Christ the God particle.
If you have read some of my ways of explaining concepts in physics in simple terms you have heard me use a square and a circle to explain supersymmetry.
Why do I explain supersymmetry as the change of a circle to a square. It seems like this is a contradiction.
Supersymmetry is turning one shape into another shape. As you can see we can fit a square inside a circle but there is always “stuff” leftover. The stuff left over is mass.
“Supersymmetry is a scientific theory that says that when elementary particles (such as photons, electrons, and quarks) were formed at the beginning of the universe, matching kinds of theoretical "superparticles" were also created”
What this means is we need a beginning particle that turns into another particle. Photons to electrons to quarks. What's the problem? All these particles have different properties, photons have (+) charge and electrons (-), they have different masses.
There is a mystery if you like to use terms of excitement: Please see the following link.
The increase of mass as a total and as its components.
It is possible to gain or lose mass on the binding process so it might be possible to at least gain or lose mass. Why this happens? So say it is a different energy state others like me say who knows.
The higgs is another mysterious event. There is a difference between the Higgs boson, the higgs field and the Higgs. See link
"Scientists believe that almost all of your body's mass comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons." The bible declares
“Genesis 1:4 And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.”
Creation points to a creator. Please ask God for forgiveness and read the bible.
Works Cited
“Photon.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Jan. 2021,
Silverberg, Larry M. “Fragments of Energy-Not Waves or Particles-May Be the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe.”,, 10 Dec. 2020,
Silverberg, Larry M. “Fragments of Energy-Not Waves or Particles-May Be the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe.”,, 10 Dec. 2020,
“Supersymmetry.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 May 2018,
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