ChIP-seq のヒートマップの色バリエーションを全パターン作成する方法
各ターゲットとする領域におけるChIP-seq シグナルを可視化する方法にHeatmapが一覧的に見やすく便利です。
bamfile から,deeptools のbamCoverageもしくはbamCompare, bigwigCompareなどを用いて,bigwigファイルを作成し,computeMatrixやplotProfile, plotHeatmapの機能を用いて,ヒートマップを作成しています。
import numpy as np
import itertools
# provide the color-code information to decide the color for the lowest signal and for the highest signal
print("color example : white >> ffffff, black >> 000000, blue >> 0000ff, red >> ff0000, green >> 00ff00")
print("You can also check color-code in")
LowColor = input("Input the color for the lowest signal. (eg: ffffff) : ")
HighColor = input("Input the color for the highest signal. (eg: 0000ff) : ")
Color_div = int(input("How many color point do you need for color contrast ? (2~8) : ")) - 1
# convert the color-code (hex) to the int
int_lowCol = [int(LowColor[0:2], 16), int(LowColor[2:4], 16), int(LowColor[4:6], 16)]
int_highCol = [int(HighColor[0:2], 16), int(HighColor[2:4], 16), int(HighColor[4:6], 16)]
loColarr = np.array(int_lowCol)
hiColarr = np.array(int_highCol)
lo2high = hiColarr - loColarr
div_lo2high = lo2high / Color_div
color_dict = {}
color_dict[0] = "#" + LowColor
color_dict[Color_div] = "#" + HighColor
for i in range(1, Color_div):
div_color_arr = loColarr + div_lo2high * i
div_color_arr = div_color_arr.astype(int)
div_color = "#" + '{:02x}'.format(div_color_arr[0]) + \
'{:02x}'.format(div_color_arr[1]) + \
color_dict[i] = div_color
# For confirmation of color list
# make the list of the combinations with the replacement for the color_dict.keys()
ColIntList = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(np.arange(Color_div + 1), Color_div + 1))
# convert the number to the colors with color_dict
for ind, arr in enumerate(ColIntList):
ColorList[ind] = [color_dict[elm] for elm in arr]
Color_choice = ",".join(ColorList[ind])
COLOR_CODE = "'" + Color_choice + "' '" + Color_choice + "' '" + \
Color_choice + "' '" + Color_choice + "'"
code = "plotHeatmap -m ComputedMatrix.gz -out ChIPsignalTopltHeatmap_KClust5_ver" + str(ind + 1) + ".pdf --plotFileFormat 'pdf' --colorList " + COLOR_CODE + " --plotTitle ChIPsignalTopltHeatmap --refPointLabel Center --kmeans 5"
print(code, file = open("codes_plotHeatmap_colorVariationsWithHEXcode_KmeansClust5", "a"))
こうすることでcodes_plotHeatmap_colorVariationsWithHEXcode_KmeansClust5というファイルに,今回はkmeans clusterで5分割されたheatmapに色のグラデーションパターンを組み合わせたコードを作成することができます
color pointが7の場合, 約1716通りの色のグラデーションパターンを作成することができます。