult-oriented content, or gambling-related content.
Comfort Requirements
Applications must not regularly cause discomfort in most users.
Verify that all of your app’s UI elements are rendered stereoscopically and that major elements are not headlocked. Text must be clear and legible.
Make sure your app avoids using a shaky camera and avoids acceleration not directed by the user.
Avoid excessive backward and sideways movement.
All visual cues suggesting motion must be agreement, and should be consistent with user input.
Avoid unexpected and/or uncontrolled changes in motion, direction, or acceleration.
Scale should remain consistent.
Avoid using stairs.
Technical Requirements
Make sure your app maintains or exceeds the minimum 60 fps frame rate.
Apps must load successfully and run without overheating the phone.
Apps must not freeze, crash, or lose data.
Apps must be free from judder, jitter, and black smearing. Avoid strong white/black contrasts, blinds, and repeating patterns on large portions of the screen.
All input should work as expected.
Volume controls, back buttons, passthrough camera, position reset, and all other reserved interactions must work per our requirements.
On launch, apps should begin accepting input and/or display head-tracked graphics within four seconds.
If a gamepad is required, apps should indicate if one is not detected on startup.
Downloads should continue when phone is removed from headset, and large downloads (> 100 MB) should require Wi-Fi.
過度white/ black contrasts、パターンの使用などを避け,judder、jitter、and black smearingから安全必要があります
Volume controls, back buttons, passthrough camera, position reset, 指定されたinteractionsは基準に合わせて動作しなければならない
アプリの実行時にアプリは4草案にinput acceptance and/or display head-tracked graphicsを開始しなければならない。
Image Requirements
Icon Image (x1): 512 X 512 24-Bit PNG file.
Hero Art Image (x1): The primary image displayed whenever the primary context is your application itself. It will be the main image on the Product Details Page dedicated to your app. 3000 X 900 24-Bit PNG file (10:3).
Cover Landscape Art Image (x1): 2560 X 1440 24-bit PNG files
Preview Art (x5): We require five gallery images. These will only be displayed within the context of your application and should showcase the features of your app. Images should be undistorted and representative of the app experience/gameplay. 2560 X 1440 24-bit PNG files.
Images must not contain side-by-side or post-distortion rendering.
Logos should be clear and legible.

Icon Image (x1): 512 X 512 24-Bit PNG file.
Hero Art Image (x1):商品説明ページに見えるメインimage。主なcontextがあなたのアプリの時に見られる主なimage.
Cover Landscape Art(カバーの背景アート) Image (x1): 2560 X 1440 24-bit PNG files
Preview Art (x5): 5枚のプレビューImageは必要。Imageは補正なしのアプリを代表するイメージ。
Images must not contain side-by-side or post-distortion rendering.

Application Name and Description
For English-language applications, please use alphanumeric characters only for your application name.
Application descriptions must be no longer than 1000 characters. Shorter is usually better, as reading is typically more difficult in VR.
Mobile: Back Button Behavior
If your application does not support a pause behavior, the following back button handling is required:

If your application supports a pause behavior, the following back button handling is required:

Application Manifest Requirements
アプリのManifest 要件

Note: Please be sure to review the manifest requirements before submitting your application. Simple manifest errors are a common cause of delays in the submission process. As an additional precaution, we recommend using our Submission Validator on your application before submitting.
アプリを提出する前に、Manifest 要件を確認してください。簡単なManifestエラーは提出プロセスにディレイを発生させます。アプリを提出する前に、Submission Validatorを使用することをお勧めします。
Unity Application Manifests
The manifests of projects built with Unity's first-party VR support enabled (available in Unity 5.1.1p1 and later) are automatically updated during build to meet our requirements (landscape orientation, vr_only, et cetera). All other values, such as Entitlement Check settings, will not be modified. Do not add the noHistory attribute to your manifest.
プロジェクトのmanifestsはビルドプロセスで自動的に更新されます。Entitlement Check settingsような他のすべての値は変更されません。あなたのmanifestにnoHistory attributeを追加しないでください。
These manifest submission requirements differ from the development requirements described in our other documents. Please be sure to double-check your manifest against these specifications.
The manifest must contain the application's package name in the tag's package attribute. This package name must be unique.

The manifest must contain android:installLocation="internalOnly" in the tag. Unity developers: note that this value will be overwritten by Unity unless Install Location in Edit > Project Settings > Player > Configuration is set to Force Internal.
manifestは android:installLocation="internalOnly"をtagの中で含める必要があります。

versionName will be displayed on the Store.

versionCode will be used to deliver updates to users. This value must be an integer greater than 0, and must increment with subsequent revisions. If you’re using Unity to build your app, you should edit this value within Unity instead of manually modifying the manifest file, since Unity will overwrite it.

