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Implementing functional languages を頑張って読む.17日目

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Formatting the results




Exercise 2.4

main = putStrLn $ runProg $ "main = S K K 3" として実行.結果は

   1) Stk [
   1: NSupercomb main

   2) Stk [
  12: NAp   10   11 (NNum 3)

   3) Stk [
  10: NAp    9    3 (NSupercomb K)
  12: NAp   10   11 (NNum 3)

   4) Stk [
   9: NAp    5    3 (NSupercomb K)
  10: NAp    9    3 (NSupercomb K)
  12: NAp   10   11 (NNum 3)

   5) Stk [
   5: NSupercomb S
   9: NAp    5    3 (NSupercomb K)
  10: NAp    9    3 (NSupercomb K)
  12: NAp   10   11 (NNum 3)

   6) Stk [
  15: NAp   13   14 (NAp 3 11)

   7) Stk [
  13: NAp    3   11 (NNum 3)
  15: NAp   13   14 (NAp 3 11)

   8) Stk [
   3: NSupercomb K
  13: NAp    3   11 (NNum 3)
  15: NAp   13   14 (NAp 3 11)

   9) Stk [
  11: NNum 3

Total number of steps = 8


Exercise 2.5

使う場合はhead (hAddresses heap)などどすればアロケートした最大addrがわかる.

Exercise 2.7


Exercise 2.9


  • やってないのでわからん.

tiFinal stateを評価するときに,例えば存在しないheapのnodeにアクセスしようとするなど,エラーが起きたらどうなるか?

  • 普通に実行したら両方普通に終了した.
  • 初期値を[]にしたら両方ともEmpty stack!のエラーが出て死んだ.
  • 初期値を[999, addr_of_main]にしたら両方ともcan’t find node #999 in heapのエラーが出て死んだ.


eval state | tiFinal state = [state]
           | otherwise = state : eval next_state




diff --git a/Language.hs b/Language.hs
index 4b228ae..e9d4fbd 100644
--- a/Language.hs
+++ b/Language.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ iNum n = iStr (shownum n)
 iIndent seq1 = IIndent seq1
 iNewline = INewline
 iStr str = if elem '\n' str then (IStr (takeWhile (/= '\n') str)) `iAppend` iNewline `iAppend` (IStr (tail (dropWhile (/= '\n') str))) else IStr str
-iDisplay seq1 = flatten 0 [(seq1, 0)]
+iDisplay seq = flatten 0 [(seq, 0)]
 iDisplay :: Iseq -> String -- Turn an iseq into a string
 iConcat :: [Iseq] -> Iseq
 iConcat (car:cdr) = car `iAppend` (iConcat cdr)
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ pprExpr (EAp e1 e2) = (pprExpr e1) `iAppend` (iStr " ") `iAppend` (pprAExpr e2)
 pprExpr (ELet isrec defns expr)
     = iConcat [ iStr keyword, iNewline,
                 iIndent (pprDefns defns), iNewline,
-                iStr "in ", pprExpr expr ]
+                iStr "in ", iIndent (pprExpr expr) ]
         keyword = if isrec then "letrec" else "let"
 pprExpr (ECase expr alters)
     = iConcat [ iStr "case", iStr " ", pprExpr expr, iNewline,
-                iIndent (pprAlters alters), iNewline ]
+                iIndent (pprAlters alters)] --, iNewline ]
 pprExpr (ELam var expr)
     = iConcat [iConcat (map iStr var), iStr ". ", pprExpr expr]

@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ pprAlters alters

 pprAlter :: (Int, [Name], Expr Name) -> Iseq
 pprAlter (tag, var, expr)
-    = iConcat [iStr "<", iNum tag, iStr ">", iStr (unwords var), iStr " -> ", iIndent (pprExpr expr) ]
+    = iConcat [ iStr "<", iNum tag, iStr ">", iStr (unwords var), iStr " -> ", iIndent (pprExpr expr) ]

 pprAExpr :: CoreExpr -> Iseq
 pprAExpr e | isAtomicExpr e = pprExpr e
@@ -156,10 +156,12 @@ pprScDefn (name, var, expr)

