
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Inside Wine; surface

Last updated at Posted at 2018-02-27


Inside Wine; surface

surface が存在するかどうか


surface が存在するかどうかは、以下の関数で決定されている。この関数内で、surface != NULL になった場合、__wine_set_visible_region() は、その中から呼び出される dibdrv_set_window_surface() の内部にて、PHYSDEV dev を struct windrv_physdev *wnd_dev にし、ドライバーの関数セットを window_driver にする。詳細は、もう一度、ずっと下の方で述べる。


static void update_visible_region( struct dce *dce )
    struct window_surface *surface = NULL;

    /* 中略 */

    /* don't use a surface to paint the client area of OpenGL windows */
    if (!(paint_flags & SET_WINPOS_PIXEL_FORMAT) || (flags & DCX_WINDOW)) {
        win = WIN_GetPtr( top_win );
        if (win && win != WND_DESKTOP && win != WND_OTHER_PROCESS) {
            surface = win->surface;
            if (surface) window_surface_add_ref( surface );
            WIN_ReleasePtr( win );

    if (!surface) top_rect = get_virtual_screen_rect();


        a. surface == NULL の時は、「デフォルト」のままなので、

        1. PHYSDEV dev の指す実体は、X11DRV_PDEVICE 型とする。
        2. 関数セットであるところの、dev->funcs を &x11drv_funcs とする。

        b. surface != NULL の時は、


        3. PHYSDEV dev の指す実体を struct windrv_physdev 型にする。
        4. 関数セットであるところの、dev->funcs を &window_driver で
    __wine_set_visible_region( dce->hdc, vis_rgn, &win_rect, &top_rect, surface );

    if (surface) window_surface_release( surface );

ここで、win->surface について、実験とソース解析の両方の見地から、多くの場合に当てはまることを述べておく。それは、

HWND  hwnd     = (自分の HWND);
WND   *my_win  = WIN_GetPtr( hwnd );


my_win->surface != NULL : hwnd の親が Desktop Window の場合
                          (自分が Desktop に浮いている時)

my_win->surface == NULL : hwnd の親が Desktop Window でない場合
                          (自分が 他のウィンドウの子ウィンドウの時)

ということである。update_visible_region() においては、

WND *win;
/* 中略 */
HWND top_win;
win = WIN_GetPtr( top_win );

となっている。「top_win」は、名前から推定すると、自分の親のうち、Desktop Window を親とするような(画面に浮いているような)Window であるはずである。それと、上記の win->surface の話とを合わせれば、「必ず」win->surface != NULL と考えて「大体」正しい。

だから、update_visible_region() を見ての結論は、自分が Desktop に浮いている場合は、surface == NULL であり、逆に、そうではなくて、別の Window の中に入っている場合(=子ウィンドウ)には、surface != NULL になるということである。

そして、surface != NULL の場合の、surface の値は、最も外側の Window ( = Desktop に浮いている Window ) が同じであれば、共通になるということである。まとめると、こんな感じになる :

自分の親 surface my_win->surface win
Desktop NULL 非NULL == my_win
非Desktop win->surface(非NULL) NULL != my_win

struct window_surface

/* support for window surfaces */
struct window_surface;

struct window_surface_funcs {
    void  (*lock)( struct window_surface *surface );
    void  (*unlock)( struct window_surface *surface );
    void* (*get_info)( struct window_surface *surface, BITMAPINFO *info );
    RECT* (*get_bounds)( struct window_surface *surface );
    void  (*set_region)( struct window_surface *surface, HRGN region );
    void  (*flush)( struct window_surface *surface );
    void  (*destroy)( struct window_surface *surface );

struct window_surface {
    const struct window_surface_funcs *funcs; /* driver-specific implementations  */
    struct list                        entry; /* entry in global list managed by user32 */
    LONG                               ref;   /* reference count */
    RECT                               rect;  /* constant, no locking needed */
    /* driver-specific fields here */

struct x11drv_window_surface : struct window_surface を継承

struct x11drv_window_surface {
    struct window_surface header;
    Window                window;
    GC                    gc;
    XImage               *image;
    RECT                  bounds;
    BOOL                  byteswap;
    BOOL                  is_argb;
    DWORD                 alpha_bits;
    COLORREF              color_key;
    HRGN                  region;
    void                 *bits;
    XShmSegmentInfo       shminfo;
    CRITICAL_SECTION      crit;
    BITMAPINFO            info;   /* variable size, must be last */

surface データの相互関係

  1. struct x11drv_window_surface は、先頭に struct window_surface そのものを、 header という名称のメンバとして持っている。だから、キャストすると、互いに移りあえる。
  2. struct x11drv_win_data は、struct window_surface へのポインタを持っている。
  3. struct windrv_physdev は、struct window_surface へのポインタを持っている。

struct window_surface の動的型判定

WINE は、C 言語で書かれていて、C++ 言語ではないので、言語レベルでは「継承」の概念はない。しかし、struct window_surface と struct x11drv_window_surface の関係は、継承の概念と考えることが出来る。struct window_surface の「継承後の本当の型」は、struct x11drv_window_surface 以外に、struct android_window_surface や struct macdrv_window_surface がある。

