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Unity5.5から Particle Systemのパラメータをスクリプトから変更する方法が変わった話

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 ParticleSystem m_particleSystem;

 m_particleSystem.startColor = Color.red;

 m_particleSystem.main.startColor = Color.red;





  • StartColorがColorモードの場合
ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient();
color.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.Color;
color.color = Color.red;
ParticleSystem.MainModule main = trailPartical.main;
main.startColor = color;

  • StartColorがRandom Between Two Colorsモードの場合
//Create Color from Gradient
ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient();
color.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoColors;
color.colorMin = Color.red;
color.colorMax = Color.green;

//Assign the color to the particle
ParticleSystem.MainModule main = particleSystem.main;
main.startColor = color;
  • Gradientの場合
public ParticleSystem particleSystem;

void Start()
    //Create Gradient key
    GradientColorKey[] gradientColorKey;
    gradientColorKey = new GradientColorKey[3];
    gradientColorKey[0].color = Color.red;
    gradientColorKey[0].time = 0f;
    gradientColorKey[1].color = Color.blue;
    gradientColorKey[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientColorKey[2].color = Color.green;
    gradientColorKey[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient alpha
    GradientAlphaKey[] gradientAlphaKey;
    gradientAlphaKey = new GradientAlphaKey[3];
    gradientAlphaKey[0].alpha = 1.0f;
    gradientAlphaKey[0].time = 0.0f;
    gradientAlphaKey[1].alpha = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKey[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKey[2].alpha = 1f;
    gradientAlphaKey[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient
    Gradient gradient = new Gradient();
    gradient.SetKeys(gradientColorKey, gradientAlphaKey);

    //Create Color from Gradient
    ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient();
    color.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.Gradient;
    color.gradient = gradient;

    //Assign the color to particle
    ParticleSystem.MainModule main = particleSystem.main;
    main.startColor = color;

  • Random Between Two Gradientsの場合
public ParticleSystem particleSystem;

void Start()

    //Create Gradient key Min
    GradientColorKey[] gradientColorKeyMin;
    gradientColorKeyMin = new GradientColorKey[3];
    gradientColorKeyMin[0].color = Color.red;
    gradientColorKeyMin[0].time = 0f;
    gradientColorKeyMin[1].color = Color.blue;
    gradientColorKeyMin[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientColorKeyMin[2].color = Color.green;
    gradientColorKeyMin[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient alpha Min
    GradientAlphaKey[] gradientAlphaKeyMin;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin = new GradientAlphaKey[3];
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[0].alpha = 1.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[0].time = 0.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[1].alpha = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[2].alpha = 1f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient key Max
    GradientColorKey[] gradientColorKeyMax;
    gradientColorKeyMax = new GradientColorKey[3];
    gradientColorKeyMax[0].color = Color.red;
    gradientColorKeyMax[0].time = 0f;
    gradientColorKeyMax[1].color = Color.blue;
    gradientColorKeyMax[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientColorKeyMax[2].color = Color.green;
    gradientColorKeyMax[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient alpha Max
    GradientAlphaKey[] gradientAlphaKeyMax;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax = new GradientAlphaKey[3];
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[0].alpha = 1.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[0].time = 0.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[1].alpha = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[2].alpha = 1f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient Min
    Gradient gradientMin = new Gradient();
    gradientMin.SetKeys(gradientColorKeyMin, gradientAlphaKeyMin);

    //Create Gradient Max
    Gradient gradientMax = new Gradient();
    gradientMax.SetKeys(gradientColorKeyMax, gradientAlphaKeyMax);

    //Create Color from Gradient
    ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient();
    color.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoGradients;
    color.gradientMin = gradientMin;
    color.gradientMax = gradientMax;

    //Assign the color to the particle
    ParticleSystem.MainModule main = particleSystem.main;
    main.startColor = color;
  • Random Colorの場合
public ParticleSystem particleSystem;

void Start()

    //Create Gradient key Min
    GradientColorKey[] gradientColorKeyMin;
    gradientColorKeyMin = new GradientColorKey[3];
    gradientColorKeyMin[0].color = Color.red;
    gradientColorKeyMin[0].time = 0f;
    gradientColorKeyMin[1].color = Color.blue;
    gradientColorKeyMin[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientColorKeyMin[2].color = Color.green;
    gradientColorKeyMin[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient alpha Min
    GradientAlphaKey[] gradientAlphaKeyMin;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin = new GradientAlphaKey[3];
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[0].alpha = 1.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[0].time = 0.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[1].alpha = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[2].alpha = 1f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMin[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient key Max
    GradientColorKey[] gradientColorKeyMax;
    gradientColorKeyMax = new GradientColorKey[3];
    gradientColorKeyMax[0].color = Color.red;
    gradientColorKeyMax[0].time = 0f;
    gradientColorKeyMax[1].color = Color.blue;
    gradientColorKeyMax[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientColorKeyMax[2].color = Color.green;
    gradientColorKeyMax[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient alpha Max
    GradientAlphaKey[] gradientAlphaKeyMax;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax = new GradientAlphaKey[3];
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[0].alpha = 1.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[0].time = 0.0f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[1].alpha = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[1].time = 0.5f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[2].alpha = 1f;
    gradientAlphaKeyMax[2].time = 1f;

    //Create Gradient Min
    Gradient gradientMin = new Gradient();
    gradientMin.SetKeys(gradientColorKeyMin, gradientAlphaKeyMin);

    //Create Gradient Max
    Gradient gradientMax = new Gradient();
    gradientMax.SetKeys(gradientColorKeyMax, gradientAlphaKeyMax);

    //Create Color from Gradient
    ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient();
    color.mode = ParticleSystemGradientMode.RandomColor;
    color.gradientMin = gradientMin;
    color.gradientMax = gradientMax;

    //Assign the color to the particle
    ParticleSystem.MainModule main = particleSystem.main;
    main.startColor = color;

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