
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2016-01-20



=> ZipCode(code: string, state_code: integer, state: string, state_kana: string, city_code: integer, city: string, city_kana: string, town_code: integer, town: string, town_kana: string, special: boolean, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)


def group_by_kana(zip_codes, column)
    return zip_codes unless zip_codes[0].respond_to? column
    key = %w(ア カ サ タ ナ ハ マ ヤ ラ ワ)
    zip_codes.group_by do |zip_code|
        key[key.index{|i| i > zip_code.send(column)[0]}.to_i - 1]

zip_codes = ZipCode.where(state_code: 13).group(:city_code).limit(5)
#=> [#<ZipCode code: "1000000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13101, city: "千代田区", city_kana: "チヨダク", town_code: 131010000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:43", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:35">,
 #<ZipCode code: "1030000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13102, city: "中央区", city_kana: "チュウオウク", town_code: 131020000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:47", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:36">,
 #<ZipCode code: "1050000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13103, city: "港区", city_kana: "ミナトク", town_code: 131030000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:50", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:37">,
 #<ZipCode code: "1600000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13104, city: "新宿区", city_kana: "シンジュクク", town_code: 131040000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:54", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:40">,
 #<ZipCode code: "1120000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13105, city: "文京区", city_kana: "ブンキョウク", town_code: 131050000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:58", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:41">]

group_by_kana(zip_codes, :city_kana)

  [#<ZipCode code: "1000000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13101, city: "千代田区", city_kana: "チヨダク", town_code: 131010000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:43", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:35">,
   #<ZipCode code: "1030000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13102, city: "中央区", city_kana: "チュウオウク", town_code: 131020000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:47", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:36">],
  [#<ZipCode code: "1050000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13103, city: "港区", city_kana: "ミナトク", town_code: 131030000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:50", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:37">],
  [#<ZipCode code: "1600000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13104, city: "新宿区", city_kana: "シンジュクク", town_code: 131040000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:54", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:40">],
  [#<ZipCode code: "1120000", state_code: 13, state: "東京都", state_kana: "トウキョウト", city_code: 13105, city: "文京区", city_kana: "ブンキョウク", town_code: 131050000, town: nil, town_kana: nil, special: true, created_at: "2016-01-15 08:50:58", updated_at: "2016-01-18 04:20:41">]}

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