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JavaScript 小数の誤差を出さない四則演算

Last updated at Posted at 2020-11-04




'use strict';
const decimalCalc = (function() {
    return {
        // 加算
        add: function(_a, _b) {
            let a = _a,
                b = _b;
            a = this.toString(a);
            b = this.toString(b);
            if(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) return NaN;
            else if(a === 'Infinity' && b === '-Infinity') return NaN;
            else if(a === '-Infinity' && b === 'Infinity') return NaN;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(a)) return a;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(b)) return b;

            let tmp = this.cvtArray(a);
            let aSign = tmp.sign,
                aDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition;
            const ra = tmp.array;

            tmp = this.cvtArray(b);
            let bSign = tmp.sign,
                bDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition;
            const rb = tmp.array;

            // bのみマイナスの場合はbのマイナス符号を削除して減算へ
            if(aSign === 1 && bSign === -1) {
                return this.sub(_a, _b.replace(/^-/, ''));
            // aのみマイナスの場合はbにマイナス符号を付加して減算へ
            else if(aSign === -1 && bSign === 1) {
                return this.sub(_a, '-' + _b);

            // 小数部桁揃え
            if(aDecimalPosition > bDecimalPosition) {
                for(let i = 0; i < aDecimalPosition - bDecimalPosition; i++) rb.push(0);
                bDecimalPosition = aDecimalPosition;
            else if(bDecimalPosition > aDecimalPosition) {
                for(let i = 0; i < bDecimalPosition - aDecimalPosition; i++) ra.push(0);
                aDecimalPosition = bDecimalPosition;

            // 整数部桁揃え
            if(ra.length > rb.length) {
                const n = ra.length - rb.length;
                for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) rb.unshift(0);
            else if(rb.length > ra.length){
                const n = rb.length - ra.length;
                for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) ra.unshift(0);

            // 加算
            for(let i = 0; i < ra.length; i++) {
                const p = ra.length - i - 1;
                rb[p] += ra[p];
                // 繰り上がり
                if(p > 0 && rb[p] >= 10) {
                    rb[p - 1]++;
                    rb[p] %= 10;

                result = rb.join(''),
                n = aDecimalPosition === 0 ? result :
                    result.slice(0, -aDecimalPosition);

            return (aSign === -1 ? '-' : '') + ((n === '' ? '0' : n) +
                    ('.' + (aDecimalPosition ? result.slice(-aDecimalPosition) : '')).
                    replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, ''));

        // 減算
        sub: function(_a, _b) {
            let a = _a,
                b = _b;
            a = this.toString(a);
            b = this.toString(b);
            if(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) return NaN;
            else if(a === 'Infinity' && b === 'Infinity') return NaN;
            else if(a === '-Infinity' && b === '-Infinity') return NaN;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(a)) return a;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(b)) return -b;

            let tmp = this.cvtArray(a);
            let aSign = tmp.sign,
                aDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition;
            const ra = tmp.array;

            tmp = this.cvtArray(b);
            let bSign = tmp.sign,
                bDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition;
            const rb = tmp.array;

            // bのみマイナスの場合はbのマイナス符号を削除して加算へ
            if(aSign === 1 && bSign === -1) {
                return this.add(_a, _b.replace(/^-/, ''));
            // aのみマイナスの場合はbにマイナス符号を付加して加算へ
            else if(aSign === -1 && bSign === 1) {
                return this.add(_a, '-' + _b);

            // 小数部桁揃え
            if(aDecimalPosition > bDecimalPosition) {
                for(let i = 0; i < aDecimalPosition - bDecimalPosition; i++) rb.push(0);
                bDecimalPosition = aDecimalPosition;
            else if(bDecimalPosition > aDecimalPosition) {
                for(let i = 0; i < bDecimalPosition - aDecimalPosition; i++) ra.push(0);
                aDecimalPosition = bDecimalPosition;

            // 整数部桁揃え
            if(ra.length > rb.length) {
                const n = ra.length - rb.length;
                for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) rb.unshift(0);
            else if(rb.length > ra.length){
                const n = rb.length - ra.length;
                for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) ra.unshift(0);

            // aとbを入れ替える場合の符号反転
            let sign = '';
            if( aSign === 1 && ra.join('') < rb.join('') ||
                aSign === -1 && ra.join('') > rb.join('') ) sign = '-';

            // 絶対値でbのほうが大きい場合はaとbを交換
            if(rb.join('') > ra.join('')) {
                for(let i = 0; i < ra.length; i++) {
                    const tmp = ra[i];
                    ra[i] = rb[i];
                    rb[i] = tmp;