 flatten :: Int -> [(Iseq, Int)] -> String
 flatten _ [] = ""
-flatten _ ((INewline, indent) : seqs)
+flatten col ((INewline, indent) : seqs)
     = '\n' : (space indent) ++ (flatten indent seqs)
+--    = '\n' : (space indent) ++ (flatten indent seqs)
 flatten col ((IIndent seq1, indent) : seqs) -- TODO: indent properly
     = flatten col ((seq1, col) : seqs)
+--    = flatten col ((seq1, col) : seqs)
 flatten col ((IStr seq1, _) : seqs)
     = seq1 ++ (flatten col seqs)
 flatten col ((INil, _) : seqs)
import Language
import Utils

runProg :: String -> String
runProg = showResults . eval . compile . parse

type TiState = (TiStack, TiDump, TiHeap, TiGlobals, TiStats)
type TiStack = [Addr]
data TiDump = DummyTiDump
initialTiDump = DummyTiDump
type TiHeap = Heap Node
data Node = NAp Addr Addr -- Application
    | NSupercomb Name [Name] CoreExpr -- Supercombinator
    | NNum Int

type TiGlobals = ASSOC Name Addr
tiStatInitial :: TiStats
tiStatIncSteps :: TiStats -> TiStats
tiStatGetSteps :: TiStats -> Int
type TiStats = (Int, (Int, Int), Int)
tiStatInitial = (0, (0, 0), 1) --(step, (redution of sc, reduction of prim), max of stack depth(main addr))
tiStatIncSteps (s, r, d) = (s + 1, r, d)
tiStatGetSteps (s, _, _) = s
tiStatGetReducitonSc (_, (rsc, _), _) = rsc
tiStatGetReducitonPrim (_, (_, rp), _) = rp
tiStatGetMaxStackDepth (_, (_, _), d) = d

applyToStats :: (TiStats -> TiStats) -> TiState -> TiState
applyToStats stats_fun (stack, dump, heap, sc_defs, stats) = (stack, dump, heap, sc_defs, stats_fun stats)
compile :: CoreProgram -> TiState
compile program = (initial_stack, initialTiDump, initial_heap, globals, tiStatInitial)
    sc_defs = program ++ preludeDefs ++ extraPreludeDefs
    (initial_heap, globals) = buildInitialHeap sc_defs
    initial_stack = [address_of_main]
    address_of_main = aLookup globals "main" (error "main is not defined")

extraPreludeDefs = []

buildInitialHeap :: [CoreScDefn] -> (TiHeap, TiGlobals)
buildInitialHeap sc_defs = mapAccuml allocateSc hInitial sc_defs

allocateSc :: TiHeap -> CoreScDefn -> (TiHeap, (Name, Addr))
allocateSc heap (name, args, body) = (heap', (name, addr))
    (heap', addr) = hAlloc heap (NSupercomb name args body)

eval :: TiState -> [TiState]
eval state = state : rest_states
--eval state | tiFinal state = [state]
--           | otherwise = state : eval next_state
    rest_states | tiFinal state = []
                | otherwise = eval next_state
    next_state = doAdmin (step state)

doAdmin :: TiState -> TiState
doAdmin state = applyToStats tiStatIncSteps state

tiFinal :: TiState -> Bool
tiFinal ([sole_addr], dump, heap, globals, stats) = isDataNode (hLookup heap sole_addr)
tiFinal ([], dump, heap, globals, stats) = error "Empty stack!"
tiFinal state = False -- Stack contains more than one item

isDataNode :: Node -> Bool
isDataNode (NNum n) = True
isDataNode node = False

step :: TiState -> TiState
step state = dispatch (hLookup heap (hd stack))
    (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) = state
    dispatch (NNum n) = numStep state n
    dispatch (NAp a1 a2) = apStep state a1 a2
    dispatch (NSupercomb sc args body) = scStep state sc args body

numStep :: TiState -> Int -> TiState
numStep state n = error "Number applied as a function!"

apStep :: TiState -> Addr -> Addr -> TiState
apStep (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) a1 a2 = (a1 : stack, dump, heap, globals, (s, r, if d < length stack + 1 then d + 1 else d)) where (s, r, d) = stats

scStep :: TiState -> Name -> [Name] -> CoreExpr -> TiState
scStep (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) sc_name arg_names body
    = (new_stack, dump, new_heap, globals, new_stats)
        new_stack = if length arg_names + 1 <= length stack then result_addr : (drop (length arg_names + 1) stack) else error "too few arguments"
        (new_heap, result_addr) = instantiate body heap env
        env = arg_bindings ++ globals
        arg_bindings = zip2 arg_names (getargs heap stack)
        new_stats = (s, if elem sc_name [prim | (prim, _, _) <- preludeDefs] then (rsc, rp + 1) else (rsc + 1, rp), d) where (s, (rsc, rp), d) = stats

