The problem with password. I am working on a better password manager.
The problem:
"simple passwords – short in length, that use words found in dictionaries, or do not mix in different character types (numbers, punctuation, upper/lower case), or are otherwise easily guessable
passwords others can find – on sticky notes on monitors, in a notepad by the computer, in a document on the computer, whiteboard reminders, smart device storage in clear text, etc.
the same password – using the same password for multiple sites, never changing account passwords, etc.
shared passwords – users telling others passwords, sending unencrypted emails with password information, contractors using same password for all their accounts, etc.
administrative account logins where limited logins would suffice, or
administrators who allow users with the same role to use the same password."
"password managers have the disadvantage that any potential hacker or malware just need to know one password to gain access to all of a user's passwords and that such managers have standardized locations and ways of storing passwords which can be exploited by malware."
This is the other problem "Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording (logging) the keys struck on a keyboard"
I am experimenting with math and pictures but I am getting stuck. It is to difficult for the average user or the LCD.
Morphism in Math is finding an association from "A" to get to "B".
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