            // 減算
            for(let i = 0; i < ra.length; i++) {
                const p = ra.length - i - 1;
                ra[p] -= rb[p];
                // 繰り下がり
                if(ra[p] < 0) {
                    ra[p] += 10;
                    if(p > 0) ra[p - 1]--;

                result = ra.join(''),
                n = (aDecimalPosition === 0 ? result :
                    result.slice(0, -aDecimalPosition)).replace(/^0+/, '');

            return sign + ((n === '' ? '0' : n) +
                ('.' + (aDecimalPosition ? result.slice(-aDecimalPosition) : '')).
                replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, ''));

        // 乗算
        mul: function(a, b) {
            a = this.toString(a);
            b = this.toString(b);
            if(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) return NaN;
            else if(/^-?[0.]+$/.test(a) && /-?Infinity/.test(b)) return NaN;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(a) && /^-?[0.]+$/.test(b)) return NaN;

            else if(a === 'Infinity' && b === 'Infinity') return Infinity;
            else if(a === '-Infinity' && b === '-Infinity') return Infinity;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(a) || /-?Infinity/.test(b)) return a * b;

            let tmp = this.cvtArray(a);
            let aSign = tmp.sign,
                aDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition;
            const ra = tmp.array;

            tmp = this.cvtArray(b);
            let bSign = tmp.sign,
                bDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition;
            const rb = tmp.array;

            const rc = [],
                  rax = [],
                  rbx = [],
                  x = 7, // 一度に処理する桁数 1~7
                  dx = Math.pow(10, x),
                  dx2 = dx / 10;
            while(ra.length) rax.push(ra.splice(-x).join(''));
            while(rb.length) rbx.push(rb.splice(-x).join(''));

            // 乗算
            for(let l = 0; l < rax.length; l++) {
                for(let i = 0; i < rbx.length; i++) {
                    const p = i + l;
                    if(rc[p] === undefined) rc[p] = 0;
                    rc[p] += rax[l] * rbx[i];
                    if(rc[p] >= dx) {
                        if(rc[p + 1] === undefined) rc[p + 1] = 0;
                        rc[p + 1] += Math.floor(rc[p] / dx);
                        rc[p] %= dx;
            for(let i = 0; i < rc.length; ++i) {
                if(rc[i] < dx2) rc[i] = (this.repeat('0', x) + rc[i]).slice(-x);

                result = rc.reverse().join(''),
                dPos = aDecimalPosition + bDecimalPosition,
                rn = dPos ?
                    result.slice(0, -dPos).replace(/^0+/, '') : result.replace(/^0+/, ''),
                rd = dPos ?
                    ('.' + result.slice(-dPos)).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '') : '';

            return (aSign !== bSign ? '-' : '') +
                (rn === '' ? '0' : rn) +

        // 除算
        div: function(a, b, m, truncate) {
            a = this.toString(a);
            b = this.toString(b);
            if(isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) return NaN;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(a) && /-?Infinity/.test(b)) return NaN;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(a) && !/-?Infinity/.test(b)) return a / b;
            else if(/-?Infinity/.test(b)) return 0;
            else if(/^-?[0.]+$/.test(a) && /^-?[0.]+$/.test(b)) return NaN;
            else if(/^[0.]+$/.test(b) || b === '') return Infinity;
            else if(/^-[0.]+$/.test(b)) return -Infinity;

            if(m === undefined) m = 20;
            else if(m < 0) m = 0;
            m = Math.floor(m);

            if(truncate === undefined) truncate = false;
            truncate = Boolean(truncate);

            let tmp = this.cvtArray(a);
            let aSign = tmp.sign,
                aDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition,
                anL = tmp.length;
            const ra = tmp.array;
            a = tmp.str;

            tmp = this.cvtArray(b);
            let bSign = tmp.sign,
                bDecimalPosition = tmp.decimalPosition,
                bnL = tmp.length,
                bdzn = tmp.decimalZeroNum;
            const rb = tmp.array;
            b = tmp.str;

            const qdp = 1 + anL - bnL;

            // 小数部桁揃え
            if(aDecimalPosition > bDecimalPosition) {
                for(let i = 0; i < aDecimalPosition - bDecimalPosition; i++) rb.push(0);
            else if(bDecimalPosition > aDecimalPosition) {
                for(let i = 0; i < bDecimalPosition - aDecimalPosition; i++) ra.push(0);

            // 整数部桁揃え
            if(ra.length > rb.length) {
                const n = ra.length - rb.length;
                for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) rb.unshift(0);
            else if(rb.length > ra.length){
                const n = rb.length - ra.length;
                for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) ra.unshift(0);

            const lM = Math.max(ra.length, rb.length);

            const rc = new Array(lM);
            for(let i = 0; i < rc.length; i++) rc[i] = 0;

            b = b.replace(/^0+/, '');

            let k = b.length - 1;
            a = ra.slice(1 + k - b.length, 1 + k).join('');

