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Startupプログラマの為の新アジャイルマニュフェスト(Kent Beck: beyond agile programming)

Last updated at Posted at 2014-03-29


Kent Beck氏がスタートアップのイベントに登壇し、素晴らしい講演をしたビデオを友人のタイムラインから見つけました。Startup Lessons Learnd: Kent Beck talks beyond agile programming




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Kent Beck : Beyond agile programming

1. ごあいさつ






###2. やぎのかゆいところ




3. アントレプレナーがするべきこと




4. リーンスタートアップ



5. 資本効率のお話





6. Basic Loop


Build(ビルド), measure(測定), learn(学び)です。私はビルドをします。私はビルドを作るときに、本当に価値のある事をする事を選択できたら、とてもいい気分になります。測定したり、学んだり、数学的な事をやってみたり、ビルドをつくったり。




7. マルチテーブル





8. マルチテーブル作戦

 スタートアップとしては、資本効率を上げるためには、20人の人は1つのアイデアのスタートアップに要らないです。10人, 5人, 2人, 1人とどまる事をしりません。


9. TDDの例





10. 学習につまづく






11. 次のプロジェクト





12. バックワードループ



13. pushモデル





14. pullモデル



15. アジャイルマニフェスト






###16. プロセスやツールより、個人と相互作用






###17. チームのビジョンのチームの決め毎







18. 包括的なドキュメントより、動くソフトウェア







19. 学習を検証すること




20. 契約交渉よりも、顧客との対話



21. 顧客発見


22. 計画に従うよりも、変化を抱擁する


23. 変化を起こす







###24. the Civil War

このことは、Civil Warでも起こりました。グラント将軍は、西の軍隊にいきました。レポーターは彼にたずねました。彼がRoberty Leeが次に何をすると思っているかと。彼は答えました。「私はLeeが何を次にするかには興味がない。私が次に何をして彼を心配させるかのことを考えているんだ」

このことが、Civil Warの展開を変える事になった。

###25. アジャイルマニフェストを越えて



26. プルの原則



27. フローの原則





28. ペイメントゲートウェイ



29. 全体のループを考える

###30. 良いスタートアップのエンジニアリングとは







31. モードを変える










32. 先週より2倍早く機能を実装できたぜ




33. 結論




1. Introduction

Thank you very much thank you all for your coming early in the morning and for those of you perform early in the morning.It’s not such an accomplishment for you to be here but I’m glad you’re here too.

I have the the privilege and honour of being the worst entrepreneur on the schedule today. I (las can?) have been involved in 11 startups but none of which have made significant money.

Only one of which has been successful on large-scale that’s JUnit.

I wasn’t quite sure about opening my speech by disclaiming any ability in the area that we are talking about. But I figured you’d figure it out soon enough anyway so I should just open up.

But the thing is I haven’t given up because I can see especially
the lean startup stuff is brought me new energy for continuing trying’ out the businesses.

Around the technical capabilities that I spent most of my life
trying to refine.

2. Goats story

I live in the southern Oregon, we are out on the boonies.
And we have goats , no, really goats.We just had two babies. They are so cute it’s like a little furry 80-80.

They are wonderful. But the other day I was out with the goats and I was starting to scratch the goats cause the bug you otherwise and the goat was okay whatever I went down the back in little further down the back. And then right near their hip, this goes to hip all of sudden, goats just went. Oh. That’s feels great.Ooh.

it’s interesting so I can scratch all over these skills, nothing, And I hit this one spot and all of this itchy spot you know, hit an itchy spot and all of a sudden the same activity that I’ve been doing all along turns into something wonderful for this goat.

I mean I can’t really imagine what it’s like I don’t want to really imagine what it’s like but I can see you that the same activity and lots of different places small effect and all of a sudden that same little activity has a completely outsized effects on the goat’s experience of the an... those scratchin’ and that’s so little like startups for me.

You keep doing stuff no response and you do stuff no response you do stuff no response and then you do the eighth idea you try out takes off is not like you’re edging. It’s not your scratching any different you just hit an itchy spot and when you hit an itchy spot, all of sudden the reaction tells you this is something special and I’ve had the good fortune to have that happen several times in my career, Where software patterns or test driven development. Those I mean I had hundred ideas that scale but those at that time really hit an itchy spot.

3. Entrepreneur

And as an entrepreneur that’s what I’m looking for that itchy spot not how can I somehow sustain hundred hour weeks I mean It’s not like a getting the chainsaw aisle to scratch the goaded doesn’t work not not twice.