VR Mode must be properly configured by including the following tag in the element in the manifest file of all VR APK files:
VR APKファイルのmanifestファイルは必ずタグを含むVR Mode環境設定をしてください

You must structure your main activity as shown below. In particular, note that your main activity's intent filter should be sent to android.intent.category.INFO instead of the more commonandroid.intent.category.LAUNCHER. This is to ensure that your app only appears in Oculus Home and can’t be launched from the phone's launcher.
メインアクティビティを必ず下記のように構成してください。メインアクティビティntent filterは、commonandroid.intent.category.LAUNCHERではなく、android.intent.category.INFOにする必要があります。これはあなたのアプリがOculus Homeだけ見せてphone's launcherで実行を防ぎます。

android:name="YOUR ACTIVITY"

The minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion must be set to 19.

The OpenGL ES version required by the application. It must be either 0x0002000 for OpenGL ES 2.0 or 0x0003000 for OpenGL ES 3.0.
OpenGL ES versionがアプリで必要です。 OpenGL ES 2.0 => 0x0002000, OpenGL ES 3.0 => 0x0003000

Important: applications are now required to specify the following permission, which is required for reading the appropriate lens distortion file for the device:

You must remove any unnecessary permissions from your AndroidManifest.xml file. Please be careful to only include permissions that are absolutely necessary for your app to function. These permissions are displayed to the user at installation and if they are overly broad, it may cause the user to cancel the install.
AndroidManifest.xml から不要な権限を削除してください。必ずアプリを実行するための権限のみが含ま下さい。
Note: You should not add the noHistory attribute to your manifest.
Note: manifestにnoHistory attributeを追加しないでください

Application Signing
Oculus mobile apps require two distinct signatures at different stages of development.
Oculus Signature File (required during development, not required for submission)
Android Application Signature (required for submission)
Oculus mobileアプリ開発の異なる段階にある2つの別個の署名を必要とします。
Oculus Signature File(開発時に必要な、提出は必要ありません)
Android Application Signature(申請に必要)

Oculus Signature File (osig)
During development, your application must be signed with an Oculus-issued Oculus Signature File, or osig. This signature comes in the form of a file that you include in your application in order to access protected low-level VR functionality on your mobile device. Each signature file is tied to a specific device, so you will need to generate osig files for each device that you use for development.
Oculus Signature FileはOculusから発行されたOculus Signature File, or osigの形で開発中に書名させています。あなたの携帯電話にlow-level VR動作を保護するためにアプリに含まれます。それぞれの署名は、機器に依存しているので、あなたが開発に使用機器に署名osigファイルを生成行します。
You may remove your osig file for submission, though doing so is not required. When your application is approved, we will modify the APK so that it can be used on all devices.
Please see our osig self-service portal for more information and instructions on how to request an osig for development:
Android Application Signing
Android uses a digital certificate (also called a keystore) to cryptographically validate the identity of application authors. All Android applications must be digitally signed with such a certificate in order to be installed and run on an Android device.

All developers must create their own unique digital signature and sign their applications before submitting them to Oculus for approval. For more information and instructions, please see Android's "Signing your Applications" documentation:http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html
Make sure to save the certificate file you use to sign your application. Every subsequent update to your application must be signed with the same certificate file, or it will fail.

Note: Your application must be signed by an Android certificate before you submit it.
提出前にアプリのAndroid certificateでサインしてください
Android Application Signing and Unity
Unity automatically signs Android applications with a temporary debug certificate by default. Before building your final release build, create a new Android keystore and assign it with the Use Existing Keystore option, found in Edit > Project Settings > Player > Publishing Options. For more information, see the “Android” section of Unity's documentation
ユニティは、自動的に、Androidアプリにサインをするので、最終的にbuildする前に、このような方法でしてください。create a new Android keystoreー> assign it with theEdit > Project Settings > Player > Publishing Optionsの Use Existing Keystore option。

