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Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-16

















2017年12月のJapan WG発足時に、トヨタさん、日立さん、SONYさん達と富士通の知財部門や組込みLinuxの開発部門がOpenChainの日本の活動を盛り上げようと参加しています。
サブWGのFAQ, ライセンス情報, Planning, Promotionなどなどで10名ほどが活動しています。
今年度は、社内でも全社員に向けたメールマガジンで、OpenChainの紹介をしたり、Japan WGの本会合を社内で開いたりして、今まで興味をもっていなかった営業部門ほか関係部門の方々にも活動をアピールしています。

SPEC2.0 認証



OSS技術センターが富士通のOpen Source Program Officeとして社内外から認知されて相談に乗れるように、今後も専門組織として取り組んでいきます。



明日は、浜さんのFossology の新しいOSSライセンススキャンについてです。Fossologyは私も使っていて今後SW360との連携もとても興味深いです。楽しみにしています!!

English Summary


I belong to the only organization in Fujitsu called "OSS Technology Center" (OSS).
My project is to promote the overall use of OSS within the company.
Today, I would like to introduce you to some of the activities that we have been working in Scrum with Fujitsu's OSS specialized organization and related departments until the OpenChain Project.

Fujitsu Open Source Specialty Organization "OSS Technology Center"

The relationship between Fujitsu and OSS started in 1999 with Linux support for Fujitsu servers, and the Fujitsu Linux Center was established in January 2000 as a forward-looking organization of the current OSS Technology Center.

Establishment of OSS Technology Center

The increasing use of OSS in mission-critical areas and the recognition of the importance of OSS within Fujitsu itself led to the formation of a specialized organization "OSS Technology Center" in November 2005. The purpose of this organization is to create new value for customers by selecting the right open technology for the right person, in the right place, according to their requirements and applications.

Fujitsu has a long track record in the selection of OSS and the provision of technical support and other activities that are conducted in tandem with Fujitsu's field. Over the past three years, however, customers have come to seek advice on a variety of issues, such as licensing risks and technical risks associated with OSS.

Internal OSS compliance activities

We implement OSS lifecycle management by using tools to check for OSS contamination, automatically determine license policies, and provide vulnerability notification services to development departments through BOM management.

Mainly implemented
*Visualization of OSS used.
*Linking OSS components used in products to licensing and vulnerability information.
*Determined that the company has listed the software/versions/licenses that it has determined to be acceptable.
*Introduction of process approval mechanisms and evidence. (Workflow Features)

Development of internal processes

Until the above system was established, we took a long time to organize the framework for the use of OSS while properly protecting licenses within the company, involving the intellectual property division, the product certification division, and, of course, the development division.
The Intellectual Property Department plays a central role in the creation of a guide for the use of OSS, the establishment of rules and processes, and the incorporation of OSS into company-wide and divisional standards.

Fujitsu has a wide range of applications, and we are promoting the use of OSS by taking advantage of our comprehensive capabilities through a cross-divisional system.

Increased use of OSS and company-wide education

I feel that our business has changed a lot since OSS was called a copycat of operating systems or a substitute for commercial products, and AI and other de facto technologies have come from OSS.
Up until a while ago, it would have been better if the key people involved in development were familiar with the licensing of OSS, but now I feel that procurement and sales departments need to acquire knowledge of OSS.
In the past, group education and e-learning were mainly provided to development departments. Two years ago, however, a new literacy education program was created for all employees so that anyone can take e-learning courses at any time.
Because there is more talk about OSS licensing and fulfillment of obligations, we are currently developing an OSS contribution education.

Working with the OpenChain Project

When the Japan WG was established in December 2017, Toyota, Hitachi, Sony, Fujitsu's intellectual property division and embedded Linux development division participated in the project to boost OpenChain's activities in Japan.
About 10 people are active in sub-WG FAQs, licensing information, planning, promotion, etc.
Fujitsu became a platinum member in February 2019 to share its activity reports at the OSS Utilization WG for company-wide activities, including Group companies, and to encourage more participation while fostering closer ties.
This year, we are introducing OpenChain and holding a plenary meeting of the Japan WG in an internal mail magazine for all employees to promote our activities to the sales department and other related departments, who had not been interested in it.

SPEC 2.0 Certification

In November 2019, Fujitsu acquired self-certification. We reviewed and revised the company-wide and departmental standards for OSS, which we had originally developed, and made improvements in line with the OpenChain specifications. The intellectual property division, the OSS Technology Center, and the development division (Embedded Linux development and software divisions) all conducted training activities simultaneously, and acquired certification.
This was a very meaningful effort to look back on conventional processes and rules. It was a very good opportunity for us to link the de facto standard specifications with our own practical activities through the re-implementation of education. We will continue our efforts to comply with the specifications.


We will continue to work as a specialized organization so that the OSS Technology Center can be recognized both internally and externally as Fujitsu's Open Source Program Office for consultation.
As a global company, Fujitsu will collaborate with Fujitsu's North America, Europe, and Asia in various activities such as the OpenChain initiative.

In the future, we intend to contribute to the OpenChain Project and Open Source by providing our customers and partners with the know-how we have cultivated through our internal practices.


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