But how can I take the things that I do and find a spot that that really some there’s it it’s a combination of factors right there su..There’s timing there’s luck and there’s scratching.

If you’re not scratching, you’re not getting to hit the itchy spot guarantee you that.

4. Lean Startup

And lean startups is a great example of this for me too. Because something about the timing the message that people the market were all just right.

So in the world. There are probably thousands of people, Doing the same kinds of things that Eric was doing.

A year ago and it just didn’t hit an itchy spot but something about lean startups and the combination of pay my and my business model for the last 15 years.

5. Capital efficiency

Start working what am I going to do there’s a bunch of motivation The incredible capital efficiencies not just in software I mean I think most people here probably in software but but hardware businesses, too.

Their capital efficiencies go up to a factor of 10. So you got the need for a new business model you have capital efficiency You have markets that are much more efficient.

And all of that came to and then a community of practice people there are isolated people who are doing parts of lean startups And the name the message The way of the deliver, the timing all of the came together so for me.

Lean startups sends this response and the the response around the globe is really that’s one of those itchy spot.And it’s great that it’s happening.

6. Basic loop

So we see. Here’s the here’s the basic loop

Build, measure and learn, I’m a build guy. That’s that’s what I do that’s what I’m comfortable doing. If I have a choice between doing something really valuable In measure or learn or doing something really trivial and build I’ll build every every time Because I’m a builder it’s what I’m comfortable to do it.

When I looked at this from Lean thinking kind of perspective one thing I realises it this loop is actually backward.

It is the way that I’ve done it and I told you I have a long record of failure doing it that direction. so if you don’t want to, you don’t need to try it.

You can if you want but this loop is backwards.

7. multitable

I’ll tell you two stories I had two.
Startups going right now.

Is not cool that we can multitable now? You are in the poker when people play online poker.

They started playing two games at once and this was considered rule you can play two games well, turns out pokers mostly boring so you can actually play.

20 games of poker once that’s called multitable.

8. multitable strategy

Startups, As the capital efficiency increases right you don’t need 20 people to do is start up and you don’t need 10 people to start up then you can do start of 5 And with 2 ,with 1 is not stopping there.

You can do two startups, you can do five startups the once. I mean at some point it’s got it end but It’s cool that that’s that that kind of multi tabling as possible so so I have two things going one of them I’m doing completely wrong And now I’m hoping to get some ideas here today so I thought...

9. TDD example

Why have this test driven development idea you know which is this crazy idea that you write the test before you write the code, but test always fails, so why do you write it down well, turns out to be really cool work really well so that I’ll do some screen casts.

About TDD you know you can’t make money selling books anymore (Sycanth) so I got to find some other media strategy So maybe I’ll do some screen cast. so I’ll record myself doing test driven development And then you know do a little narration trying to be both informative and entertaining which is actually too much for me to do once but they have it so I’ll record these and then I’ll put them out there and see what people think.

That’s running the loop backwards. That starts with the build.

So I recorded a couple episodes of putting up on Vimeo the first 10 minutes and edited And then I saw what like people yeah people view Vimeo hundred times okay so there’s some market out there

10. Stuck on learning

But I’m kind of stuck on the learning phase. so I built, I measured but what is the how strengthen the learn.

I guess some people are interested.

Where do I go from here. I learn the loop backwards on that project.

I started it with making something because I just jumped to make in things.

And and now I’m kind of stuck I’ll push it through to completion of you don’t get them out there and find a publisher and out all that stuff.

But I get the feeling I lost a lot of value in that sequence.

###11. The next project

Let me contrast that with my my next project which started with the need I wanted to find out if I could.

To not my 49-year-old brain so I know my memories not as good as it used to be, My cognitive skills aren’t as good as they used but.

Can I slow down? Can I recover some of what I lost?

So I built a little game and I’ll be cagey about this not because I’m trying of Build some you know build up interest I can see all of you are really excited about this idea.

But but because I’m not ready for more feedback so I’ll announce it when the time comes to announce it but I started with a question.

Can I help myself think faster and more clearly?

Well okay so now what’s the measurement of that I think a task. I thymic. And I measure the mistakes okay so now what software what I need to write.

In order to measure that in order to know whether or not.

