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Last updated at Posted at 2015-06-21








C:\Program Files\XM\MQL4\Include\sqlite3.mqh
C:\Program Files\XM\MQL4\Libraries\sqlite3_wrapper.dll
C:\Program Files\XM\MQL4\Files\SQLite\XXXXX.db
C:\Program Files\XM\MQL4\Experts\XXXX.mq4
C:\Program Files\XM\MQL4\Scripts\XXXX.mq4
######4.1 EventHist.mq4

//|                                                   sqliteTest.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#include <sqlite3.mqh>

#property copyright "Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

extern string contryname = "US";
extern int    Lank       =   5;

int init()
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

   string dates;
   string texts ="";
   string falname = "EventDate.db";
   string db = "";
      db = "C:\\Program Files\\XM\\MQL4\\Files\\SQLite\\EventDate.db";

      db = sqlite_get_fname (falname);
      Print ("Dest DB path: " + db);
   //使用sqlite_table_exists(db, tablename)的方法判断对应db中的表是否存在
   if (!sqlite_table_exists (db, "HistoricalDate"))
        Print("files not found");
    int cols[1];
    int handle = sqlite_query (db, "select * from HistoricalDate where kuni = \'" + contryname + "\' and lank= \'" + Lank + "\'", cols);
    //sqlite_next_row(handle) == 1 で次のレコードがあるかどうかを判断
    while (sqlite_next_row (handle) == 1)
         dates = ""    + sqlite_get_col (handle, 1);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 2);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 3);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 4);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 5);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 6);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 7);
         dates = dates + sqlite_get_col (handle, 8);
         texts = texts + dates + "\n";

    sqlite_free_query (handle);


void OnDeinit(const int reason)

######4.2 sqlite_test.mq4

sqlite_init     //一番最初で呼び出す
sqlite_exec        //テーブル作成、データ更新、データ削除、データ挿入で使用します。
sqlite_query       //テーブルから条件を満たすデータを取得する時に使う
sqlite_next_row    //次のレコードがあるかの判断に及びSELECT文の実行時に使う
sqlite_get_col     //レコードがある時に、列番号でデータを取得する(データの型により使用するメソッドが違う)
sqlite_free_query  //データ取得完了後リソースを解放?
sqlite_finalize    //一番最後で呼び出す(これもリソース解放?)


#property strict

#include <sqlite3.mqh>

bool do_check_table_exists (string db, string table)
    int res = sqlite_table_exists (db, table + "");

    if (res < 0) {
        PrintFormat ("Check for table existence failed with code %d", res);
        return (false);

    return (res > 0);

void do_exec (string db, string exp)
    int res = sqlite_exec (db, exp + "");
    if (res != 0)
        PrintFormat ("Expression '%s' failed with code %d", exp, res);

int OnInit()
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnStart ()
    string db = "test.db";

    string path = sqlite_get_fname (db);
    Print ("Dest DB path: " + path);

    if (!do_check_table_exists (db, "test")) {
        Print ("DB not exists, create schema");
        do_exec (db, "create table test (name text)");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test1')");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test2')");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test3')");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test4')");

    int cols[1];
    int handle = sqlite_query (db, "select * from test", cols);

    while (sqlite_next_row (handle) == 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cols[0]; i++)
            Print (sqlite_get_col (handle, i));

    sqlite_free_query (handle);



######4.3 sqlite_test_binding.mq4

sqlite_init        //一番最初で呼び出す
sqlite_table_exists   //テーブルの存在チェックに使用する
sqlite_exec           //テーブル作成、データ更新、データ削除、データ挿入で使用します。

sqlite_query         //テーブルから条件を満たすデータを取得する時に使うだけではなく、データ挿入する時もできることをこの例で改めて分かりました。
string query = "insert into quotes (date, symbol, open, high, low, close) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
string query = "select * from quotes where symbol = ? order by date";

sqlite_reset          //バインディングをリセットする?
sqlite_bind_int64     //integer型の列にデータをバインディングする
sqlite_bind_text      //text型の列にデータをバインディングする
sqlite_bind_double    //real型の列にデータをバインディングする
sqlite_next_row       //Insetの時のバインディング及びも使うとは知らなかった、次のレコードを操作する?採番?

sqlite_get_col        //レコードがある時に、列番号でデータを取得する(string型の列)
sqlite_get_col_double //レコードがある時に、列番号でデータを取得する(double型の列)
sqlite_next_row      //データを取得する(SELECT)時に次のレコードがあるかの判断に使う
sqlite_free_query     //データ取得完了後リソースを解放?
sqlite_finalize       //一番最後で呼び出す(これもリソース解放?)

