#What is a design pattern?
Design patterns are widely accepted solutions to recurring problems.
#Why do we need them?
Reusing these patterns saves our time to reinvent the wheel and encourage us to adopt the best practices.
#Facts about design patterns
- language-neutral
- dynamic
- intentionally incomplete for possible customization
#Three major design patterns
- Creational : Polymorphism
- Structural : Inheritance
- Behavioral : Methods and their signatures
- relies on inheritance
- Allows child classes to be instantiated and treated as the same type as its parent
- Enables a parent class to be manifested into any of its child classes
A Pattern Context
- Participants: classes
- Quality attributes: Usability, modifiability, reliability, etc
- Forces: various factors or trade-offs to consider
- Consequences: side effects
#Pattern Language
- Name: should be meaningful and memorable
- Context
- Problem
- Solution: Structure: relationships among elements; Behavior: interactions
- Related patterns
Creational Patterns
[Behavioral Patterns]
To be continued...