-- now getargs since getArgs conflicts with Gofer standard.prelude
getargs :: TiHeap -> TiStack -> [Addr]
getargs heap (sc:stack) = map get_arg stack
    where get_arg addr = arg where (NAp fun arg) = hLookup heap addr

instantiate :: CoreExpr -- Body of supercombinator
    -> TiHeap -- Heap before instantiation
    -> ASSOC Name Addr -- Association of names to addresses
    -> (TiHeap, Addr) -- Heap after instantiation, and
-- address of root of instance

instantiate (ENum n) heap env = hAlloc heap (NNum n)
instantiate (EAp e1 e2) heap env = hAlloc heap2 (NAp a1 a2)
    (heap1, a1) = instantiate e1 heap env
    (heap2, a2) = instantiate e2 heap1 env
instantiate (EVar v) heap env = (heap, aLookup env v (error ("Undefined name " ++ show v)))
instantiate (EConstr tag arity) heap env = instantiateConstr tag arity heap env
instantiate (ELet isrec defs body) heap env = instantiateLet isrec defs body heap env
instantiate (ECase e alts) heap env = error "Can’t instantiate case exprs"

instantiateConstr tag arity heap env = error "Can’t instantiate constructors yet"
instantiateLet isrec defs body heap env = error "Can’t instantiate let(rec)s yet"

showResults :: [TiState] -> String
showResults states = iDisplay (iConcat [ iLayn (map showState states), showStats (last states) ])

showState :: TiState -> Iseq
showState (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats)
    = iConcat [
        showStack heap stack, iNewline,
        showHeap heap, iNewline

showHeap :: TiHeap -> Iseq
showHeap heap
    = iConcat [
        iStr "Heap [", iNewline,
        iIndent (show_heap_items heap), iNewline,
        iStr "]"
    show_heap_items (_, _, cts)
        = iInterleave iNewline (map show_heap_cts cts)
    show_heap_cts (addr, n)
        = iConcat [
            showFWAddr addr, iStr ": ",
            showStkNode heap n

showStack :: TiHeap -> TiStack -> Iseq
showStack heap stack
    = iConcat [
        iStr "Stack [ (top)", iNewline,
        iIndent (iInterleave iNewline (map show_stack_item stack)), iNewline,
        iStr "]"
    show_stack_item addr
        = iConcat [
            showFWAddr addr, iStr ": ",
            showStkNode heap (hLookup heap addr)

showStkNode :: TiHeap -> Node -> Iseq
showStkNode heap (NAp fun_addr arg_addr)
    = iConcat [
        iStr "NAp ", showFWAddr fun_addr,
        iStr " ", showFWAddr arg_addr, iStr " (",
        showNode (hLookup heap arg_addr), iStr ")"
showStkNode heap node = showNode node

showNode :: Node -> Iseq
showNode (NAp a1 a2)
    = iConcat [
        iStr "NAp ", showAddr a1,
        iStr " ", showAddr a2
showNode (NSupercomb name args body) = iStr ("NSupercomb " ++ name)
showNode (NNum n) = (iStr "NNum ") `iAppend` (iNum n)

showAddr :: Addr -> Iseq
showAddr addr = iStr (show addr)

showFWAddr :: Addr -> Iseq -- Show address in field of width 4
showFWAddr addr = iStr (space (4 - length str) ++ str)
    str = show addr

showStats :: TiState -> Iseq
showStats (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats)
    = iConcat [
        iNewline, iNewline, iStr "Total number of steps = ", iNum (tiStatGetSteps stats), iNewline,
        iStr "Total number of reductions = ", iNum (tiStatGetReducitonSc stats + tiStatGetReducitonPrim stats), iNewline,
        iStr "Total number of supercombinator reductions = ", iNum (tiStatGetReducitonSc stats), iNewline,
        iStr "Total number of primitive reductions = ", iNum (tiStatGetReducitonPrim stats), iNewline,
        iStr "Maximum of stack depth = ", iNum (tiStatGetMaxStackDepth stats), iNewline


main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ runProg $ "main = K I I I I 3"

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