継承後の型は、概念的には、以下のような関数で判定できる。ただし、x11drv_surface_funcs, android_surface_funcs, macdrv_surface_funcs は、全てそれぞれの環境用の、*.c ファイルの中で static 宣言されているので、他の *.c ファイルからは参照できない。そのため以下の関数は「擬似関数」であって、実際にコンパイルする事は出来ない。

ただし、x11(Linux), android, mac の違いは、かなりグローバルな話なので、おそらく絶対にどこかのグローバル変数か、マクロ定義によって、判断が付くはず。それよりも、struct window_surface が必ず継承されて使用されているかの方を調査する必要がある。

int __get_type_of_surface( struct window_surface *p_window_surface )
    if ( p_window_surface->funcs == &x11drv_surface_funcs ) {
        // *p_window_surface は、struct x11drv_window_surface 型である。
        return  1;
    else if ( p_window_surface->funcs == &android_surface_funcs ) {
        // *p_window_surface は、struct android_window_surface 型である。
        return  2;
    else if ( p_window_surface->funcs == &macdrv_surface_funcs ) {
        // *p_window_surface は、struct macdrv_window_surface 型である。
        return  3;
    else {
        // 多分、有り得ない :
        return  0;

struct window_surface から struct x11drv_window_surface の取得法


struct window_surface から、struct x11drv_window_surface を取得するのは、関数 get_x11_surface() で行える。ただし、実際にやっている事は、「キャスト」するだけである。なぜなら、既に述べたように、後者は、前者を先頭部分に「含んでいる」ためである。これは、既に述べたように、C++ でいうところの、継承クラスと基本クラスの関係に他ならない。

static struct x11drv_window_surface *get_x11_surface( struct window_surface *surface )
    return (struct x11drv_window_surface *)surface;


static void x11drv_surface_flush( struct window_surface *window_surface )
    struct x11drv_window_surface *surface = get_x11_surface( window_surface );
    unsigned char *src = surface->bits;
    unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char *)surface->image->data;

struct window_surface の作成

~/wine/dlls/user32/winpos.c の set_window_pos() の中で、

  1. USER_Driver->pWindowPosChanging() : X11DRV_WindowPosChanging
  2. SERVER_START_REQ( set_window_pos ), wine_server_call
  3. USER_Driver->pWindowPosChanged() : X11DRV_WindowPosChanged


X11DRV_WindowPosChanging() の中で、get_surface_rect で求めた surface_rect を引数にして、create_surface() が呼び出される:

*surface = create_surface( data->whole_window, &data->vis, &surface_rect, key, FALSE );

ここの部分は、X11DRV_WindowPosChanging の最後の引数の

 ( ・・・, struct window_surface **surface )


// 本質部分を抜粋 :

BOOL set_window_pos( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after,
                     UINT swp_flags,
                     const RECT *window_rect,
                     const RECT *client_rect,
                     const RECT *valid_rects )
    WND *win;
    struct window_surface *old_surface, *new_surface = NULL;

    visible_rect = *window_rect;
    USER_Driver->pWindowPosChanging( hwnd, insert_after, swp_flags,
                                     window_rect, client_rect, &visible_rect,
                                     &new_surface );

    win = WIN_GetPtr( hwnd )

    SERVER_START_REQ( set_window_pos ) {
      wine_server_call( req );
      win->surface      = new_surface;

    USER_Driver->pWindowPosChanged( hwnd, insert_after, swp_flags,
                                    window_rect, client_rect, &visible_rect,
                                    new_surface );
void CDECL X11DRV_WindowPosChanged( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after,
                                    UINT swp_flags,
                                    const RECT *rectWindow,
                                    const RECT *rectClient,
                                    const RECT *visible_rect,
                                    const RECT *valid_rects,
                                    struct window_surface *surface )

    if (data->vis.visualid == default_visual.visualid) {
        if (surface) window_surface_add_ref( surface );
        if (data->surface) window_surface_release( data->surface );
        data->surface = surface;

static inline BOOL get_surface_rect( const RECT *visible_rect, RECT *surface_rect )
    *surface_rect = get_virtual_screen_rect();

