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JavaScriptでの型判別まとめ(typeof, Object.prototype.toString.call)

Last updated at Posted at 2024-03-12


typeof toString.call
string "", "abc", 'a', String(1) string [object String]
String new String("") object [object String]
number 0, NaN, Infinity, Number('1') number [object Number]
Number new Number(0) object [object Number]
bigint 1n, BigInt(1) bigint [object BigInt]
Bigint Object(1n) object [object BigInt]
boolean true, Boolean(0) boolean [object Boolean]
Boolean new Boolean(true) object [object Boolean]
symbol Symbol(1) symbol [object Symbol]
Symbol Object(Symbol(1)) object [object Symbol]
null null object [object Null]
undefined undefined undefined [object Undefined]
array [] object [object Array]
object {} object [object Object]
function () => {} function [object Function]
Map new Map() object [object Map]
Set new Set() object [object Set]
Date new Date() object [object Date]
Error new Error() object [object Error]
console.log('string: ', typeof 'a', Object.prototype.toString.call('a'))
console.log('String: ', typeof new String(""), Object.prototype.toString.call(new String("")))
console.log('number: ', typeof 0, Object.prototype.toString.call(0))
console.log('Number: ', typeof new Number(0), Object.prototype.toString.call(new Number(0)))
console.log('boolean: ', typeof true, Object.prototype.toString.call(true))
console.log('Boolean: ', typeof new Boolean(true), Object.prototype.toString.call(new Boolean(true)))
console.log('bigint: ', typeof 1n, Object.prototype.toString.call(1n))
console.log('BigInt: ', typeof Object(1n), Object.prototype.toString.call(Object(1n)))
console.log('symbol: ', typeof Symbol(1), Object.prototype.toString.call(Symbol(1)))
console.log('Symbol: ', typeof Object(Symbol(1)), Object.prototype.toString.call(Object(Symbol(1))))
console.log('null: ', typeof null, Object.prototype.toString.call(null))
console.log('undefined: ', typeof undefined, Object.prototype.toString.call(undefined))
console.log('array: ', typeof [], Object.prototype.toString.call([]))
console.log('object: ', typeof {}, Object.prototype.toString.call({}))
console.log('function: ', typeof (() => {}), Object.prototype.toString.call((() => {})))
console.log('Map: ', typeof new Map(), Object.prototype.toString.call(new Map()))
console.log('Set: ', typeof new Set(), Object.prototype.toString.call(new Set()))
console.log('Date: ', typeof new Date(), Object.prototype.toString.call(new Date()))
console.log('Error: ', typeof new Error(), Object.prototype.toString.call(new Error()))


const getType = (a: any): string =>
  Object.prototype.toString.call(a).replace('[object ', '').replace(']', '')

if (getType('hoge') === 'String') console.log('string')
// -> string



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