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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-11-15



String.prototype.boundaryTime = function(boundaryTime, f) {
    if(boundaryTime === undefined) boundaryTime = '00:00';
    if(f === undefined) f = false;
        inputTime = String(this),
        boundaryArray = boundaryTime.match(/^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(:(\d{1,2}))?$/);
    if(!boundaryArray) return inputTime;

    let secondsFlag = true;
    if(boundaryArray[4] === undefined) {
        boundaryArray[4] = 0;
        secondsFlag = false;

    const boundarySeconds = (boundaryArray[1] * 3600 + 
            boundaryArray[2] * 60 + Number(boundaryArray[4])) % 86400;

    return inputTime.replace(/(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(:(\d{1,2}))?/g,
        function(a, h, m, sf, s) {
            if(s === undefined) s = 0;
            if(f) secondsFlag = (sf === undefined) ? false : true;
                inputSeconds = h * 3600 + m * 60 + Number(s),
                resultSeconds =
                    (inputSeconds - boundarySeconds + 86400) % 86400 + boundarySeconds;

            return ('0' + Math.floor(resultSeconds / 3600) % 48).slice(-2) + ':' +
                   ('0' + Math.floor(resultSeconds / 60) % 60).slice(-2) +
                   (secondsFlag ?
                       (':' + ('0' + Math.floor(resultSeconds % 60)).slice(-2)) : '');

Object.prototype.boundaryTime = function(boundaryTime, f) {
    if(this.toTimeString === undefined) return this;
    if(!/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/.test(this.toTimeString())) return this;

    const result = String(this).boundaryTime(boundaryTime, f);
    const tmp = result.match(/(\d\d):\d\d(:\d\d)?/);
    if(tmp[1] > 23) {
        const d = new Date(this);
        d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1);
        return String(d).replace(/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/, tmp[0]);
    return result;

文字列.boundaryTime(日界時刻 [,秒の有無を元の文字列側に合わせるフラグ])

console.log('00:00'.boundaryTime('02:00')); // 24:00
console.log('01:59'.boundaryTime('02:00')); // 25:59
console.log('02:00'.boundaryTime('02:00')); // 02:00
console.log('05:59'.boundaryTime('06:00')); // 29:59
console.log('06:00'.boundaryTime('06:00')); // 06:00
console.log('05:59'.boundaryTime('30:00')); // 29:59
console.log('06:00'.boundaryTime('30:00')); // 06:00

// デフォルトでは戻り値の秒の有無は引数の秒の有無で決定
console.log('06:00'.boundaryTime('06:00:00')); // 06:00:00
console.log('06:00:00'.boundaryTime('06:00')); // 06:00

// 第2引数にtrueを指定した場合は秒の有無を元の文字列側で決定
console.log('18:00~2:30:40'.boundaryTime('06:00', true)); // 18:00~26:30:40

console.log('11:59:59'.boundaryTime('12:00:00')); // 35:59:59
console.log('12:00:00'.boundaryTime('12:00:00')); // 12:00:00
console.log('23:59:59'.boundaryTime('12:00:00')); // 23:59:59
console.log('00:00:00'.boundaryTime('12:00:00')); // 24:00:00

const d = new Date();
console.log(d); // Sun Nov 15 2020 02:40:25 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)
console.log(d.boundaryTime('03:00')); // Sat Nov 14 2020 26:40 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)
console.log(d.boundaryTime('03:00:00')); // Sat Nov 14 2020 26:40:25 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)

console.log(new Date('2020-12-01 00:59:00').boundaryTime('01:00')); // Mon Nov 30 2020 24:59 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)
console.log(new Date('2020-12-01 01:00:00').boundaryTime('01:00')); // Tue Dec 01 2020 01:00 GMT+0900 (日本標準時)

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