    if (!IntersectRect( surface_rect, surface_rect, visible_rect )) return FALSE;
    OffsetRect( surface_rect, -visible_rect->left, -visible_rect->top );
    surface_rect->left &= ~31;
    surface_rect->top  &= ~31;
    surface_rect->right  = max( surface_rect->left + 32, (surface_rect->right + 31) & ~31 );
    surface_rect->bottom = max( surface_rect->top + 32, (surface_rect->bottom + 31) & ~31 );
    return TRUE;
struct window_surface *create_surface( Window window, const XVisualInfo *vis, const RECT *rect,
                                       COLORREF color_key, BOOL use_alpha )
    const XPixmapFormatValues *format = pixmap_formats[vis->depth];
    struct x11drv_window_surface *surface;
    int width = rect->right - rect->left, height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
    int colors = format->bits_per_pixel <= 8 ? 1 << format->bits_per_pixel : 3;

    surface = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
                         FIELD_OFFSET( struct x11drv_window_surface, info.bmiColors[colors] ));
    if (!surface) return NULL;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biSize        = sizeof(surface->info.bmiHeader);
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biWidth       = width;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biHeight      = -height; /* top-down */
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biPlanes      = 1;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biBitCount    = format->bits_per_pixel;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage   = get_dib_image_size( &surface->info );
    set_color_info( vis, &surface->info, use_alpha );

    InitializeCriticalSection( &surface->crit );
    surface->crit.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": surface");

    surface->header.funcs = &x11drv_surface_funcs;
    surface->header.rect  = *rect;
    surface->header.ref   = 1;
    surface->window = window;
    surface->is_argb = (use_alpha && vis->depth == 32 && surface->info.bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_RGB);
    set_color_key( surface, color_key );
    reset_bounds( &surface->bounds );

    surface->image = create_shm_image( vis, width, height, &surface->shminfo );
    if (!surface->image)
        surface->image = XCreateImage( gdi_display, vis->visual, vis->depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL,
                                       width, height, 32, 0 );
        if (!surface->image) goto failed;
        surface->image->data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
        if (!surface->image->data) goto failed;

    surface->gc = XCreateGC( gdi_display, window, 0, NULL );
    XSetSubwindowMode( gdi_display, surface->gc, IncludeInferiors );
    surface->byteswap = image_needs_byteswap( surface->image, is_r8g8b8(vis), format->bits_per_pixel );

    if (vis->depth == 32 && !surface->is_argb)
        surface->alpha_bits = ~(vis->red_mask | vis->green_mask | vis->blue_mask);

    if (surface->byteswap || format->bits_per_pixel == 4 || format->bits_per_pixel == 8)
        /* allocate separate surface bits if byte swapping or palette mapping is required */
        if (!(surface->bits  = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
                                          surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage )))
            goto failed;
    else surface->bits = surface->image->data;

    TRACE( "created %p for %lx %s bits %p-%p image %p\n", surface, window, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect),
           surface->bits, (char *)surface->bits + surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage,
           surface->image->data );

    return &surface->header;

    x11drv_surface_destroy( &surface->header );
    return NULL;

HWND から struct x11drv_window_surface を取得する方法

(X Window 上で動いていて、かつ、HWND の Window が surface を持っているときに限定)

HWND    hwnd = xxxx;   // 入力
struct x11drv_win_data *data            = get_win_data( hwnd );
struct window_surface *p_wnd_surface    = data->surface;
struct x11drv_window_surface *surface   = get_x11_surface( p_wnd_surface );

HDC から struct x11drv_window_surface を取得する方法


(window_driver は、外部から参照できない。)

struct x11drv_window_surface __get_x11_wnd_surface_of_hdc( HDC hdc )
    DC      *dc    = get_dc_ptr( hdc );

    //update_dc( dc );
    PHYSDEV                 dev         = GET_DC_PHYSDEV( dc, pLineTo );
    x11drv_window_surface   *surface    = NULL;

    if ( dev->funcs == &window_driver ) {
        // dev が struct windrv_physdev * 型である場合 :

        struct windrv_physdev *p_wnd_physdev    = get_windrv_physdev( dev );
        struct window_surface *p_wnd_surface    = p_wnd_physdev->surface;

        if ( p_wnd_surface != NULL ) {
            surface     = get_x11_surface( p_wnd_surface );

    release_dc_ptr( dc );

    return  surface;

surface が存在するかどうか

Win32 で描画系の全ての始まりは、HDC を取得することから。

Win32 で描画系 API を使用する際、全ては、HDC を取得することから始まる。

典型的な API としてよく使われる以下の関数達は、内部で、GetDCEx() を呼び出す :

1. HDC WINAPI GetDC( HWND hwnd );
2. HDC WINAPI GetWindowDC( HWND hwnd );
3. HDC WINAPI BeginPaint( HWND hwnd, PAINTSTRUCT *lps );

