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Assign the variable x to the value 5.

What is the datatype of "Matt"?

x = 5
Is x a string?

What does this expression evaluate to?

What does this expression evaluate to?
"bob" + 42

a = "Bat"
b = "woman"
What does this expression evaluate to?
a + b

What does this expression print?
my_name = "50 Cent"
my_name = "Miley"
p my_name

rapper = "Jaydakiss"
Get the first letter from the string "Jaydakiss".

Get the first through 3rd elements from the "Jaydakiss" string.

Replace the "l" in the following string with "m":
word = "lace"

Assign the variable my_dawg to the value "DMX"

What does the following expression evaluate to?
"Dead Poet" = fav_bar

What does the following expression print?

something = "cats"
crazy = something
puts crazy

What does the following expression evaluate to?
3 + 4

What does the following expression evaluate to?
4 * 7

What does the following expression evaluate to?
2 ** 3

What does the following expression evaluate to?
8 / 2

What does the following expression evaluate to?
3 / 2

What does the following expression evaluate to?
3.0 / 2.0

What does the following expression evaluate to?
"i am not shouting".upcase()

Convert every letter of "YoLo BrAh" to lowercase.
nice = "YoLo BrAh"

Concatenate the following strings:
first = "Beautiful "
second = "face tattoo"

Integers have useful built-in methods too. Convert the number 5 to the string "5".

to_s stands for "to string"
What is the problem with the following code?
my variable = "Mr. White"

Update the code, so it can run successfully:
band = "Blink" + 182


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