$VERBOSE = true
require "active_record"
ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING # => "6.0.0"
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
create_table :users do |t|
class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end
def _(v) v.to_sql.remove('"', "users.") end
User.arel_table[:x].instance_eval do
_ eq(nil) # => "x IS NULL"
_ eq(0) # => "x = 0"
_ eq_any([0, 1]) # => "(x = 0 OR x = 1)"
_ eq_all([0, 1]) # => "(x = 0 AND x = 1)"
_ not_eq(nil) # => "x IS NOT NULL"
_ not_eq(0) # => "x != 0"
_ not_eq_any([0, 1]) # => "(x != 0 OR x != 1)"
_ not_eq_all([0, 1]) # => "(x != 0 AND x != 1)"
_ gt(0) # => "x > 0"
_ gt_any([0, 1]) # => "(x > 0 OR x > 1)"
_ gt_all([0, 1]) # => "(x > 0 AND x > 1)"
_ gteq(0) # => "x >= 0"
_ gteq_any([0, 1]) # => "(x >= 0 OR x >= 1)"
_ gteq_all([0, 1]) # => "(x >= 0 AND x >= 1)"
_ lt(0) # => "x < 0"
_ lt_any([0, 1]) # => "(x < 0 OR x < 1)"
_ lt_all([0, 1]) # => "(x < 0 AND x < 1)"
_ lteq(0) # => "x <= 0"
_ lteq_any([0, 1]) # => "(x <= 0 OR x <= 1)"
_ lteq_all([0, 1]) # => "(x <= 0 AND x <= 1)"
_ self.in(0) # => "x IN (0)"
_ self.in([0, 1]) # => "x IN (0, 1)"
_ in_any([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) # => "(x IN (0, 1) OR x IN (2, 3))"
_ in_all([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) # => "(x IN (0, 1) AND x IN (2, 3))"
_ not_in(0) # => "x NOT IN (0)"
_ not_in([0, 1]) # => "x NOT IN (0, 1)"
_ not_in_any([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) # => "(x NOT IN (0, 1) OR x NOT IN (2, 3))"
_ not_in_all([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) # => "(x NOT IN (0, 1) AND x NOT IN (2, 3))"
_ matches("a") # => "x LIKE 'a'"
_ matches_all(["a", "b"]) # => "(x LIKE 'a' AND x LIKE 'b')"
_ matches_any(["a", "b"]) # => "(x LIKE 'a' OR x LIKE 'b')"
_ does_not_match("a") # => "x NOT LIKE 'a'"
_ does_not_match_all(["a", "b"]) # => "(x NOT LIKE 'a' AND x NOT LIKE 'b')"
_ does_not_match_any(["a", "b"]) # => "(x NOT LIKE 'a' OR x NOT LIKE 'b')"
_ between(0..1) # => "x BETWEEN 0 AND 1"
_ between(0...1) # => "x >= 0 AND x < 1"
_ not_between(0..1) # => "(x < 0 OR x > 1)"
_ not_between(0...1) # => "(x < 0 OR x >= 1)"
# Float::INFINITY を使ったときに意図した通りの SQL になるのは嬉しい
_ between(0..I) # => "x >= 0"
_ between(-I..0) # => "x <= 0"
_ between(-I...0) # => "x < 0"
_ between(-I..I) # => "1=1"
_ not_between(0..I) # => "x < 0"
_ not_between(-I..0) # => "x > 0"
_ not_between(-I...0) # => "x >= 0"
_ not_between(-I..I) # => "1=0"
# 次の2つは動くけど非推奨です。警告がでます。
_ self.in(0..1) # => "x BETWEEN 0 AND 1"
_ not_in(0..1) # => "(x < 0 OR x > 1)"
# Passing a range to `#in` is deprecated. Call `#between`, instead.
# Passing a range to `#not_in` is deprecated. Call `#not_between`, instead.
# なんで動かない!?
_ eq([0, 1]) rescue $! # => #<TypeError: can't quote Array>
_ eq(0..1) rescue $! # => #<TypeError: can't quote Range>
にしてくれるので eq は万能だと勘違いして Array や Range を渡して次のように怒られることがあります。
_ eq([0, 1]) rescue $! # => #<TypeError: can't quote Array>
_ eq(0..1) rescue $! # => #<TypeError: can't quote Range>
この場合、生成されるSQLを意識しつつ、配列なら in に、範囲なら between にする必要があります。
_ self.in([0, 1]) # => "x IN (0, 1)"
_ between(0..1) # => "x BETWEEN 0 AND 1"
簡単に書くなら arel_table ではなく where を使って普通に where(x: [0, 1])
や where(x: 0..1)
と書けば良いです。 配列なら in で、範囲なら between に切り替えてくれます。