BeginPaint() については



では、肝心の GetDCEx() はどうなってるか。

の GetDCEx() から始まる関数列

HDC WINAPI GetDCEx( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgnClip, DWORD flags )
--> update_visible_region()
--> __wine_set_visible_region()
--> dibdrv_set_window_surface( DC *dc, struct window_surface *surface )
  if ( surface != NULL ) {
    call window_driver.pCreateDC( &dc->physDev, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
    --> windrv_CreateDC()
    --> push_dc_driver( dev, &physdev->dev, &window_driver );
    --> ドライバーの関数セットが window_driver になる。


static BOOL windrv_CreateDC( PHYSDEV *dev, LPCWSTR driver, LPCWSTR device,
                             LPCWSTR output, const DEVMODEW *devmode )
    struct windrv_physdev *physdev = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*physdev) );

    if (!physdev) return FALSE;

    if (!dib_driver.pCreateDC( dev, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ))
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, physdev );
        return FALSE;
    physdev->dibdrv = get_dibdrv_pdev( *dev );
    push_dc_driver( dev, &physdev->dev, &window_driver );
    return TRUE;


略さずに全掲載 :


 *      update_visible_region
 * Set the visible region and X11 drawable for the DC associated to
 * a given window.
static void update_visible_region( struct dce *dce )
    struct window_surface *surface = NULL;
    NTSTATUS status;
    HRGN vis_rgn = 0;
    HWND top_win = 0;
    DWORD flags = dce->flags;
    DWORD paint_flags = 0;
    size_t size = 256;
    RECT win_rect, top_rect;
    WND *win;

    /* don't clip siblings if using parent clip region */
    if (flags & DCX_PARENTCLIP) flags &= ~DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS;

    /* fetch the visible region from the server */
        RGNDATA *data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*data) + size - 1 );
        if (!data) return;

        SERVER_START_REQ( get_visible_region )
            req->window  = wine_server_user_handle( dce->hwnd );
            req->flags   = flags;
            wine_server_set_reply( req, data->Buffer, size );
            if (!(status = wine_server_call( req )))
                size_t reply_size = wine_server_reply_size( reply );
                data->rdh.dwSize   = sizeof(data->rdh);
                data->rdh.iType    = RDH_RECTANGLES;
                data->rdh.nCount   = reply_size / sizeof(RECT);
                data->rdh.nRgnSize = reply_size;
                vis_rgn = ExtCreateRegion( NULL, data->rdh.dwSize + data->rdh.nRgnSize, data );

                top_win         = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->top_win );
                win_rect.left   = reply->win_rect.left;
                win_rect.top    = reply->win_rect.top;
                win_rect.right  = reply->win_rect.right;
                win_rect.bottom = reply->win_rect.bottom;
                top_rect.left   = reply->top_rect.left;
                top_rect.top    = reply->top_rect.top;
                top_rect.right  = reply->top_rect.right;
                top_rect.bottom = reply->top_rect.bottom;
                paint_flags     = reply->paint_flags;
            else size = reply->total_size;
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, data );
    } while (status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);

    if (status || !vis_rgn) return;

    USER_Driver->pGetDC( dce->hdc, dce->hwnd, top_win, &win_rect, &top_rect, flags );

    if (dce->clip_rgn) CombineRgn( vis_rgn, vis_rgn, dce->clip_rgn,
                                   (flags & DCX_INTERSECTRGN) ? RGN_AND : RGN_DIFF );

    /* don't use a surface to paint the client area of OpenGL windows */
    if (!(paint_flags & SET_WINPOS_PIXEL_FORMAT) || (flags & DCX_WINDOW))
        win = WIN_GetPtr( top_win );
        if (win && win != WND_DESKTOP && win != WND_OTHER_PROCESS)
            surface = win->surface;
            if (surface) window_surface_add_ref( surface );
            WIN_ReleasePtr( win );

    if (!surface) top_rect = get_virtual_screen_rect();
    __wine_set_visible_region( dce->hdc, vis_rgn, &win_rect, &top_rect, surface );
    if (surface) window_surface_release( surface );


略さずに全掲載 :

void dibdrv_set_window_surface( DC *dc, struct window_surface *surface )
    char buffer[FIELD_OFFSET( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[256] )];
    BITMAPINFO *info = (BITMAPINFO *)buffer;
    RECT rect;
    void *bits;
    PHYSDEV windev;
    struct windrv_physdev *physdev;
    struct dibdrv_physdev *dibdrv;

