- OMPython
OMShellでシミュレーションを実行するには 'simulate(~~)' となるので
omc.sendExpression("simulate(BouncingBall, stopTime=3.0)")
- EnhancedOMPython
- PySimulator
Windows10 Home 1809
conda version : 4.5.4
conda-build version : 3.10.5
python version : 3.6.5.final.0
JupyterLab : 1.2.6
OpenModelica : 1.13.2 64bit
事前にOM, Anacondaをインストールしていることが前提となる。
①. Anaconda Promptを起動し、以下のフォルダに移動
cd %OPENMODELICAHOME%\share\omc\scripts\PythonInterface
②. 以下のコマンドでインストール
python -m pip install -U .
Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] アクセスが拒否されました。: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Shared\\Anaconda3_64\\Lib\\site-packages\\future'
Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.
python -m pip install --user -U .
③. インストールされたかどうか確認するためJupyterLabを起動する。起動方法はAnaconda Navigatorをスタートメニューから起動して「JupyterLab」を起動。NotebookのPythonを選択する。
④. 以下を実行
import OMPython
Ctrl + エンターで実行。セルの挿入はb、削除はdを2回。
Help on class ModelicaSystem in module OMPython:
class ModelicaSystem(builtins.object)
| Methods defined here:
| del(self)
| init(self, fileName=None, modelName=None, lmodel=[], useCorba=False)
| "constructor"
| It initializes to load file and build a model, generating object, exe, xml, mat, and json files. etc. It can be called :
| •without any arguments: In this case it neither loads a file nor build a model. This is useful when a FMU needed to convert to Modelica model
| •with two arguments as file name with ".mo" extension and the model name respectively
| •with three arguments, the first and second are file name and model name respectively and the third arguments is Modelica standard library to load a model, which is common in such models where the model is based on the standard library. For example, here is a model named "dcmotor.mo" below table 4-2, which is located in the directory of OpenModelica at "C:\OpenModelica1.9.4-dev.beta2\share\doc\omc estmodels".
| Note: If the model file is not in the current working directory, then the path where file is located must be included together with file name. Besides, if the Modelica model contains several different models within the same package, then in order to build the specific model, in second argument, user must put the package name with dot(.) followed by specific model name.
| ex: myModel = ModelicaSystem("ModelicaModel.mo", "modelName")
| convertFmu2Mo(self, fmuName)
| In order to load FMU, at first it needs to be translated into Modelica model. This method is used to generate Modelica model from the given FMU. It generates "fmuName_me_FMU.mo". It can be called:
| •only without any arguments
| Currently, it only supports Model Exchange conversion.
| - Input arguments: s1
| * s1: name of FMU file, including extension .fmu
| convertMo2Fmu(self)
| This method is used to generate FMU from the given Modelica model. It creates "modelName.fmu" in the current working directory. It can be called:
| •only without any arguments
| getContinuous(self, *names)
| This method returns dict. The key is continuous names and value is corresponding continuous value.
| If *name is None then the function will return dict which contain all continuous names as key and value as corresponding values. eg., getContinuous()
| Otherwise variable number of arguments can be passed as continuous name in string format separated by commas. eg., getContinuous('cName1', 'cName2')
| getInputs(self, *names)
| This method returns dict. The key is input names and value is corresponding input value.
| If *name is None then the function will return dict which contain all input names as key and value as corresponding values. eg., getInputs()
| Otherwise variable number of arguments can be passed as input name in string format separated by commas. eg., getInputs('iName1', 'iName2')
| getLinearInputs(self)
| getLinearOutputs(self)
| getLinearQuantityInformation(self)
| getLinearStates(self)
| getLinearizationOptions(self, *names)
| This method returns dict. The key is linearize option names and value is corresponding linearize option value.
| If *name is None then the function will return dict which contain all linearize option names as key and value as corresponding values. eg., getLinearizationOptions()
| Otherwise variable number of arguments can be passed as simulation option name in string format separated by commas. eg., getLinearizationOptions('linName1', 'linName2')
| getOptimizationOptions(self, *names)
| getOutputs(self, *names)
| This method returns dict. The key is output names and value is corresponding output value.
