- 既にGCPにプロジェクトがある。
- 一度はgcloudコマンドをローカルで使っていて、再度その設定を行う。
1. install
% ./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh
Welcome to the Google Cloud SDK!
To help improve the quality of this product, we collect anonymized usage data
and anonymized stacktraces when crashes are encountered; additional information
is available at <https://cloud.google.com/sdk/usage-statistics>. This data is
handled in accordance with our privacy policy
<https://policies.google.com/privacy>. You may choose to opt in this
collection now (by choosing 'Y' at the below prompt), or at any time in the
future by running the following command:
gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting false
Do you want to help improve the Google Cloud SDK (y/N)? y
This will install all the core command line tools necessary for working with
the Google Cloud Platform.
All components are up to date.
Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable shell command
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y
The Google Cloud SDK installer will now prompt you to update an rc
file to bring the Google Cloud CLIs into your environment.
Enter a path to an rc file to update, or leave blank to use
Backing up [/Users/kuraya/.zshrc] to [/Users/kuraya/.zshrc.backup].
[/Users/kuraya/.zshrc] has been updated.
==> Start a new shell for the changes to take effect.
For more information on how to get started, please visit:
2. SDKの初期化
gcloud init
Pick configuration to use:
[1] Re-initialize this configuration [xxx] with new settings
[2] Create a new configuration
[3] Switch to and re-initialize existing configuration: [default]
Please enter your numeric choice: 1
Choose the account you would like to use to perform operations for
this configuration:
[1] a*****ya@gmail.com
[2] Log in with a new account
Please enter your numeric choice: 1
Pick cloud project to use:
[3] select-client
[4] word-press-mmm
[5] Create a new project
Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list
item): 2