。・::・゚★ クリスマスに向けて『 IT × 美 』を考える ・::・゚★
街がイルミネーションで彩られ、最も街の景観が美しくなる時期の1つであるクリスマスに向けて、今回Advent Calendar 2022 で『 IT × 美 』についてあれこれ考えた記事を投稿できる場所を作ろうと企てました。
※時々記事の執筆が遅れ「Coming soon...」となっている場合がございます。順次追記してまいります。
。・::・゚★ IT x Beauty" for Christmas ・::・゚★
As I spend my days seeing beautiful landscapes of nature and cities, I have always wished that the online world would be beautiful as well.
Just as beautiful buildings play an important role in the landscape of a city, I feel every day that I wish that many of the sites, videos, and other creations that we see on the Internet would emphasize beauty.
In preparation for Christmas, one of the most beautiful times of the year for the cityscape, In Advent Calendar 2022, I planned to create a place where people can post their thoughts about "IT x Beauty".
It's okay to write in English.
You can register URLs of articles you've written in the past, so if you already have an article, just paste that URL!
Regarding IT and beauty, Share your philosophy with us in Japan!