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Run-time Types

Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-21

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型は実行時に表現できます。型値を作成するには、コンストラクタ関数 Type<T>() を使用します。この関数は、静的型を型引数として受け取ります。
例えば、実行時に型 Int を表現するには:

let intType: Type = Type<Int>()


resource Collectible {}

let collectibleType = Type<@Collectible>()

/* `collectibleType` has type `Type` */


Type<Int>() == Type<Int>()

Type<Int>() != Type<String>()

view fun isSubtype(of: Type): Bool メソッドを使用すると、実行時に型の値を比較することができます。

Type<Int>().isSubtype(of: Type<Int>())
/* true */

Type<Int>().isSubtype(of: Type<String>())
/* false */

Type<Int>().isSubtype(of: Type<Int?>())
/* true */

実行時の型の完全修飾型識別子を取得するには、let identifier: Stringフィールドを使用します。

let type = Type<Int>()
type.identifier  /* is "Int" */
/* in account 0x1 */

struct Test {}

let type = Type<Test>()
type.identifier  /* is "A.0000000000000001.Test" */

Getting the Type from a Value

view fun getType(): Typeというメソッドを使用すると、値の実行時型を取得できます。

let something = "hello"

let type: Type = something.getType()
/* `type` is `Type<String>()` */


/* Declare a variable named `something` that has the *static* type `AnyResource`
 * and has a resource of type `Collectible`
let something: @AnyResource <- create Collectible()

/* The resource's concrete run-time type is `Collectible` */
let type: Type = something.getType()
/* `type` is `Type<@Collectible>()` */

Constructing a Run-time Type


view fun CompositeType(_ identifier: String): Type?
view fun InterfaceType(_ identifier: String): Type?
view fun IntersectionType(types: [String]): Type?


struct Test: I {}
struct interface I {}
let type: Type = CompositeType("A.0000000000000001.Test")
/* `type` is `Type<Test>` */

let type2: Type = IntersectionType(
    restrictions: ["A.0000000000000001.I"]
/* `type2` is `Type<{I}>` */


view fun OptionalType(_ type: Type): Type
view fun VariableSizedArrayType(_ type: Type): Type
view fun ConstantSizedArrayType(type: Type, size: Int): Type
view fun FunctionType(parameters: [Type], return: Type): Type
/* returns `nil` if `key` is not valid dictionary key type */
view fun DictionaryType(key: Type, value: Type): Type?
/* returns `nil` if `type` is not a reference type */
view fun CapabilityType(_ type: Type): Type?
view fun ReferenceType(entitlements: [String], type: Type): Type?

Asserting the Type of a Value

view fun isInstance(_ type: Type): Bool メソッドは、値が特定の型であるかどうかを、具体的な実行時型を使用して、サブタイピングルール(原文: subtyping rules)を考慮しながら確認するために使用できます。

/* Declare a variable named `collectible` that has the *static* type `Collectible`
 * and has a resource of type `Collectible`
let collectible: @Collectible <- create Collectible()

/* The resource is an instance of type `Collectible`,
 * because the concrete run-time type is `Collectible`
/* is `true` */

/* The resource is an instance of type `AnyResource`,
 * because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is a subtype of `AnyResource`
/* is `true` */

/* The resource is *not* an instance of type `String`,
 * because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is *not* a subtype of `String`
/* is `false` */


/* Declare a variable named `something` that has the *static* type `AnyResource`
 * and has a resource of type `Collectible`
let something: @AnyResource <- create Collectible()

/* The resource is an instance of type `Collectible`,
 * because the concrete run-time type is `Collectible`
/* is `true` */

/* The resource is an instance of type `AnyResource`,
 * because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is a subtype of `AnyResource`
/* is `true` */

/* The resource is *not* an instance of type `String`,
 * because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is *not* a subtype of `String`
/* is `false` */


resource SimpleSale {

    /** The resource for sale.
     *  Once the resource is sold, the field becomes `nil`.
    var resourceForSale: @AnyResource?

    /** The price that is wanted for the purchase of the resource. */
    let priceForResource: UFix64

    /** The type of currency that is required for the purchase. */
    let requiredCurrency: Type
    let paymentReceiver: Capability<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>

    /** `paymentReceiver` is the capability that will be borrowed
     *  once a valid purchase is made.
     *  It is expected to target a resource that allows depositing the paid amount
     *  (a vault which has the type in `requiredCurrency`).
        resourceForSale: @AnyResource,
        priceForResource: UFix64,
        requiredCurrency: Type,
        paymentReceiver: Capability<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>
    ) {
        self.resourceForSale <- resourceForSale
        self.priceForResource = priceForResource
        self.requiredCurrency = requiredCurrency
        self.paymentReceiver = paymentReceiver

    /** buyObject allows purchasing the resource for sale by providing
     *  the required funds.
     *  If the purchase succeeds, the resource for sale is returned.
     *  If the purchase fails, the program aborts.
    fun buyObject(with funds: @FungibleToken.Vault): @AnyResource {
        pre {
            /* Ensure the resource is still up for sale */
            self.resourceForSale != nil: "The resource has already been sold"
            /* Ensure the paid funds have the right amount */
            funds.balance >= self.priceForResource: "Payment has insufficient amount"
            /* Ensure the paid currency is correct */
            funds.isInstance(self.requiredCurrency): "Incorrect payment currency"

        /* Transfer the paid funds to the payment receiver
         * by borrowing the payment receiver capability of this sale resource
         * and depositing the payment into it */

        let receiver = self.paymentReceiver.borrow()
            ?? panic("failed to borrow payment receiver capability")

        receiver.deposit(from: <-funds)
        let resourceForSale <- self.resourceForSale <- nil
        return <-resourceForSale


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