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What challenges are posed to healthcare research field due to eruption of the COVID-19 crisis?

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##Viral Data Sources and Search Systems

The eruption of the COVID-19 crisis posed new challenges to the healthcare research field, which is moving to deliver quality services to mitigate the pandemic's adverse effects as quickly as possible. We see an outrageously high amount of data being produced throughout these occasions, which is frequently affiliated with poor quality of presenting relevant data, which is sometimes obtained by inadequately evaluated or non-peer-reviewed efforts. However, we see inconsistencies in published studies, typical of a disease in its infant stages and therefore only partially covered. In this perspective, gathering viral genome analysis is critical to investigate the virus's origin, rapid expansion, and evolution in terms of haplotypes, phylogenetic trees, and new ones.

Bernasconi et al. (2021) contend that numerous organizations offer database systems and platforms for storing viral patterns. Like the NCBI's GenBank, they predate the COVID-19 crisis because they host large numbers of viral species, like Ebola, SARS, and Dengue, all of which pose a danger to human civilization. Other institutions, including GISAID, have created a new data-gathering exclusively related to the hosting of Coronavirus sequences that is quickly increasingly becoming an essential dominant source of information. They argue that providers unconcerned concerning sustaining proprietorship of the data can share it in one of the numerous database systems that offer complete open data availability. GenBank, for example, presumes that its contributors have' received any required written consent approvals needed before submission segments,' which involves data dispersion. Nevertheless, several data owners chose data exchange options to retain some degree of data ownership.

Integration of sources of viral sequences is essential in this context. Gwinn argues that the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has effectively implemented pathogenic organisms, with several sequencing technology firms establishing SARS-CoV2 assays and frameworks. Some sources offer the raw information, but most only facilitate the arising sequences, usually in FASTA, including some corresponding metadata.The primary objective of metadata integration is to provide a many-sided, consistent framework for all data that recognizes successions across different databases. Because the quantity of information in viral sequences is entirely achievable, it is popular to import data at the integrator webpage; this allows for defined data content aggregation. In such a case, one potential solution is to use conceptual classification as an operator of the integration method, such as the entity-relationship strategy. They also contend that along with disease sequence data and their metadata, it is crucial to involve relevant data regarding the pertaining host phylogenetic relationships; this is crucial for sustaining the critical host-pathogen genotype-phenotype assessments.


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