| If *name is None then the function will return dict which contain all output names as key and value as corresponding values. eg., getOutputs()
| Otherwise variable number of arguments can be passed as output name in string format separated by commas. eg., getOutputs(opName1', 'opName2')
| getParameters(self, *names)
| This method returns dict. The key is parameter names and value is corresponding parameter value.
| If *name is None then the function will return dict which contain all parameter names as key and value as corresponding values. eg., getParameters()
| Otherwise variable number of arguments can be passed as parameter name in string format separated by commas. eg., getParameters('paraName1', 'paraName2')
| getQuantities(self, names=None)
| This method returns list of dictionaries. It displays details of quantities such as name, value, changeable, and description, where changeable means if value for corresponding quantity name is changeable or not. It can be called :
| •without argument: it returns list of dictionaries of all quantities
| •with a single argument as list of quantities name in string format: it returns list of dictionaries of only particular quantities name
| •a single argument as a single quantity name (or in list) in string format: it returns list of dictionaries of the particular quantity name
| getSimulationOptions(self, *names)
| This method returns dict. The key is simulation option names and value is corresponding simulation option value.
| If *name is None then the function will return dict which contain all simulation option names as key and value as corresponding values. eg., getSimulationOptions()
| Otherwise variable number of arguments can be passed as simulation option name in string format separated by commas. eg., getSimulationOptions('simName1', 'simName2')
| getSolutions(self, *varList)
| This method returns tuple of numpy arrays. It can be called:
| •with a list of quantities name in string format as argument: it returns the simulation results of the corresponding names in the same order. Here it supports Python unpacking depending upon the number of variables assigned.
| linearize(self)
| This method linearizes model according to the linearized options. This will generate a linear model that consists of matrices A, B, C and D. It can be called:
| •only without any arguments
| optimize(self)
| This method optimizes model according to the optimized options. It can be called:
| •only without any arguments
| requestApi(self, apiName, entity=None, properties=None)
| # request to OMC
| setContinuous(self, **cvals)
| This method is used to set continuous values. It can be called:
| •with a sequence of continuous name and assigning corresponding values as arguments as show in the example below:
| setContinuousValues(cName1 = 10.9, cName2 = 0.066)
| setInputs(self, **nameVal)
| This method is used to set input values. It can be called:
| •with a sequence of input name and assigning corresponding values as arguments as show in the example below:
| setParameterValues(iName = [(t0, v0), (t1, v0), (t1, v2), (t3, v2)...]), where tj<=tj+1
| setLinearizationOptions(self, **linearizationOptions)
| This method is used to set linearization options. It can be called:
| •with a sequence of linearization options name and assigning corresponding value as arguments as show in the example below
| setLinearizationOptions(stopTime=0, stepSize = 10)
| setOptimizationOptions(self, **optimizationOptions)
| This method is used to set optimization options. It can be called:
| •with a sequence of optimization options name and assigning corresponding values as arguments as show in the example below:
| setOptimizationOptions(stopTime = 10,simflags = '-lv LOG_IPOPT -optimizerNP 1')
| setParameters(self, **pvals)
| This method is used to set parameter values. It can be called:
| •with a sequence of parameter name and assigning corresponding value as arguments as show in the example below:
| setParameterValues(pName1 = 10.9, pName2 = 0.066)
| setSimulationOptions(self, **simOptions)
| This method is used to set simulation options. It can be called:
| •with a sequence of simulation options name and assigning corresponding values as arguments as show in the example below:
| setSimulationOptions(stopTime = 100, solver = 'euler')
| simulate(self)
| This method simulates model according to the simulation options. It can be called:
| •only without any arguments: simulate the model
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| dict
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| weakref
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
①. 計算実行のためモデルの読み込みやフォルダの移動など実行
Python, JupyterLabは直感的で操作しやすい。