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KaggleAdvent Calendar 2019

Day 16

データ分析者の為の VS Code スニペット集

Last updated at Posted at 2020-01-24




VS Code でスニペットを登録する方法は,以下を参照してください.



  • joblib
  • lightgbm
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • seaborn
    "lgb": {
        "prefix": [
            "import lightgbm as lgb"
        "body": "import lightgbm as lgb",
        "description": "Import LightGBM"
    "np": {
        "prefix": [
            "import numpy as np"
        "body": "import numpy as np",
        "description": "Import Numpy"
    "pd": {
        "prefix": [
            "import pandas as pd"
        "body": "import pandas as pd",
        "description": "Import Pandas"
    "plt": {
        "prefix": [
            "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt",
            "from matplotlib import ..."
        "body": "from matplotlib import pyplot as plt",
        "description": "Import Matplotlib"
    "sns": {
        "prefix": [
            "import seaborn as sns"
        "body": "import seaborn as sns",
        "description": "Import seaborn"
    "joblib.dump": {
        "prefix": [
            "from joblib import dump"
        "body": "from joblib import dump",
        "description": "Import `dump` in Joblib"
    "joblib.load": {
        "prefix": [
            "from joblib import load"
        "body": "from joblib import load",
        "description": "Import `load` in Joblib"
    "sklearn.compose.make_column_transformer": {
        "prefix": [
            "from sklearn.compose import ..."
        "body": "from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer",
        "description": "Import `make_column_transformer` in scikit-learn"
    "sklearn.datasets.load_*": {
        "prefix": [
            "from sklearn.datasets import ..."
        "body": "from sklearn.datasets import ${1:load_iris}",
        "description": "Import a function that loads a dataset"
    "sklearn.pipeline.make_pipeline": {
        "prefix": [
            "from sklearn.pipeline import ..."
        "body": "from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline",
        "description": "Import `make_pipeline` in scikit-learn"
    "logger = ...": {
        "prefix": "logger = ...",
        "body": "logger = logging.getLogger(${1:__name__})",
        "description": "Get a logger"
    "dtrain = ...": {
        "prefix": "dtrain = ...",
        "body": "dtrain = lgb.Dataset(${1:X}, label=${2:y})",
        "description": "Create a LightGBM dataset instance"
    "booster = ...": {
        "prefix": "booster = ...",
        "body": [
            "booster = lgb.train(",
            "\t${3:# **kwargs}",
        "description": "Train a LightGBM booster"
    "ax = ...": {
        "prefix": "ax = ...",
        "body": [
            "ax = lgb.plot_importance(",
            "\t${2:# **kwargs}",
        "description": "Plot feature importances"
    "f, ax = ...": {
        "prefix": "f, ax = ...",
        "body": "f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=${1:(8, 6)})",
        "description": "Create a figure and a set of subplots"
    "df = ...": {
        "prefix": "df = ...",
        "body": [
            "df = pd.read_csv(",
            "\t${2:# **kwargs}",
        "description": "Read a csv file into a Pandas dataFrame"
    "description = ...": {
        "prefix": "description = ...",
        "body": "description = ${1:df}.describe(include=${2:\"all\"})",
        "description": "Create a Pandas dataframe description"
    "with pd.option_context(...": {
        "prefix": "with pd.option_context(...",
        "body": [
        "description": "Set temporarily Pandas options"
    "X, y = ...": {
        "prefix": "X, y = ...",
        "body": "X, y = ${1:load_iris}(return_X_y=True)",
        "description": "Load and return the dataset"
    "X_train, X_test, ...": {
        "prefix": "X_train, X_test, ...",
        "body": [
            "X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(",
        "description": "Split arrays into train and test subsets"
    "estimator = BaseEstimator(...": {
        "prefix": "estimator = BaseEstimator(...",
        "body": [
            "estimator = ${1:BaseEstimator}(",
            "\t${2:# **params}",
        "description": "Create an scikit-learn estimator instance"
    "estimator = make_pipeline(...": {
        "prefix": "estimator = make_pipeline(...",
        "body": [
            "estimator = make_pipeline(",
            "\t${2:# *steps}",
        "description": "Create a scikit-learn pipeline instance"
    "estimator = make_column_transformer(...": {
        "prefix": "estimator = make_column_transformer(...",
        "body": [
            "estimator = make_column_transformer(",
            "\t(${1:estimator}, ${2:columns}),",
            "\t${3:# *transformers}",
        "description": "Create a scikit-learn column transformer instance"
    "estimator.fit(...": {
        "prefix": "estimator.fit(...",
        "body": [
            "\t${4:# **fit_params}",
        "description": "Fit the estimator according to the given training data"
    "dump(...": {
        "prefix": "dump(...",
        "body": "dump(${1:estimator}, ${2:filename}, compress=${3:0})",
        "description": "Save the estimator"
    "estimator = load(...": {
        "prefix": "estimator = load(...",
        "body": "estimator = load(${1:filename})",
        "description": "Load the estimator"
    "y_pred = ...": {
        "prefix": "y_pred = ...",
        "body": "y_pred = ${1:estimator}.predict(${2:X})",
        "description": "Predict using the fitted model"
    "X = ...": {
        "prefix": "X = ...",
        "body": "X = ${1:estimator}.transform(${2:X})",
        "description": "Transform the data"




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