    TRACE( "%p %p\n", dc->hSelf, surface );

    windev = pop_dc_driver( dc, &window_driver );

    if (surface)
        if (windev) push_dc_driver( &dc->physDev, windev, windev->funcs );
            if (!window_driver.pCreateDC( &dc->physDev, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )) return;
            windev = find_dc_driver( dc, &window_driver );

        physdev = get_windrv_physdev( windev );
        window_surface_add_ref( surface );
        if (physdev->surface) window_surface_release( physdev->surface );
        physdev->surface = surface;

        dibdrv = physdev->dibdrv;
        bits = surface->funcs->get_info( surface, info );
        init_dib_info_from_bitmapinfo( &dibdrv->dib, info, bits );
        /* clip the device rect to the surface */
        rect = surface->rect;
        offset_rect( &rect, dc->device_rect.left, dc->device_rect.top );
        intersect_rect( &dc->device_rect, &dc->device_rect, &rect );
        dibdrv->dib.rect = dc->vis_rect;
        offset_rect( &dibdrv->dib.rect, -rect.left, -rect.top );
        dibdrv->bounds = surface->funcs->get_bounds( surface );
        DC_InitDC( dc );
    else if (windev)
        dib_driver.pDeleteDC( pop_dc_driver( dc, &dib_driver ));
        windev->funcs->pDeleteDC( windev );
        DC_InitDC( dc );


略さずに全掲載 :

void CDECL __wine_set_visible_region( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, const RECT *vis_rect, const RECT *device_rect,
                                      struct window_surface *surface )
    DC * dc;

    if (!(dc = get_dc_ptr( hdc ))) return;

    TRACE( "%p %p %s %s %p\n", hdc, hrgn,
           wine_dbgstr_rect(vis_rect), wine_dbgstr_rect(device_rect), surface );

    /* map region to DC coordinates */
    OffsetRgn( hrgn, -vis_rect->left, -vis_rect->top );

    if (dc->hVisRgn) DeleteObject( dc->hVisRgn );
    dc->dirty = 0;
    dc->vis_rect = *vis_rect;
    dc->device_rect = *device_rect;
    dc->hVisRgn = hrgn;
    dibdrv_set_window_surface( dc, surface );
    DC_UpdateXforms( dc );
    update_dc_clipping( dc );
    release_dc_ptr( dc );


略さずに全掲載 :

 *      set_window_pos
 * Backend implementation of SetWindowPos.
BOOL set_window_pos( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after, UINT swp_flags,
                     const RECT *window_rect, const RECT *client_rect, const RECT *valid_rects )
    WND *win;
    HWND surface_win = 0, parent = GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_PARENT );
    BOOL ret, needs_update = FALSE;
    RECT visible_rect, old_visible_rect, old_window_rect, old_client_rect;
    struct window_surface *old_surface, *new_surface = NULL;

    if (!parent || parent == GetDesktopWindow())
        new_surface = &dummy_surface;  /* provide a default surface for top-level windows */
        window_surface_add_ref( new_surface );
    visible_rect = *window_rect;
    USER_Driver->pWindowPosChanging( hwnd, insert_after, swp_flags,
                                     window_rect, client_rect, &visible_rect, &new_surface );

    WIN_GetRectangles( hwnd, COORDS_SCREEN, &old_window_rect, NULL );

    if (!(win = WIN_GetPtr( hwnd )) || win == WND_DESKTOP || win == WND_OTHER_PROCESS)
        if (new_surface) window_surface_release( new_surface );
        return FALSE;
    old_visible_rect = win->visible_rect;
    old_client_rect = win->rectClient;
    old_surface = win->surface;
    if (old_surface != new_surface) swp_flags |= SWP_FRAMECHANGED;  /* force refreshing non-client area */

    SERVER_START_REQ( set_window_pos )
        req->handle        = wine_server_user_handle( hwnd );
        req->previous      = wine_server_user_handle( insert_after );
        req->swp_flags     = swp_flags;
        req->window.left   = window_rect->left;
        req->window.top    = window_rect->top;
        req->window.right  = window_rect->right;
        req->window.bottom = window_rect->bottom;
        req->client.left   = client_rect->left;
        req->client.top    = client_rect->top;
        req->client.right  = client_rect->right;
        req->client.bottom = client_rect->bottom;
        if (!EqualRect( window_rect, &visible_rect ) || !IsRectEmpty( &valid_rects[0] ))
            wine_server_add_data( req, &visible_rect, sizeof(visible_rect) );
            if (!IsRectEmpty( &valid_rects[0] ))
                wine_server_add_data( req, valid_rects, 2 * sizeof(*valid_rects) );
        if (new_surface) req->paint_flags |= SET_WINPOS_PAINT_SURFACE;
        if (win->pixel_format) req->paint_flags |= SET_WINPOS_PIXEL_FORMAT;

        if ((ret = !wine_server_call( req )))
            win->dwStyle    = reply->new_style;
            win->dwExStyle  = reply->new_ex_style;
            win->rectWindow = *window_rect;
            win->rectClient = *client_rect;
            win->visible_rect = visible_rect;
            win->surface      = new_surface;
            surface_win       = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->surface_win );
            needs_update      = reply->needs_update;
            if (GetWindowLongW( win->parent, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)
                RECT client;
                GetClientRect( win->parent, &client );
                mirror_rect( &client, &win->rectWindow );
                mirror_rect( &client, &win->rectClient );
                mirror_rect( &client, &win->visible_rect );
            /* if an RTL window is resized the children have moved */
            if (win->dwExStyle & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL &&
                client_rect->right - client_rect->left != old_client_rect.right - old_client_rect.left)
                win->flags |= WIN_CHILDREN_MOVED;

    if (ret)
        if (needs_update) update_surface_region( surface_win );
        if (((swp_flags & SWP_AGG_NOPOSCHANGE) != SWP_AGG_NOPOSCHANGE) ||
            invalidate_dce( win, &old_window_rect );