            // 除算
            let sp = 0;
            do {
                if(ra[k + b.length] === undefined) {
                let count = 0;
                while(('00' + a).slice(-(b.length + 1)) >=
                      ('00' + b).slice(-(b.length + 1)) ) {
                    a = this.sub(a, b);
                    if(++count > 9) break;
                sp ++;
                a += ra[k + 1];
            } while(++k < m + 1 + lM);

            // 商の配列を整数部と小数部に振り分け
            let an, ad;
            if(qdp > 0) {
                const p = qdp + (bnL === 0 ? bdzn : 0);
                an = rc.slice(0, p);
                ad = rc.slice(p);
            else {
                an = [0];
                ad = rc.slice(1);

            if(truncate) {
                for(let i = m; i < ad.length; i++) ad[i] = 0;
            else {
                // 小数部の必要桁数での丸め
                if(ad[m] >= 5) {
                    if(m > 0) {
                        ad[m - 1]++;
                    else {
                        an[an.length - 1]++;
                for(let i = m; i < ad.length; i++) ad[i] = 0;

                // 丸めによる繰り上がり
                for(let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                    const p = m - i;
                    if(ad[p] > 9) {
                        ad[p] %= 10;
                        ad[p - 1]++;
                // 小数第一位の繰り上がりは整数部へ反映
                if(ad[0] > 9) {
                    ad[0] %= 10;
                    an[an.length - 1]++;
                // 整数部の繰り上がり
                for(let i = 0; i < an.length - 1; i++) {
                    const p = an.length - i - 1;
                    if(an[p] > 9) {
                        an[p] %= 10;
                        an[p - 1]++;

            return (aSign !== bSign ? '-' : '') +
                an.join('').replace(/^0+/, '').replace(/^$/, '0') +
                ('.' + ad.join('')).replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '');

        // 引数のキャスト用
        toString: function(str) {
            if(typeof str !== 'string') str = String(str);
            str = str.replace(/^\++/, '');
            if(/^(0x[\da-f]+|0o[0-7]+|0b[01]+)$/i.test(str)) str = String(Number(str));
            str = str.trim();
            let tmp;
            // 指数表記だったらパース
            if(tmp = str.match(/^(-?)([\d.]+)(e)([+-]?)(\d+)$/i)) {
                let   n = tmp[2].split('.');
                const s = tmp[1],
                      f = tmp[4],
                      e = Number(tmp[5]);

                if(n[1] === undefined) n[1] = '';
                n[1] += this.repeat('0', e);

                if(f === '-') {
                    n[0] = this.repeat('0', e) + n[0];
                    n[1] = n[0].slice(-e) + n[1];
                    n[0] = n[0].slice(0, -e);
                else {
                    n[0] += n[1].slice(0, e);
                    n[1] =  n[1].slice(e);
                str = s + n[0].replace(/^0+$/, '') + '.' + n[1].replace(/0+$/, '');
                str = str.replace(/^\./, '0.').replace(/\.$/, '');
            return str;
        // repeat
        repeat: function(str, n) {
            if(String.prototype.repeat) {
                return String(str).repeat(n);
            // ES6未満
            return Array(n + 1).join(str);
        // 配列変換及び符号や小数点位置等の取得
        cvtArray: function(str) {
            let sgn = 1;
            if(str[0] === '-') {
                sgn = -1;
                str = str.slice(1);
            str = str.replace(/^0+/, '').replace(/(\.\d*?)0*$/,"$1").replace(/\.$/, '');
            const len = str.replace(/\..*/, '').replace(/^0/, '').length;
            const dzn = str.match(/\.(0+)/);
            let dp = 0;
            if(str.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
                dp = str.replace(/^.*\./, '').length;
                str = str.replace('.', '');
            const r = str.split('');
            for(let i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) r[i] = Number(r[i]);
            return {
                sign: sgn,
                length: len,
                decimalPosition: dp,
                array: r,
                decimalZeroNum: dzn !== null ? dzn[1].length : 0,
                str: str,




<script src='./decimalcalc.js'></script>
const c = decimalCalc;
    a = '9876543210987654321098765432109876543210',
    b = '1234512345123451234512345123451234512345';

console.log(c.add(a, b));
console.log(Number(a) + Number(b));

console.log(c.sub(a, b));
console.log(a - b);

console.log(c.mul(a, b));
console.log(a * b);

console.log(c.div(a, b));
console.log(c.div(a, b, 49)); // 第3引数 小数部桁数(デフォルト:20)
console.log(c.div(a, b, 49, true)); // 第4引数 切り捨てモード(デフォルト:false)
console.log(a / b);

console.log(c.add('1e-20', '1e20'));







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