###12. the loop backwards

I can improve my thinking. That one feels completely different because I ran the loop backwards

So the loop I think really should be called learn measure build. I don’t I don’t say build measure learn I say learn measure build because I want to start with a need. now the next question is can somebody else use the same tools also help their thinking.

Turned out the answer to that is yes then the next question is Can we get somebody pay for this. and that’s what I’m working on now but It starts with a question learn then when the measurements are needed to support that And then build.

13. push

this learn measure build. Is the principle of pull. in the lean manufacturing you got push.

This is the way most people schedule work. You know, let me ... How can I get my programmers working as Good as possible, or as most efficiently as possible? Then then we’ll see if anybody will buy it. that’s the push model.

Build this product and see if anybody will buy it. the pull model says... That gains micro efficiencies like the programmers to work really fast in that environment, but it sacrifices a macro efficiencies by building things and people don’t actually want.

The number of those fails starts that I was talking about we are building products complicated sophisticated carefully polished products.

But nobody ever actually bought so

14. pull

In that environment looking at it from push perspective, Trying to do a better job of software engineering is not actually going to creating more value.

So the first principle little talk about Today is is a principle of pull.

Learn measure build is a way of making a concrete for for start ups the second one is the principal of flow.

15. Agile manifesto

That after I finished taking a shot at the Agile manifesto that I was at the meeting where the agile manifesto was written, I was deathly ill and on some ungodly antibiotics so I don’t actually remember much of the meeting.

Jim Highsmith and Martin Fowler really deserve the credit for pulling all his pieces together.

10 years ago the agile manifesto was a step forward.

It was a least common denominator of the people in the room that is that with those were the things we all could agree on And we wanted to make it attractive to people so we picked the word agile.

Because everybody wants to be agile well it turns out if you name your idea something that everybody, wants Everybody will say they already are that so Just word of warning or where you are is gonna happen. oh yeah. we’ll in.

Here’s our here’s our 60 page lean products Beck.
Bro here’s a lean stealth stealth wants instant yet ha ha

Lean private beta. Is it’s a get one. And I make a great button.
I mean such an in joke though but then you know you had some ache.

Anyway oh and end that the reason it’s back at A is because my parents had a good sense to have a name beginning the alphabet.

###16. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Agile manifesto anyway so processes and tools there was a day when When people thought in the non-focusing I’m just on the build process when people thought That what you needed to do to build software better was to have better processes and tools if you have the right tools.

And if you have the right processes it wouldn’t matter who was executed. You could have any monkey write the software and it would come out exactly the same.

Turns out that’s true.

So process and tools are not enough what You need at that point it was a big step forward to say

hey, The people matter and how they interact with each other matters More than following some set process.

So that was a step forward 10 years ago

###17. Team vision and disipline

If I look at software development as I practice it in startups though That’s not enough I need to go beyond that

So it would be as an individual in a team building a startup

I need to think not about how good a job I can do but how good a job we’re doing.

That means sometimes very I mean there’s some practical and sometimes unattractive implications of that sometimes.

If I should do less than What I believe to be the very best in order for the team to achieve more.

So I might know about some really cool technique for solving a problem.

But nobody else in the team has a PhD in that particular little area, So even though that might be the technically best way of solving the problem.

I need to back away from that and say hey I’m on it yes but I’m on a team, If I’m the only person who understands this part of the system.

Then I need to back away from everything I know so the team can achieve more.

I might be in a situation where I can check this scene and I don’t have to run the test. And I need to say no the way we do things here is And have the discipline to fit in to.

what the whole team is doing the individuals interacting have a tendency to optimise their own performance.

But team vision and discipline goes beyond that to talk about How are we going to make the most progress we can together.

###18. Working software over comprehensive documentation

So there’s four bolts and then manifesto and go through

(Brigitte) so the second one is about comprehensive documentation there was a day when The story was if you had everything documented if you had everything written down Then you’ll be just fine right.

You would’nt have to go like Talk to people you could just open up the book and read what the software did except Always the documentation was out of date.

it was the best misleading.

And and that was about it and ten years ago he looked at that said You know, documentation is not the point working software is a big step forward.

So if you have a perfect documentation for frozen system solves the problem nobody has anymore

That’s just not as good as having some software That solves today’s problems and that was a big step forward.

But the problem is it only goes so far

19. Validated learning

In a startup environment, it’s not that you don’t know how to write the software nine times out of 10.