    WIN_ReleasePtr( win );

    if (ret)
        TRACE( "win %p surface %p -> %p\n", hwnd, old_surface, new_surface );
        register_window_surface( old_surface, new_surface );
        if (old_surface)
            if (!IsRectEmpty( valid_rects ))
                move_window_bits( hwnd, old_surface, new_surface, &visible_rect,
                                  &old_visible_rect, window_rect, valid_rects );
                valid_rects = NULL;  /* prevent the driver from trying to also move the bits */
            window_surface_release( old_surface );
        else if (surface_win && surface_win != hwnd)
            if (!IsRectEmpty( valid_rects ))
                RECT rects[2];
                int x_offset = old_visible_rect.left - visible_rect.left;
                int y_offset = old_visible_rect.top - visible_rect.top;

                /* if all that happened is that the whole window moved, copy everything */
                if (!(swp_flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED) &&
                    old_visible_rect.right  - visible_rect.right  == x_offset &&
                    old_visible_rect.bottom - visible_rect.bottom == y_offset &&
                    old_client_rect.left    - client_rect->left   == x_offset &&
                    old_client_rect.right   - client_rect->right  == x_offset &&
                    old_client_rect.top     - client_rect->top    == y_offset &&
                    old_client_rect.bottom  - client_rect->bottom == y_offset &&
                    EqualRect( &valid_rects[0], client_rect ))
                    rects[0] = visible_rect;
                    rects[1] = old_visible_rect;
                    valid_rects = rects;
                move_window_bits_parent( hwnd, surface_win, window_rect, valid_rects );
                valid_rects = NULL;  /* prevent the driver from trying to also move the bits */

        USER_Driver->pWindowPosChanged( hwnd, insert_after, swp_flags, window_rect,
                                        client_rect, &visible_rect, valid_rects, new_surface );
    else if (new_surface) window_surface_release( new_surface );

    return ret;


略さず掲載 :

 *      WindowPosChanging   (X11DRV.@)
void CDECL X11DRV_WindowPosChanging( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after, UINT swp_flags,
                                     const RECT *window_rect, const RECT *client_rect, RECT *visible_rect,
                                     struct window_surface **surface )
    struct x11drv_win_data *data = get_win_data( hwnd );
    RECT surface_rect;
    DWORD flags;
    COLORREF key;
    BOOL layered = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYERED;

    if (!data && !(data = X11DRV_create_win_data( hwnd, window_rect, client_rect ))) return;

    /* check if we need to switch the window to managed */
    if (!data->managed && data->whole_window && is_window_managed( hwnd, swp_flags, window_rect ))
        TRACE( "making win %p/%lx managed\n", hwnd, data->whole_window );
        release_win_data( data );
        unmap_window( hwnd );
        if (!(data = get_win_data( hwnd ))) return;
        data->managed = TRUE;

    *visible_rect = *window_rect;
    X11DRV_window_to_X_rect( data, visible_rect );

    /* create the window surface if necessary */

    if (!data->whole_window && !data->embedded) goto done;
    if (swp_flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) goto done;
    if (data->use_alpha) goto done;
    if (!get_surface_rect( visible_rect, &surface_rect )) goto done;

    if (*surface) window_surface_release( *surface );
    *surface = NULL;  /* indicate that we want to draw directly to the window */

    if (data->embedded) goto done;
    if (data->whole_window == root_window) goto done;
    if (data->client_window) goto done;
    if (!client_side_graphics && !layered) goto done;

    if (data->surface)
        if (EqualRect( &data->surface->rect, &surface_rect ))
            /* existing surface is good enough */
            window_surface_add_ref( data->surface );
            *surface = data->surface;
            goto done;
    else if (!(swp_flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && !(GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE)) goto done;

    if (!layered || !GetLayeredWindowAttributes( hwnd, &key, NULL, &flags ) || !(flags & LWA_COLORKEY))
        key = CLR_INVALID;

    *surface = create_surface( data->whole_window, &data->vis, &surface_rect, key, FALSE );

    release_win_data( data );


略さず掲載 :

