The term ‘anapole’ (that means ‘without poles’ in Greek).
What the heck is a toroid? Toroid | Toroidal solenoid | magnetic field inside outside See link. "".
"A promising new theory of a “cyclic universe” has been proposed by Anna Ijjas of the Max Planck Institute and Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University."
Work Cited.
Miroshnichenko, A. E. et al. Nonradiating anapole modes in dielectric nanoparticles. Nat. Commun. 6:8069 doi: 10.1038/ncomms9069 (2015).
"Atomic recoil is the result of the interaction of an atom with an energetic elementary particle, when the momentum of the interacting particle is transferred to the atom as whole without altering non-translational degrees of freedom of the atom. It is a purely quantum phenomenon."
What does this mean"
"Such a universe would have no beginning and no end. Anna and Paul propose that the current expansion of the universe is driven by an omnipresent energy field (whose behaviour is currently attributed to dark energy). Then when the energy field weakens (neutral), the universe begins to gently deflate, but not all the way down to a singularity, because the contraction recharges the energy field and expansion begins again."
What this means is that the universe is like a water fountain see link:
In simple terms The energy of the universe (the water) flows in a circular pattern and it is infinite.
"Torsion (twisting energy) within the central vortex of the torus prevents the inflowing energy-matter from forming a singularity." Remember what happens in a Toroid. (see video).
This makes energy infinite. as Professor Brian Schmidt said
in a Toroidal we can encounter anapoles especially at the center of the loop. ""There must be something smudged across the universe in order for this acceleration to occur" (at the center). The most useful model to test this idea is the Standard Model, which predicts an undiscovered heavy particle."
"Particle theory, also referred to as the kinetic theory of matter, is a theory in science that describes all forms of matter as being composed of tiny particles that are always in a constant state of motion." So what moves the particle must always be moving meaning energy must be infinity or generative. All this particles must be attracted to each other or have some polarity, if you consider matter states is more complicated especially in gases.
"Dark energy has the property, that the bigger the universe becomes the more dark energy we will have." I used to work on fountains and the water of the reservoir had to be filled ever so often due to evaporation. Entropy its seen in the universe so infinite energy is not a possibility. " So why do people believe in omnipresent energy field? We do know of particles that no not decay, or go to entropy (we are not sure). "Proton decay isn't allowed by the standard model of particle physics, but some theories that go beyond the standard model allow it." An enormous underground tank of water in Japan, called SuperKamiokande, was designed to look for the decaying protons, but has so far found nothing. If physicists at SuperKamiokande went back through their data and looked at slightly different energies, they may be able to find traces of dark matter." In others words everything in the universe must decay or go to entropy as the water fountain looses water to radiation. This has not been seen my it is deducted from all standard model.
It is not obvious to some but contradictions are always difficult to see. We know there is dark matter but we do not know what it is made of? Deduction declares it must be made of the standard model.
God can be deducted from intelligent design even if we do not see him. "The World Turtle (also referred to as the Cosmic Turtle or the World-bearing Turtle) is a mytheme of a giant turtle (or tortoise) supporting or containing the world." This is absurd but Christianity bases its claims on the intelligent design found on the universe. see link :
"Then it’s just a nice story, people also tell me stories involving turtles, God, and so on — these stories are all equally impossible to test. Mulitiverses, for example, is a nice theory, it sounds good, but if I can’t test it, I don’t believe it. I don’t say it’s wrong, but I can’t say that it is right either. At this point I am an agnostic in it’s purest form," he concludes with a smile.
"Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion based on premises that are generally assumed to be true. Also called "deductive logic," this act uses a logical premise to reach a logical conclusion. Deductive reasoning is often referred to as "top-down reasoning." If something is assumed to be true and another thing relates to the first assumption, then the original truth must also hold true for the second thing.
For example, if a car’s trunk is large and a bike does not fit into the trunk, then you may assume the bike must also be large."
We can deduct just by simple top-down reasoning, if universe energy is infinite there must be a power source like professor Brian Schmidt. "the universe in order for this acceleration to occur"
Isaiah 45:18
English Standard Version
18 vFor thus says the Lord,
who created the heavens
(he is God!),
who formed the earth and made it
(he established it;
he did not create it empty,
he formed it to be inhabited!):
“I am the Lord, and there is no other.
What does the bible declares: God never creates something empty, he creates it with a purpose. Thank you, I love physics because it points to a creator.
“The optimization of cosmic darkness and of Earth's location within the dark universe that sacrifices neither the material needs of human beings nor their capacity to gain knowledge about the universe reflects masterful engineering at a level far beyond human capability- and even imagination. It testifies of a supernatural, superintelligent, superpowerful, fully deliberate Creator.”
― Hugh Ross, Why the Universe Is the Way It Is
check out this movie. "It's a Wonderful Life"