I mean my hats off to somebody like a flight Caster who Clearly has some heavy duty technology behind what they do And I would frankly love to work in that environment because then I could pretend like I could ignore the Other two parts the cycle when that’ll be cool. but

You can’t measure progress by working software in a start up

you start out a startup with a list of almost impossibles

Used to call them the potentially fatal assumptions but that’s two negative you know you Potentially fatal assumption somebody will pay money for this you know that we can acquire customers.

That this will be an engaging game whatever those are all protected(pretend) almost it’s almost impossible.

Did somebody will pay money for a game on the web right really

Well if it’s only almost impossible when you have something.

If it’s clearly true then you don’t have anything.

Hey it’s always it’s always the crazy ideas that worked out

That is the most valuable to you start out every start up with his list of almost impossible.

And to succeed you need to find out Which of those really is impossible and which of them turns out With some work to be possible.

Working software can be part of answering those questions but it isn’t necessarily the best way to answer those questions.

So beyond agile software development is about creating the opportunity for learning as an organisation.

Not just about writing code.

20. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Another myth from 10 years ago that if you just have the right contract everything would be clearing goes smoothly

And the counterfactual is true you could go visiting team.

You look at their soft that that the contracted between the supplier and customer he says Game over you’re finished there’s no way that you’re going to be successful with this.

Just because the contract was wrong so with that point

It’s it’s a big step forward to say collaborating with customers is much better than trying to nail down all the details right at the beginning.

Yes yes that is definitely much better so

###21. Customer discovery

Now you’re startup. you don’t have customer

I’d like to collaborate I want to collaborate you can hear an echo. but that’s it. what you do If you don’t have a customer with whom to collaborate well and Steve Blank will give you chapter and verse of this and I hope I can pick up some pointers You have to go find out who your customer is. customer collaborations great if you got a customer and if you don’t you got to go find them.

So agile development in a startup or development in a startup, it needs to go beyond

###22. Responding to change over following a plan

Just what it says in the agile manifest so there was a day 10 to 15 years ago when the myth was the way it is software project is made a plan.

Plan to work, work the plan right if I heard that one more time from project manager.

I was going to do something was a glass two or three felony.Depending on how annoy you got, so if if your Plan the work with the plan and you realise now this Things change too much. then responding to change is a big step forward.

To say no it’s it’s not enough to follow the plan because Things just change too much. reality diverges from the plan Reality is the much less flexible than planned?

There was the one fundamental point that follows the plan thing Is that reality bends a lot less than the plan bends.

So saying let’s response to change our metaphor for executing the project to be responding to change

Well cool mean thats, it’s a big step forward

###23. Initiating change

Now you’re in a startup nothings changing yet

Because nothings moving. you have to establish Momentum first. development in a startup

Requires initiating change not just responding to it

Now this is where my anti-responsibility hackles start going up you know where I basically I don’t want to be responsible

I know it’s have to but I don’t like it and I’m like oh it’s up to me.

To initiate change that because if you don’t initiate change the startup, you don’t have anything.

Not even moving. the military has this is great concept of being the initiative

One side has the initiative in any given engagement that’s the people who are acting in the other person’s reacting.

And there are military leaders through history who’s been very good at seizing the initiative

So you know you you only got, you know, you 300 people but you don’t wait for the other guy to come in Smack you take the initiative because when you have the initiative you got a whole bunch of advantages yes you’re exposed

But the other guy if you can make sure the other guy is busy

Worrying about what you’re going to do he doesn’t have time to think about what he’s can do to you

###24. the Civil War

This happen late in the Civil War when Grant went to the
To the armies the east and a reporter asked him well you know
What what do you think Roberty Lee is going to do next and Grant said I don’t I don’t care what Lee is going to do next I’m going to make him worry about what I’m going to do next.

And that was the point that the that the Civil War turn around.

###25. beyond the agile manifesto

So that for me is beyond agile development in the startups Team vision in discipline looking at the whole.

Process and not just what one not maximising one person’s output.

Focusing on learning instead of producing software.

So it starts with the need in move backwards discovering customers.

And this change initiation process instead of Waiting for the change that happen them and then responding.

I don’t know how many minutes that means have left. It’s ok.

###26. the principle of pull

So the I told you I was going to talk about this the second principle so the first principle was the principle of pull.

That is start with Build you start with learning that you want to have an work backwards to the building you need.

###27. the principle of flow

And the second principle is a principle of flow principle of flow says If you have all other things be equal Two deliveries half-and-half is more valuable than one delivery of the whole thing.

