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[Tabular Editor 2 Docs] キーボードショートカット

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-05

Tabular Editor 2 Docs

こちらはTabular Editor 2 Docs Advent Calendar 2022への投稿記事です。


Keyboard Shortcuts

バージョン2.7.3より、Tabular Editorは以下のキーボードショートカットをサポートするようになりました。

General Shortcut
New model Ctrl+N
Load model from a file Ctrl+O
Load model from a database Ctrl+Shift+O
Save model Ctrl+S
Copy selection Ctrl+C
Cut selection Ctrl+X
Paste Ctrl+V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Select All Ctrl+A
~Launch Deployment Wizard~ ~F6~
Launch Best Practice Analyzer F10
Expression Editor Shortcut
Find Ctrl+F
Find and replace Ctrl+H
Go to definition F12
Navigate back Alt+Left arrow
Navigate forward Alt+Right arrow
Format DAX F6
Format DAX (Short lines) Ctrl+F6
Comment lines Ctrl+Shift+C
Uncomment lines Ctrl+Shift+U
Script Editor Shortcut
Find Ctrl+F
Find and replace Ctrl+H
Run script F5
Explorer tree Shortcut
Navigate up or down Up / Down arrow
Expand / collapse current node Right / Left arrow
Expand / collapse current node and all subnodes Ctrl+Right / Left arrow
Expand / collapse entire tree Ctrl+Shift+Right / Left arrow
Toggle measures Ctrl+1
Toggle columns Ctrl+2
Toggle hierarchies Ctrl+3
Toggle display folders Ctrl+4
Toggle hidden objects Ctrl+5
Toggle Metadata Columns Ctrl+F1
Toggle Alphabetical Ordering Ctrl+F2
Toggle all object types Ctrl+F3
Filter Ctrl+F
Toggle filter Ctrl+Shift+F
Edit Expression Enter
Navigate back Alt+Left arrow
Navigate forward Alt+Right arrow
Show dependencies F3
Make invisible Ctrl+I
Make visible Ctrl+U
Create new measure Alt+1
Create new calculated column Alt+2
Create new hierarchy Alt+3
Create new data column Alt+4
Create new table Alt+5

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