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Last updated at Posted at 2018-04-13
# dircolorsコマンドで出力されたLS_COLORSの値

rs di lnなどの項目の意味は、GNU coreutilsの下記部分に書いてあった。

static struct bin_str color_indicator[] =
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("\033[") },     /* lc: Left of color sequence */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("m") },     /* rc: Right of color sequence */
    { 0, NULL },            /* ec: End color (replaces lc+rs+rc) */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("0") },     /* rs: Reset to ordinary colors */
    { 0, NULL },            /* no: Normal */
    { 0, NULL },            /* fi: File: default */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;34") },     /* di: Directory: bright blue */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;36") },     /* ln: Symlink: bright cyan */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("33") },        /* pi: Pipe: yellow/brown */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;35") },     /* so: Socket: bright magenta */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;33") },     /* bd: Block device: bright yellow */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;33") },     /* cd: Char device: bright yellow */
    { 0, NULL },            /* mi: Missing file: undefined */
    { 0, NULL },            /* or: Orphaned symlink: undefined */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;32") },     /* ex: Executable: bright green */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("01;35") },     /* do: Door: bright magenta */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("37;41") },     /* su: setuid: white on red */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("30;43") },     /* sg: setgid: black on yellow */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("37;44") },     /* st: sticky: black on blue */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("34;42") },     /* ow: other-writable: blue on green */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("30;42") },     /* tw: ow w/ sticky: black on green */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("30;41") },     /* ca: black on red */
    { 0, NULL },            /* mh: disabled by default */
    { LEN_STR_PAIR ("\033[K") },    /* cl: clear to end of line */


00	Default colour
01	Bold
04	Underlined
05	Flashing text
07	Reversetd
08	Concealed
30	Black
31	Red
32	Green
33	Orange
34	Blue
35	Purple
36	Cyan
37	Grey
40	Black background
41	Red background
42	Green background
43	Orange background
44	Blue background
45	Purple background
46	Cyan background
47	Grey background
Extra colours
90	Dark grey
91	Light red
92	Light green
93	Yellow
94	Light blue
95	Light purple
96	Turquoise
97	White
100	Dark grey background
101	Light red background
102	Light green background
103	Yellow background
104	Light blue background
105	Light purple background
106	Turquoise background
107	White background




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