And I was talking to a guy in the Norway the other day, Senior guy in a big consulting company and he was telling me his start up strategy.

What is the builder really finally polished product so nobody could possibly complain about it. You know you spend a year and you make something that’s really good and send it out.

And I said well so sometimes when you do that you get the message back.

Nobody wants to buy this. oh yeah happens.

So could you build half the product and got an question answered Yeah sure when you been so polished okay how about you know.

Three months. that’s the principle of flow at work I’m trying to think.

How can we shorten the time through entire cycle.

###28. Payment gateway

As came up the other day with respect to the game. so my wife is tired of me writing programs don’t make any money so one of my Really you can ask her. so so one of the things I want to validate early in this (price) of this game is

Can I make money. so the game has likes a couple of natural parts of divides into two parts And I thought okay so you do the first part.

And you get addicted to the game right that’s how it’s supposed to work And then there’s a button that pit uses I’ll pay to use the second part And I was talking to reengineer is working with on this and he said okay so we have to set up the payment gateway and …

And I thought how could we slice this finer to me this is the engineering game of start up engineering is Taking tasks that seem monolithic cutting them into little pieces of rearranging pieces.

It’s a cool puzzle to solve by the time you’ve gone through learn and measure and you get the build that’s the point
All of my engineering synapses are firing I’m thinking how can we slice up so I thought Okay here’s my cool idea now in this room this is unlikely to be remarkable but I’m proud of myself so I’m just telling you.

That is I thought how can we do this without having to set up the payment gateway …He said So how about if we write the first boad has the game we put the buy button And when you present buy, it just opens up the second half of the game but sends us a message.

So we know whether anybody’s going to press the buy button is right now we don’t know if anybody’s going to press the buy button.

but everybody press the buy button and we just get the second half of the game for free.

This is whereas wonderful not having customers, so what I love not having customers because when I make mistakes like oh not implementing the payment gateway is not a big deal.

If I had 1 million customers and I didn’t implement the payment gateway, I’ll be stuffed.

But I just want to find out if anybody’s going to press the buy button.

###29. thnk about whole loop

As a developer in a startup, I have to be thinking about that whole loop.

And that’s really what’s different it is not how can I do Of the best software development it’s how can I Tightened the learn measure building loop as fast as possible.

Make it shortest as possible and extract the maximum possible value added each cycle through that loop.

I should do the engineering that achieves that Well sometimes that’s going to look like Mockups wanting not me software at all. you know I got an index card some sharpies I don’t like this.

Now, I just saved 18 hours.
Am I good engineer? Yeah.

I want to impress my other engineer friends but they got their own startup problem.

###30. Good startup engineering

That’s okay so sometimes it’s going to look like hackery.

Base awful hackery. yeah we just copy this files of changing two lines.

Is anybody going to our people gonna to play the game is more like this and like that Well we could carefully retractor ….

Well I might feel good but it feels good to do good engineering But that’s not good start up engineering. not if there’s a cheaper way.

To get through that loop that doesn’t mean that always in startup you just hack hack hack and so you ever do.

###31. Switch modes

What happens when you hit it ,when you hits scaling.
You got to switch modes from the cycle you’re going through isn’t can I attract customers.

But that’s not the learning you’re trying to to create it’s like that that learning you’re trying to create is
Is there any way we can handle twice as many customers that’s the learning you need at that point whole boy you need.

Test driven development oh boy do you need automation and re-factoring and responsive design and being able to make your changes in parallel without disrupting stuff.

And at some point when you’re saying when the learning is can we make more money from our current revenue stream.

Then engineering shifts yet again to to being absolutely throughput oriented how can you reduce the cost of engineering team.

How can you reduce the operational costs.
And it’s something else yet again.

To be an engineer good engineering in a start up.

Go through all those phases and notices the need to switch Making those transition seems to be really really hard I say that because I have trouble making this transition.

To see a number of other people to do also so can you realise it for a while the engineering team builds features faster and faster.

###32. We can build the future twice as fast this week as we did last

And he feel Good. we can build the future twice as fast this week as we did last cool. that’s pretty cool.

When you hit scaling when you’re optimal engineering strategies probably removing features.

And carefully tuning the feature instead remain all of a sudden the value system has to change

Right how you kept score has to change and making those transitions seems to be Very difficult because there’s much cultural as they are is there technical.

###33. Conclusion

But the goal of building in the lean start up Is minimising the time through the loop and maximising the value that is extracted from us.


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