There is a saying that everything is an object in JavaScript...
- Numbers
- Strings
- Booleans
- Undefined
- Null
- Arrays
- Functions
- Objects
- Dates
- and more...
Almost everything is an object in JavaScript and this is what differentiates JavaScript.
Object-Oritented Programming
Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm which heavily relies on usage of objects.
- Objects interact with one another with methods and properties
- Used to store data and structure applications into modules in order keep code clean
In JavaScript, classes might be reffered to as constructor or prototype
Inheritance is when one object is based on another object and has access to other object's properties and methods.
Prototype property of an object is where we put methods and properties that we want other objects to inherit.
Inheritance is possible in JavaScript thanks to the existance of Prototypes. ***Every JavaScript object has a Prototype property. ***
All objects in JavaScript is an instance of Object constructor / prototype.
Instance -> Occurance of an object.
Think of prototype as a blueprint or a class
Prototype Chain
Chain of prototypes. When an object doesn't have a method or a property, it will look at the parent prototype. If the Object prototype doesn't have it, it simply returns null.
Function Constructor###
var Person = function(name, yearOfBirth, job) { = name;
this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
this.job = job;
// Instatiation
var john = new Person('John',1990,'teacher');
The 'new' operator points the 'this' variable to the empty object created when the new operator was called instead of the global object. This is why we can have multiple instances of the same Prototype.
###Prototype property
Person.prototype.calculateAge = function(){
john.calculateAge() // Outputs '29'
'calculateAge' method is attached to constructor function's prototype property.
A property can also be attached to prototype.
john.hasOwnProperty('job'); // true
john.hasOwnProperty('calculateAge'); //false
john instanceof Person; // true
^ Checking if an instance has a specified property
Property for objects###
Arrays have array prototype
var x = [1,2,3]; // x has property of length
x.length; // 3
Another way to create an object : Object.create###
This is another way to create an object. Also inherits from a prototype
Create an object that will act as a prototype
Create an object based on the prototype object
var personProto = {
calculateAge: function() {
console.log(2019 - this.yearOfBirth);
// Pass in the object that will act as the prototype.
// Method 1
var john = Object.create(personProto); = 'John';
john.yearOfBirth = 1990;
john.job = 'teacher';
// Method 2
var jane = Object.create(personProto, {
name: { value: "Jane" },
yearOfBirth: { value: 1969 },
job: { value: "designer" }
Object.create inherits from the prototype passed in as an argument whereas the function constructor inherits from the constructor's prototype property.
Object.create allows more complex inheritance.
Function constructor is more popular