 *      WindowPosChanged   (X11DRV.@)
void CDECL X11DRV_WindowPosChanged( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after, UINT swp_flags,
                                    const RECT *rectWindow, const RECT *rectClient,
                                    const RECT *visible_rect, const RECT *valid_rects,
                                    struct window_surface *surface )
    struct x11drv_thread_data *thread_data;
    struct x11drv_win_data *data;
    DWORD new_style = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
    RECT old_window_rect, old_whole_rect, old_client_rect;
    int event_type;

    if (!(data = get_win_data( hwnd ))) return;

    thread_data = x11drv_thread_data();

    old_window_rect = data->window_rect;
    old_whole_rect  = data->whole_rect;
    old_client_rect = data->client_rect;
    data->window_rect = *rectWindow;
    data->whole_rect  = *visible_rect;
    data->client_rect = *rectClient;
    if (data->vis.visualid == default_visual.visualid)
        if (surface) window_surface_add_ref( surface );
        if (data->surface) window_surface_release( data->surface );
        data->surface = surface;

    TRACE( "win %p window %s client %s style %08x flags %08x\n",
           hwnd, wine_dbgstr_rect(rectWindow), wine_dbgstr_rect(rectClient), new_style, swp_flags );

    if (!IsRectEmpty( &valid_rects[0] ))
        Window window = data->whole_window;
        int x_offset = old_whole_rect.left - data->whole_rect.left;
        int y_offset = old_whole_rect.top - data->whole_rect.top;

        /* if all that happened is that the whole window moved, copy everything */
        if (!(swp_flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED) &&
            old_whole_rect.right   - data->whole_rect.right   == x_offset &&
            old_whole_rect.bottom  - data->whole_rect.bottom  == y_offset &&
            old_client_rect.left   - data->client_rect.left   == x_offset &&
            old_client_rect.right  - data->client_rect.right  == x_offset &&
            old_client_rect.top    - data->client_rect.top    == y_offset &&
            old_client_rect.bottom - data->client_rect.bottom == y_offset &&
            EqualRect( &valid_rects[0], &data->client_rect ))
            /* if we have an X window the bits will be moved by the X server */
            if (!window && (x_offset != 0 || y_offset != 0))
                release_win_data( data );
                move_window_bits( hwnd, window, &old_whole_rect, visible_rect,
                                  &old_client_rect, rectClient, rectWindow );
                if (!(data = get_win_data( hwnd ))) return;
            release_win_data( data );
            move_window_bits( hwnd, window, &valid_rects[1], &valid_rects[0],
                              &old_client_rect, rectClient, rectWindow );
            if (!(data = get_win_data( hwnd ))) return;

    XFlush( gdi_display );  /* make sure painting is done before we move the window */

    sync_client_position( data, &old_client_rect, &old_whole_rect );

    if (!data->whole_window)
        BOOL needs_resize = (!data->client_window &&
                             (data->client_rect.right - data->client_rect.left !=
                              old_client_rect.right - old_client_rect.left ||
                              data->client_rect.bottom - data->client_rect.top !=
                              old_client_rect.bottom - old_client_rect.top));
        release_win_data( data );
        if (needs_resize) sync_gl_drawable( hwnd );

    /* check if we are currently processing an event relevant to this window */
    event_type = 0;
    if (thread_data &&
        thread_data->current_event &&
        thread_data->current_event->xany.window == data->whole_window)
        event_type = thread_data->current_event->type;
        if (event_type != ConfigureNotify && event_type != PropertyNotify &&
            event_type != GravityNotify && event_type != ReparentNotify)
            event_type = 0;  /* ignore other events */

    if (data->mapped && event_type != ReparentNotify)
        if (((swp_flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) && !(new_style & WS_VISIBLE)) ||
            (!event_type && !(new_style & WS_MINIMIZE) &&
             !is_window_rect_mapped( rectWindow ) && is_window_rect_mapped( &old_window_rect )))
            release_win_data( data );
            unmap_window( hwnd );
            if (is_window_rect_fullscreen( &old_window_rect )) reset_clipping_window();
            if (!(data = get_win_data( hwnd ))) return;

    /* don't change position if we are about to minimize or maximize a managed window */
    if (!event_type &&
        !(data->managed && (swp_flags & SWP_STATECHANGED) && (new_style & (WS_MINIMIZE|WS_MAXIMIZE))))
        sync_window_position( data, swp_flags, &old_window_rect, &old_whole_rect, &old_client_rect );

    if ((new_style & WS_VISIBLE) &&
        ((new_style & WS_MINIMIZE) || is_window_rect_mapped( rectWindow )))
        if (!data->mapped)
            BOOL needs_icon = !data->icon_pixmap;
            BOOL needs_map = TRUE;