#property strict

#include <sqlite3.mqh>

bool do_check_table_exists (string db, string table)
    int res = sqlite_table_exists (db, table + "");

    if (res < 0) {
        PrintFormat ("Check for table existence failed with code %d", res);
        return (false);

    return (res > 0);

void do_exec (string db, string exp)
    int res = sqlite_exec (db, exp + "");

    if (res != 0)
        PrintFormat ("Expression '%s' failed with code %d", exp, res);

int OnInit()
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnStart ()
    string db = "test_binding.db";

    if (!do_check_table_exists (db, "quotes"))
        do_exec (db,
            "create table quotes (" +
            " date integer," +
            " symbol text," +
            " open real," +
            " high real," +
            " low real," +
            " close real)");

    int count = iBars (NULL, 0);
    PrintFormat ("Count = %d", count);

    string query = "insert into quotes (date, symbol, open, high, low, close) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
    int cols[1];

    int handle = sqlite_query (db, query, cols);
    if (handle < 0) {
        Print ("Preparing query failed; query=", query, ", error=", -handle);

    datetime start = TimeLocal ();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        sqlite_reset (handle);
        sqlite_bind_int64 (handle, 1, iTime (NULL, 0, i));
        sqlite_bind_text (handle, 2, Symbol ());
        sqlite_bind_double (handle, 3, NormalizeDouble (iOpen (NULL, 0, i), Digits));
        sqlite_bind_double (handle, 4, NormalizeDouble (iHigh (NULL, 0, i), Digits));
        sqlite_bind_double (handle, 5, NormalizeDouble (iLow (NULL, 0, i), Digits));
        sqlite_bind_double (handle, 6, NormalizeDouble (iClose (NULL, 0, i), Digits));
        sqlite_next_row (handle);

    sqlite_free_query (handle);

    datetime end = TimeLocal ();
    datetime elapsed = end - start;
    PrintFormat ("insert %d rows in %u sec", IntegerToString(count), elapsed);

void OnDeinit (const int reason)

    string db = "test_binding.db";

    Print ("Fetching rows start");

    int cols[1];
    string query = "select * from quotes where symbol = ? order by date";
    int handle = sqlite_query (db, query, cols);
    if (handle < 0) {
        Print ("Preparing query failed; query=", query, ", error=", -handle);

    sqlite_bind_text (handle, 1, Symbol ());

    int count = 0;
    // only print first 100 records
    while (sqlite_next_row (handle) == 1 && count < 100) {
        datetime date = (datetime) sqlite_get_col_int64 (handle, 0);
        string symbol = sqlite_get_col (handle, 1);
        double open = sqlite_get_col_double (handle, 2);
        double high = sqlite_get_col_double (handle, 3);
        double low = sqlite_get_col_double (handle, 4);
        double close = sqlite_get_col_double (handle, 5);

        PrintFormat ("date=%s, symbol=%s, open/high/low/close=%s/%s/%s/%s",
            TimeToString (date), Symbol (),
            DoubleToString (open, Digits),
            DoubleToString (high, Digits),
            DoubleToString (low, Digits),
            DoubleToString (close, Digits));

        count += 1;
    Print ("fetching rows done");

    sqlite_free_query (handle);



######4.4 sqlite_test_extra.mq4

sqlite_init           //一番最初で呼び出す
sqlite_get_fname      //DBのフルパスの取得に使用する
sqlite_table_exists   //テーブルの存在チェックに使用する
sqlite_exec           //テーブル作成、データ更新、データ削除、データ挿入で使用します。
sqlite_query          //テーブルから条件を満たすデータを取得する時に使うだけではなく、データ挿入する時もできる
sqlite_get_col        //レコードがある時に、列番号でデータを取得する(string型の列)
sqlite_next_row       //データを取得する(SELECT)時に次のレコードがあるかの判断に使う
sqlite_free_query     //データ取得完了後リソースを解放?
sqlite_finalize       //一番最後で呼び出す(これもリソース解放?)

#property strict
#include <sqlite3.mqh>

bool do_check_table_exists (string db, string table)
    int res = sqlite_table_exists (db, table + "");

    if (res < 0) {
        PrintFormat ("Check for table existence failed with code %d", res);
        return (false);

    return (res > 0);

void do_exec (string db, string exp)
    int res = sqlite_exec (db, exp + "");
    if (res != 0)
        PrintFormat ("Expression '%s' failed with code %d", exp, res);

int OnInit()
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnStart ()
    string db = "test_extra.db";

    string path = sqlite_get_fname (db);
    Print ("Dest DB path: " + path);

    if (!do_check_table_exists (db, "test")) {
        Print ("DB not exists, create schema");
        do_exec (db, "create table test (name text)");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test1')");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test2')");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test3')");
        do_exec (db, "insert into test (name) values ('test4')");

    int cols[1];
    int handle = sqlite_query (db, "select cos(radians(45))", cols);

    PrintFormat ("Handle value: %d", handle);

    while (sqlite_next_row (handle) == 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cols[0]; i++)
            Print (sqlite_get_col (handle, i));

    sqlite_free_query (handle);


######4.5 sqlite_test_insert_quotes.mq4
sqlite_init           //一番最初で呼び出す
sqlite_table_exists   //テーブルの存在チェックに使用する
sqlite_exec           //テーブル作成、データ更新、データ削除、データ挿入などで使用します。
sqlite_finalize       //一番最後で呼び出す(これもリソース解放?)
#property strict

