“Blackbody radiation is radiation produced by heated objects, particularly from a blackbody. A blackbody is an object that absorbs all radiation (visible light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, etc.) that falls on it. This also means that it will also radiate at all frequencies that heat energy produces in it.”
In simple terms radiation is all the wave spectrum, that is absorbed by an object.
What are blackholes:
“A black hole is a “bump” on the space “fabric” where the general theory of relativity (if matter and energy are present space curves”. The mass is the sphere (earth) the fabric is space, as the sphere sits on the fabric it pushes (warps) space into a hole. In the most simple terms as mass warps space things fall into the hole. Gravity Visualized See link. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTY1Kje0yLg)
This seems so simple to understand right? We have a problem with this concept, it cannot explain small (quantum) particles. Small objects like electrons do behave like small planets, they have mass and they orbit around a bigger body (neutrons) yet they act differently than planets. Why? We do not know from what I read?
Electrons are so small and are affected by energy levels, condensed phases of matter. A computer has been used to measure the (DFT) Density-Functional model. This model is based on the theory that all the properties of an electron are “functional” (equations) that use the density of the electron. One way to determine how gravity is affected inside an atom is to study the electron structure. Some physicists have worked on an equation that is based on Paul Dirac work, it is called the Dirac-Kohn-Sham (Dirac). They use Aluminum, Gold, and thorium to calculate strong and weak relativistic effects. They did find consistent proof on how this element structures follow the Dirac approach (see the link). Quantum gravity is the objective to combine both big objects (planets) with small objects (quantum particles). We are in the infancy of Physics at the quantum level, there is so much yet to discover. The relationship between big objects (planets) is a relationship between energy, mass and momentum.
Black holes. A big bump on the space fabric, and the percentage of elements in the universe must have a relationship. Why?
“Hydrogen and helium are estimated to make up roughly 74% and 24% of all baryonic matter in the universe respectively.”
Mass fraction (ppm)
Carbon (graphene), has been described in the Dirac as a semiconductor with zero density states.
“ Graphene has also a very robust but flexible structure with unusual phonon modes that do not exist in ordinary 3D solids. In some sense, graphene brings together issues in quantum gravity and particle physics, and also from soft and hard condensed matter. Interestingly enough, these properties can be easily modified with the application of electric and magnetic fields, addition of layers, by control of its geometry, and chemical doping. Moreover, graphene can be directly and relatively easily probed by various scanning probe techniques from mesoscopic down to atomic scales, because it is not buried inside a 3D structure. This makes graphene one of the most versatile systems in condensed matter research.”
Carbon lattice Gold lattice
So, the logic in merging quantum gravity and general relativity is to work on the elements that are most prominent in the universe and on earth. What I like about the quantumness of graphite is that the structure is not like Gold it can be seen on a microscope on thin layers and still preserve it’s lattice.
Inside a black hole we can find elements, by just statistics we would hope to find carbon. The graphene quantum structure has a 0.99 percent emissivity on black body radiation. See article, it has a 0.99 not 100 percent body radiation.
The proof: If black holes are affected by gravity Micro-black holes might be affected by quantum gravity. What is a Micro-black hole? See link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usxDJjCoT9c.
If you think of a black hole as a coke with ice as the ice (matter) approaches the event horizon the ice melts creating light and radiation that would look like a bump on a fabric.
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“In particular, the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. The relation is specified by the Einstein field equations, a system of partial differential equations.
is a region of space from which nothing can escape. According to the general theory of relativity,[3] it is the result of the curving of spacetime caused by a huge mass. Around a black hole there is a position of no return, called the event horizon. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.”
This is an analog (my idea) model of a black hole. Why is it inverted? “a can never buckles if the axial load is below a certain value, regardless of how big the dent is. But beyond a threshold axial load, all cans buckle once the dent is sufficiently deep. Because this sudden-onset effect is indicative of a general behavior known as a nonlinear instability.” Please take this picture with a grain of salt, some of the data is very difficult for me to analized. I was praying to God and he gave me the nonlinear instability of a can of coke to try to describe a black hole.
What a black hole might look like in theory on the fabric of space. “These analogs (or analogies) serve to provide new ways of looking at problems, permit ideas from other realms of science to be applied, and may create opportunities for practical experiments within the analogue that can be applied back to the source phenomena. If you have read my other paper on black holes and sound or what physicst call a dumb hole. “A sonic black hole, sometimes called a dumb hole, is a phenomenon in which phonons (sound perturbations) are unable to escape from a fluid that is flowing more quickly than the local speed of sound. They are called sonic, or acoustic, black holes because these trapped phonons are analogous to light in astrophysical (gravitational) black holes. Physicists are interested in them because they have many properties similar to astrophysical black holes and, in particular, emit a phononic version of Hawking radiation.[1][2] The border of a sonic black hole, at which the flow speed changes from being greater than the speed of sound to less than the speed of sound, is called the event horizon. At this point the frequency of phonons approaches zero.
This paper can be taken as a tiny addition to Albert Einstein work on relativity, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, Stephen William Hawking, and the work of Matsumoto, Takahiro.
Works Cited
Anonymous. “Crumpling Coke Cans.” Physics, American Physical Society, 28 Nov. 2017, physics.aps.org/articles/v10/s131.
Anonymous. “Crumpling Coke Cans.” Physics, American Physical Society, 28 Nov. 2017, physics.aps.org/articles/v10/s131.
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Vieru, Tudor. “First Artificial Sonic Black Hole Created.” Softpedia, 18 June 2009, news.softpedia.com/news/First-Artificial-Sonic-Black-Hole-Created-114585.shtml.
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