            /* layered windows are mapped only once their attributes are set */
            if (GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYERED) needs_map = data->layered;
            release_win_data( data );
            if (needs_icon) fetch_icon_data( hwnd, 0, 0 );
            if (needs_map) map_window( hwnd, new_style );
        else if ((swp_flags & SWP_STATECHANGED) && (!data->iconic != !(new_style & WS_MINIMIZE)))
            set_wm_hints( data );
            data->iconic = (new_style & WS_MINIMIZE) != 0;
            TRACE( "changing win %p iconic state to %u\n", data->hwnd, data->iconic );
            if (data->iconic)
                XIconifyWindow( data->display, data->whole_window, data->vis.screen );
            else if (is_window_rect_mapped( rectWindow ))
                XMapWindow( data->display, data->whole_window );
            update_net_wm_states( data );
            if (swp_flags & (SWP_FRAMECHANGED|SWP_STATECHANGED)) set_wm_hints( data );
            if (!event_type) update_net_wm_states( data );

    XFlush( data->display );  /* make sure changes are done before we start painting again */
    if (data->surface && data->vis.visualid != default_visual.visualid)
        data->surface->funcs->flush( data->surface );

    release_win_data( data );


void CDECL X11DRV_WindowPosChanging(
                HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after,UINT swp_flags,
                const RECT *window_rect, const RECT *client_rect,
                RECT *visible_rect,
                struct window_surface **surface )


    struct x11drv_win_data *data = get_win_data( hwnd );
    if ( !data &&
         !(data = X11DRV_create_win_data(
                        client_rect ))) return;

の部分は、hwnd がまだ初期化されていない時には、X11DRV_create_win_data()
を呼び出して、struct x11drv_win_data *data; の実体を作る、ということであろう。

そして、一度作成された「data」は、get_win_data( hwnd ) で取得できると。そして、X11DRV_create_win_data() の中の、

    if (!(data = alloc_win_data( display, hwnd ))) return NULL;

の部分で、alloc_win_data() の中は、

    if ((data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
                            HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*data)))) {
     /* 中略 */
    /* 中略 */
    return data;

となっており、data の中は、data->vis, data->use_alpha 以外は、全て 0 クリアされるらしい。次に、

    if (parent == GetDesktopWindow()) {
        create_whole_window( data );
        TRACE( "win %p/%lx window %s whole %s client %s\n",
               hwnd, data->whole_window,
               wine_dbgstr_rect( &data->window_rect ),
               wine_dbgstr_rect( &data->whole_rect ),
               wine_dbgstr_rect( &data->client_rect ));

となっている。create_whole_window() の中に、次のコードがある :

    data->whole_window = XCreateWindow(
                    data->display, root_window,
                    pos.x, pos.y,
                    cx, cy, 0,
                    data->vis.depth, InputOutput,
                    data->vis.visual, mask, &attr );

だから、結局、基本的には、親が Desktop の時だけ、data->whole_window != NULL になると考えられる。さて、X11DRV_WindowPosChanging() の

    if ( !data &&
         !(data = X11DRV_create_win_data(
                        client_rect ))) return;


    if (!data->whole_window && !data->embedded) goto done;

というコードがある。これは、大体で言えば、親が Desktop 以外の時は(data->whole_window == NULL なので)、done ラベルに飛んで、関数から return する、ということである。その後、

    if (data->surface) {
        if (EqualRect( &data->surface->rect, &surface_rect )) {
            /* existing surface is good enough */
            window_surface_add_ref( data->surface );
            *surface = data->surface;

            FIXME( "c1, hwnd=%08X, goto done\n", (DWORD)hwnd );
            goto done;
    else if ( !(swp_flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) &&
              !(GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE)) goto done;

というところがあるが、大体の意味は、既に data->surface が NULL でなく、かつ、今までと矩形の位置と寸法に変化がない場合は、今までの data->surface を再利用して、*surface = data->surface としてしまって、そのまま関数から return する、ということである。逆に、矩形が変わった場合は、上記の if 文には入らないので最後の方まで行き、

    *surface = create_surface(
                    FALSE );

となる。これは、親が Desktop Window の場合を大前提として、data->surface がまだないか、または、あっても、data->surface と surface_rect の矩形が異なっている場合には、create_surface() が呼び出される、ということである。

さらに、set_window_pos() 関数の中で、以下のようになっている :

BOOL set_window_pos( HWND hwnd, ・・・ )
    WND                     *win;
    struct window_surface   *new_surface = NULL;

    /* 中略 */
    win = WIN_GetPtr( hwnd )

    /* 中略 */
                    hwnd, insert_after, swp_flags,
                    window_rect, client_rect,
                    &visible_rect, &new_surface );
    /* 中略 */
    win->surface      = new_surface;

    /* 中略 */

どういうことかというと、X11DRV_WindowPosChanging() の中で、

    *surface        = xxx;

とされると、set_window_pos() からみると、new_surface = xxx とされたのと同じ事になるから、結局、

    win->surface    = xxx;












































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