#include <sqlite3.mqh>

int OnInit()
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnStart ()
    string db = "test_quotes.db";

    if (!sqlite_table_exists (db, "quotes"))
        sqlite_exec (db, "create table quotes (date, open, high, low, close)");

    int count = iBars (NULL, 0);
    PrintFormat ("Count = %d", count);

    datetime start = TimeLocal ();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        string query = "insert into quotes (date, open, high, low, close) values ('" + 
                     TimeToStr (iTime (NULL, 0, i)) + "'," + 
                     DoubleToString(iOpen (NULL, 0, i), Digits) + "," +
                     DoubleToString(iHigh (NULL, 0, i), Digits) + "," +
                     DoubleToString(iLow (NULL, 0, i), Digits) + "," +
                     DoubleToString(iClose (NULL, 0, i), Digits) + ");";

        sqlite_exec (db, query);

    datetime end = TimeLocal ();
    datetime elapsed = end - start;
    PrintFormat ("inserted %d rows in %u sec", count, elapsed);


######4.5 sqlite_test_journal.mq4
sqlite_init              //一番最初で呼び出す
sqlite_get_fname         //DBのフルパスの取得に使用する
sqlite_table_exists      //テーブルの存在チェックに使用する
sqlite_set_journal_mode  //??各モード
sqlite_exec              //テーブル作成、データ更新、データ削除、データ挿入などで使用します。
sqlite_finalize          //一番最後で呼び出す(これもリソース解放?)
#property strict
#include <sqlite3.mqh>

bool do_check_table_exists (string db, string table)
    int res = sqlite_table_exists (db, table + "");

    if (res < 0) {
        PrintFormat ("Check for table existence failed with code %d", res);
        return (false);

    return (res > 0);

void benchmark (string db, string mode)
    sqlite_set_journal_mode (mode);

    datetime start = TimeLocal ();

    sqlite_exec (db, "delete from bench;");

    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        sqlite_exec (db, "insert into bench (" + IntegerToString (i) + ");");

    Alert ("Benchmark for mode " + mode + " took " + IntegerToString (TimeLocal() - start) + " seconds");

int OnInit()
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnStart ()
    string db = "test_journal.db", table = "test";

    string path = sqlite_get_fname (db);
    Print ("Dest DB path: " + path);

    if (!do_check_table_exists (db, table)) {
        Print ("DB not exists, create schema");
        sqlite_exec (db, "create table bench (id integer)");

    Print ("Start benchmarks");

    benchmark (db, "DELETE");
    benchmark (db, "WAL");
    benchmark (db, "MEMORY");
    benchmark (db, "OFF");



 * SQLite interface for MT4

#import "sqlite3_wrapper.dll"
int sqlite_initialize (string terminal_data_path);
void sqlite_finalize ();

// Warning: These two routines are affected by MT4 (build 610) bug,
// which causes wrong argument order passed to DLL, when both arguments are from variables.
// The simplest workaround of this, is to add empty string to SECOND argument on call.
// See example sqlite_test.mq4.
int sqlite_exec (string db_fname, string sql);
int sqlite_table_exists (string db_fname, string table);

int sqlite_query (string db_fname, string sql, int& cols[]);
int sqlite_reset (int handle);
int sqlite_bind_int (int handle, int col, int bind_value);
int sqlite_bind_int64 (int handle, int col, long bind_value);
int sqlite_bind_double (int handle, int col, double bind_value);
int sqlite_bind_text (int handle, int col, string bind_value);
int sqlite_bind_null (int handle, int col);
int sqlite_next_row (int handle);
string sqlite_get_col (int handle, int col);
int sqlite_get_col_int (int handle, int col);
long sqlite_get_col_int64 (int handle, int col);
double sqlite_get_col_double (int handle, int col);
int sqlite_free_query (int handle);
string sqlite_get_fname (string db_fname);
void sqlite_set_busy_timeout (int ms);
void sqlite_set_journal_mode (string mode);

bool sqlite_init()
    int error = sqlite_initialize(TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH));
    if (error == 0) {
        Print("sqlite initialization succeeded");
        return true;
    else {
        Alert("ERROR: sqlite initialization failed, error=" + IntegerToString(error));
        return false;



int OnInit(){
    if (!sqlite_init()) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    return INIT_SUCCEEDED;
void OnDeinit(const int reason){

  extern bool absolutelyPath = false;
  extern string db = "C:\\Program Files\\XMMT4\\MQL4\\Files\\SQLite\\sqlite.db";
  string fname = "sqlite.db";
    db = db;
    db = sqlite_get_fname (fname);
    Print ("Dest DB path: " + db);

bool do_check_table_exists (string db, string table)
    int res = sqlite_table_exists (db, table + "");

    if (res < 0) {
        PrintFormat ("Check for table existence failed with code %d", res);
        return (false);

    return (res > 0);




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