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Julia でデータフレームをフィルターすると

Last updated at Posted at 2023-01-28

以下を参照して,Julia ならどうなるかやってみた。


種類 バージョン
Mac mini
チップ Apple M1
メモリ 8 GB
macOS Ventura 13.1
Python 3.11.0
pandas 1.5.1
Julia 1.8.5
Query 1.0.0
jupyterlab 3.4.1

結論からいえば,直接指定 df[df.foo > x, :] が一番速いが,Python に比べると 10 倍ほど遅い。

using DataFrames, CSV
@time df = CSV.read("../SN_d_tot_V2.0.csv", DataFrame,
    header=["year", "month", "day", "date_frac", "num", "std", "obs spot", "certanty"]

  3.139465 seconds (1.55 M allocations: 73.513 MiB, 0.55% gc time, 99.25% compilation time: 85% of which was recompilation)

読み込みは Python の場合 0.030 〜 0.035 秒ほど。Julia だと約 2 倍速。


@time df2 = CSV.read("../SN_d_tot_V2.0.csv", DataFrame,
    header=["year", "month", "day", "date_frac", "num", "std", "obs spot", "certanty"],
  0.034364 seconds (46.22 k allocations: 3.047 MiB, 52.56% compilation time)
using Query
# 行の選択
@time df |>
    @filter(_.date_frac >= 2000) |>
    @take(3) |>
  0.422586 seconds (2.46 M allocations: 128.434 MiB, 3.40% gc time, 99.25% compilation time)
3×8 DataFrame
Row year month day date_frac num std obs spot certanty
Int64 Int64 Int64 Float64 Int64 Float64 Int64 Int64
1 2000 1 1 2000.0 71 3.8 14 1
2 2000 1 2 2000.0 75 4.1 10 1
3 2000 1 3 2000.01 80 3.9 13 1

Python の df_dSN.query('date_frac >= 2000').head(3) だと 0.003 秒ほどなのに比べるととても遅い。

@time df[df.date_frac .>= 2000, :] |> (x -> first(x, 3))
  0.170744 seconds (474.33 k allocations: 23.493 MiB, 99.75% compilation time: 65% of which was recompilation)
3×8 DataFrame
Row year month day date_frac num std obs spot certanty
Int64 Int64 Int64 Float64 Int64 Float64 Int64 Int64
1 2000 1 1 2000.0 71 3.8 14 1
2 2000 1 2 2000.0 75 4.1 10 1
3 2000 1 3 2000.01 80 3.9 13 1

Python の df_dSN[df_dSN['date_frac'] >= 2000].head(3) だと 0.002 秒ほどなのに比べるととても遅い。

@time filter(:date_frac => x -> x >= 2000, df) |> (x -> first(x, 3))
  0.168857 seconds (1.53 M allocations: 82.448 MiB, 9.10% gc time, 99.77% compilation time)

(74875, 8)
df2 = copy(df)
@time filter!(:date_frac => x -> x >= 2000, df2) |> (x -> first(x, 3))
  0.159689 seconds (799.11 k allocations: 41.806 MiB, 4.68% gc time, 99.54% compilation time)

(8401, 8)



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