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入出力がふわっとした状態で HSV を RGB にする試み

Last updated at Posted at 2023-01-26

HSV を RGB に変換するのってどうやるんだっけというのを確認しながらコードに落とし込んだ。

hue が 0 から 359 なのか 0.0 から 0.999 なのかどうかとか、
RGB の要素だって 0 から 255 までとも限らず、
出力されるのも要素の配列なのか、HTML での色指定の文字列なのかどうか辺り。


const hsvToRgb = function(hue, saturation, value, prophet) {
	if (prophet == null) {
		prophet = {
			saturationIsZero: function(saturation) {
				return !(saturation > 0) && !(saturation < 0);
			saturationRate: function(saturation) {
				return saturation / this.maxSaturation;
			maxSaturation: 255,
			valueRate: function(value) {
				return value / this.maxValue;
			maxValue: 255,
			hueStageAndRate: function(hue) {
				const hueNormalized = hue % 360;
				const hueStage = parseInt(hueNormalized / 60, 10);
				const hueTmp = (parseInt(hue % 60, 10) / 60);
				const hueRate = (hueStage % 2 == 0) ? hueTmp : 1 - hueTmp;
				return [hueStage, hueRate];
			newResult: function(r, g, b) {
				return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];

	const valueRate = prophet.valueRate(value);
	if (prophet.saturationIsZero(saturation)) {
		return prophet.newResult(valueRate, valueRate, valueRate);

	const saturationRate = prophet.saturationRate(saturation);
	const min = valueRate - (saturationRate * valueRate);
	const [hueStage, hueRate] = prophet.hueStageAndRate(hue);
	switch (hueStage) {
		case 0: {
			const r = valueRate;
			const g = hueRate * (valueRate - min) + min;
			const b = min;
			return prophet.newResult(r, g, b);
		} break;
		case 1: {
			const r = hueRate * (valueRate - min) + min;
			const g = valueRate;
			const b = min;
			return prophet.newResult(r, g, b);		
		} break;
		case 2: {
			const r = min;
			const g = valueRate;
			const b = hueRate * (valueRate - min) + min;
			return prophet.newResult(r, g, b);		
		} break;
		case 3: {
			const r = min;
			const g = hueRate * (valueRate - min) + min;
			const b = valueRate;
			return prophet.newResult(r, g, b);
		} break;
		case 4: {
			const r = hueRate * (valueRate - min) + min;
			const g = min;
			const b = valueRate;
			return prophet.newResult(r, g, b);
		} break;
		case 5: {
			const r = valueRate;
			const g = min;
			const b = hueRate * (valueRate - min) + min;
			return prophet.newResult(r, g, b);
		} break;

	// unexpected
	return null;

const myProphet = {
	saturationIsZero: function(saturation) {
		return !(saturation > 0) && !(saturation < 0);
	saturationRate: function(saturation) {
		return saturation / this.maxSaturation;
	maxSaturation: 1,
	valueRate: function(value) {
		return value / this.maxValue;
	maxValue: 1,
	hueStageAndRate: function(hue) {
		const hueNormalized = hue % 360;
		const hueStage = parseInt(hueNormalized / 60, 10);
		const hueTmp = (parseInt(hue % 60, 10) / 60);
		const hueRate = (hueStage % 2 == 0) ? hueTmp : 1 - hueTmp;
		return [hueStage, hueRate];
	newResult: function(r, g, b) {
		// return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255];
		const toHex = function(val) {
			const num = parseInt(val, 10);
			const hex = num.toString(16);
			const padded = hex.padStart(2, '0');
			return padded;
		return `#${toHex(r * 255)}${toHex(g * 255)}${toHex(b * 255)}`;
console.log(`red? ${hsvToRgb(0, 0.5, 1, myProphet)}`);
console.log(`yellow? ${hsvToRgb(60, 0.5, 1, myProphet)}`);
console.log(`green? ${hsvToRgb(120, 0.5, 1, myProphet)}`);
console.log(`cyan? ${hsvToRgb(180, 0.5, 1, myProphet)}`);
console.log(`blue? ${hsvToRgb(240, 0.5, 1, myProphet)}`);
console.log(`magenta? ${hsvToRgb(300, 0.5, 1, myProphet)}`);

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