Commerce and Entitlement Checking
商業/資格 検査
Oculus Store supports both free and paid applications. We currently support commerce worldwide (except in US trade-embargoed countries) via credit card only.
We encourage developers to use the Entitlement System to secure their paid applications.
Oculus Storeは無料/有料の両方をサポートします。(米国の輸出禁止地域を除く)クレジットカードしかで販売は行われています。
For documentation on Oculus Account Management tools, including our account setup portal and application stats reporting tool, please see Account Management.
Entitlement checking is available through VrPlatform in the Mobile SDK. This feature is typically used to protect applications sold through the store from unauthorized distribution. During an entitlement check, the application's package name is compared with a list of applications that the currently logged-in user is entitled to use. This check is performed invisibly and automatically with the Oculus background service.
(Entitlement checking)資格チェックは、モバイルSDKにVrPlatformでもご利用いただけます。この機能は、ふつう不正な店舗から販売アプリケーションを保護するために使用されます。資格チェックの間、アプリのパッケージ名は、現在ログインしているユーザが使用する権利があるアプリケーションのリストと比較されます。このチェックは、oculusのバックグラウンドサービスで目に見えないし、自動的に実行されます。
If the application package name is not found on the user's entitlement list, the application is killed, and Home automatically launches to display an error message. If the check runs into any error, applications are treated as though an entitlement were not found, in order to prevent circumvention.
Possible failures in this check are:
No service installed/problem connecting to service.
Invalid service signature.
Calling app is neither developer (osig) nor VR signed.
No user logged in.
User is not entitled.
Note: Entitlement checking may be left enabled during development, as any development build with a valid osig file will automatically skip the check. When Oculus signs your package for release, we will test the integration to confirm that your application's entitlement is verified correctly.
Native: Java
Copy the vrplatlib.jar library from /sdk/1stParty/VRPlatform/libs/ into your project's /libs/ directory and add to your project's build path.
In your activity's onCreate method, add the following line:
Native: C++
Follow the procedure described in the "Native: Java" section above. Every native project must subclass VrActivity. This is usually called MainActivity, so add the entitlement check in the onCreate as with Java.
Entitlement checking is disabled by default in Unity. To enable entitlement checking:
Select Edit > Project Settings > Player.
In the PlayerSettings window, select the Android icon and expand the Other Settings tab.
In the Scripting Define Symbols field, add USE_ENTITLEMENT_CHECK.
Verifying Entitlement Integration
You can verify your integration by checking the logcat output after starting your app.
For example:
D/OVREntitlementChecker(19779): Package oculussig verified, entitlement check was skipped.
Note: The term "oculussig' is equivalent to "osig."

Common Issues
How to address common issues that we frequently see.
This section isn’t meant to be exhaustive or a replacement for the Oculus Best Practices Guide, which has more detailed information on how best to build your app. We encourage you to check it out.
SDK Version
Always use the latest SDK to develop your app.
Application Signing
Your application must be signed with an Android digital certificate before you submit it. If you are using Unity, be sure to replace the Unity-generated temporary debug certificate with a permanent, private keystore that you have generated and assigned to your app. You may wish to remove your osig file prior to submission, but doing so is not required. SeeApplication Signing above for more information.
Your app shouldn’t crash, freeze, hang, enter an extended unresponsive state, or cause device or system reboot. Playback of videos, movies, and audio must not stutter. Graphics and icons should be rendered stereoscopically and displayed at a comfortable viewing distance. Text should be legible and displayed without any cutoffs or overlaps in the VR environment.
All apps should endeavor to reduce or eliminate simulator sickness. For example, user-controlled head tracking and orientation behavior should be maintained at all times.
Interaction with the Oculus Home Menu
Load from Home
Initial Interactive State - App must begin accepting input, respond to head tracking, and display graphics within 4 seconds of app startup.
If the app takes longer than 4 seconds to load, appropriate user feedback must be displayed. At minimum, a progress indicator is required. Engaging animations, tutorials/tips, or other visual cues are encouraged.
Contractually required license screens/animations/logos or legal disclaimers must NOT remain on-screen for more than 5 seconds each and must be rendered stereoscopically and with head-tracking.
Return to Home
App must transition to the Oculus Home screen quickly and in a manner that does not cause user discomfort.
Power Level State Handling
Power level state handling and detection is a mitigation strategy for heat build-up. It’s recommended that each app use this feature.
Apps are strongly encouraged to use the minimum possible CPU and GPU clock combination that still allows them to maintain 60 FPS. Higher clock levels will lead to faster heat build-up and reduced battery life. If you have to use higher levels, consider optimizing first and raising the GPU and CPU levels only as a last resort.
Gamepad Notifications
If your app requires a Bluetooth gamepad, please make this apparent to the user with notifications in order to avoid a bad user experience. We suggest one of the following methods:
If no gamepad is connected at app launch, present a notification that no controller is detected and that it’s required to use the app.
If the user attempts an input (swiping or tapping the touchpad) that is normally handled by the gamepad, present a notification that a controller is required for that action. This is more appropriate in apps where a gamepad is optional or just adds extra functionality.
Reserved User Interactions
Back button interactions:
Long-press: the user presses the button down and holds it for > 0.75 seconds. A long-press should always open the Universal Menu.
Apps must implement the Universal Menu accessed by a long-press. This will happen through integration with the latest SDK. The Universal Menu will provide features such as the passthrough camera, a shortcut to Oculus Home, the ability to reorient, brightness, and do-not-disturb mode.
Short-press: The user presses the button down and releases it before the long-press time is up.
A “back” action is interpreted by the application dependent on its current state, but generally it will retreat one level in an interface hierarchy. For example, if the app menu is up and at its initial, top-level screen, a short-press will exit the app menu. If no app menu or other satisfactory stateful condition is current (determined by the application), the short-press will provide a confirmation dialog and then exit the app and return to Oculus Home.
Volume button interactions:
Volume buttons must adjust the volume using the VR volume UI provided by the Oculus Mobile SDK.
LTE and Wi-Fi
Using LTE requires significantly more power than using Wi-Fi. All apps that require a significant use of data (beyond squirts for login or leaderboard purposes, for instance) should require a Wi-Fi connection to be in use. Apps with large bandwidth needs such as movie streaming applications must require Wi-Fi.
We’ll supply you with a Distribution Agreement once your app has been initially reviewed.
Your End User License Agreement
The Distribution Agreement encourages you to supply an end-user license agreement (EULA) for your users. If you supply one, your EULA will be incorporated into the purchase/distribution flow of your app. If you don’t supply a EULA, certain pre-established terms will govern the use of your app as set forth in the Distribution Agreement.
Age and Ratings
Users must be at least 13 years old to use Oculus Home. We have two ratings that you may select upon submission: 13+ or 17+. We may have brief descriptive fields available to indicate the nature of your app’s content.
Restricted Use of Oculus Name and Logos
The trademarks of Oculus, including its name, logo, and those of it or its partners' products such as “Rift” or “Gear VR” must not appear anywhere in your app. The exception to this is when referencing Oculus hardware or services, for example in a “Quit to Oculus Home?” dialog box or similar UI.
User Data and Permissions
Only request permissions that are required by your application.
If your application transmits data about the user (e.g. for analytics purposes, save state backup, multiplayer pairing, etc.) to an external server, you must declare this in your app submission. Applications distributed through the Store must not damage or destroy data on the user's device.
That about covers it. Thanks for reading, and let us know if we can help in any way. Can’t wait to see what you create!

