以前、note でまとめた WWDC2020 の記事 へのリンクです。
最近、SwiftUI を触ってる関係で見直す機会が多かったのですが、note のマガジンだと検索性が悪かったのでまとめ直しました。
忙しい人向けの What’s new in SwiftUI
- App
- Scene
- WindowGroup
- Settings (macOS)
- DocumentGroup
- Widget
- List
- LazyVGrid
- toolbar
- Label
- help
- keyboardShortcut
- ProgressView
- Gauge (watchOS)
- matchedGeometryEffect
- ContainerRelativeShape
- Link
- @Environment(.openURL)
- SignInWithAppleButton
忙しい人向けの App Essentials in SwiftUI
忙しい人向けの Data Essentials in SwiftUI: Part 1
忙しい人向けの Data Essentials in SwiftUI: Part 2
忙しい人向けの Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI
- VStack
- HStack
- ForEach
- ScrollView
- LazyVStack
- LazyHStack
- LazyVGrid
- LazyHGrid
- List
- OutlineGroup
- DisclosureGroup
忙しい人向けの Structure your app for SwiftUI previews
忙しい人向けの Visually edit SwiftUI views
忙しい人向けの Add custom views and modifiers to the Xcode Library
忙しい人向けの Build document-based apps in SwiftUI
忙しい人向けの Design with iOS pickers, menus and actions: Part 1
忙しい人向けの Design with iOS pickers, menus and actions: Part 2
忙しい人向けの Formatters: Make data human-friendly
忙しい人向けの Design great widgets: Part 1
忙しい人向けの Design great widgets: Part 2
忙しい人向けの What’s new in Swift
忙しい人向けの Embrace Swift type inference
忙しい人向けの Explore logging in Swift
忙しい人向けの Use Swift on AWS Lambda with Xcode
Swift Package
忙しい人向けの Explore Packages and Projects with Xcode Playgrounds
忙しい人向けの Distribute binary frameworks as Swift packages
忙しい人向けの Triage test failures with XCTIssue
忙しい人向けの Handle interruptions and alerts in UI tests
忙しい人向けの XCTSkip your tests
最近、SwiftUI で OSS とかアプリを作ってます。