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Vagrant コマンドメモ

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確認 : $ vagrant status

※初期ステータス : poweroff

$ vagrant status

  Current machine states:

  default                   poweroff (virtualbox)

  The VM is powered off. To restart the VM, simply run `vagrant up`

起動 : $ vagrant up

ステータス : running

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   poweroff (virtualbox)

  The VM is powered off. To restart the VM, simply run `vagrant up`

$ vagrant up
  Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
  // 省略

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   running (virtualbox)

  The VM is running. To stop this VM, you can run `vagrant halt` to
  shut it down forcefully, or you can run `vagrant suspend` to simply
  suspend the virtual machine. In either case, to restart it again,
  simply run `vagrant up`.

ログイン : $ vagrant ssh

vagrant起動$ vagrant up後に実行する。
ステータス : running

$ vagrant status

  Current machine states:

  default                   running (virtualbox)

  The VM is powered off. To restart the VM, simply run `vagrant up`

$ vagrant ssh
  Last login: Mon Jan 15 16:39:43 2018 from

一時停止 : $ vagrant suspend

ステータス : saved

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   running (virtualbox)

  The VM is running. To stop this VM, you can run `vagrant halt` to
  shut it down forcefully, or you can run `vagrant suspend` to simply
  suspend the virtual machine. In either case, to restart it again,
  simply run `vagrant up`.

$ vagrant suspend
  ==> default: Saving VM state and suspending execution...

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   saved (virtualbox)

  To resume this VM, simply run `vagrant up`.

再起動 : $ vagrant resume

一時停止$ vagrant suspendの状態において、再起動が実行可能。

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   running (virtualbox)

  The VM is running. To stop this VM, you can run `vagrant halt` to
  shut it down forcefully, or you can run `vagrant suspend` to simply
  suspend the virtual machine. In either case, to restart it again,
  simply run `vagrant up`.

$ vagrant suspend
  ==> default: Saving VM state and suspending execution...

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   saved (virtualbox)

  To resume this VM, simply run `vagrant up`.

$ vagrant resume
  ==> default: Resuming suspended VM...
  ==> default: Booting VM...
  ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
  ==> default: Machine booted and ready!
  ==> default: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
  ==> default: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   running (virtualbox)

  The VM is running. To stop this VM, you can run `vagrant halt` to
  shut it down forcefully, or you can run `vagrant suspend` to simply
  suspend the virtual machine. In either case, to restart it again,
  simply run `vagrant up`.

停止 : $ vagrant halt

ステータス : poweroff

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   saved (virtualbox)

  To resume this VM, simply run `vagrant up`.

$ vagrant halt
  ==> default: Discarding saved state of VM...

$ vagrant status
  Current machine states:

  default                   poweroff (virtualbox)

  The VM is powered off. To restart the VM, simply run `vagrant up`

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