Publishing Process and Requirements: Oculus Share
Before submitting your content to share.oculus.com, make sure to review this section.
Game Assets
We provide two ways for developers to host their games on Oculus Share:
Oculus Hosted
Upload your game files directly to Oculus to allow users direct downloads. You will need to upload individual .zip packages for each platform
3rd Party Hosted
Provide a link to direct users to a landing page which will allow them to download from a 3rd Party Website. Direct download links will not be accepted.
Screenshots and Videos
Primary Screenshot (700x394)
This will be used if your game is on the landing page carousel panel
Thumbnail Icon (290x163)
This will be used when your game is displayed on the Genre or Category pages or if your game is Featured on the homepage.
Additional Screenshots (700x394)
These will be displayed on your app page, and are separate from the Primary and Thumbnail images.
YouTube Videos
Please provide the YouTube Video ID. This is just the unique string at the end of the URL.
Application Description
Game/App Title
Available Platforms
Windows, Mac, Linux
Long Description
This will be displayed on your app page
Short Description
This will be used if your game is featured on the home page.
Minimum and Recommended System Requirements
Set Up Instructions
Version Number and Revision Notes
Known Bugs
Supported Controllers
Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad, Hydra, Other (Pick multiple as appropriate)
Game Modes
Single Player, Multiplayer, Co-Op
Developer Info
Developer Name
Publisher Name
Release Date
All App pages will display the username of the submitter
Genre and Category
Each App can have multiple Genres, but only one Category.
Full Game
Finished, released products. While all games require changes from time to time, this should be used for products which would otherwise see a commercial release.
VR Simulations that aren’t "Games." This is for virtual environment that are just cool to explore or apps that have "Observers or Viewers" instead of "Players"
Tech Demo
Technical Demos and Works-In-Progress. Select this if you are still experimenting with mechanics and developing your game concept.
Alpha, Beta, and other early iterations of titles. Use this if you are submitting a compelling experience but are still building features and polishing your game.
Official Mod
Extensions of games utilizing official modding tools to implement Rift support using our SDK. This does not include non-game-specific tools or driver wrappers which will not be accepted.
360 Video, Action/Adventures, Casual, Exploration, Puzzle, Racing, Simulation, Sports, Strategy
This list may change over time, and you can pick multiple options as appropriate.
Contact Information
General Website
Customer Support email address
PayPal Donation ID or email address
Social Media Links
Facebook, Twitter, Kickstarter, Youtube, Google+, and LinkedIn
Game Credits
Copyright Info
Legal Disclaimers
Developer Contact Info (For Oculus Use Only)
Actual name of the submitter and/or legal representative of the Developer
E-mail address for submission verification and communication
Phone Number
Physical Address
Submitting Content
After you are ready, go to share.oculus.com and click Share your Game or Experience.


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