まず,立ち止まる人(=StandHuman)と歩く人(=WalkHuman)のクラスをそれぞれ定義します.両者の違いは,止まるか歩くか(=active),速さ(=v, 物理的にはspeedのsの方が適切かと思いますが)の二点のみとなります.
class StandHuman:
def __init__(self):
self.active = False
self.v = 0 #speed
self.x = 0 #position(left/right)
self.l_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the left
self.r_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the right
class WalkHuman:
def __init__(self):
self.active = True
self.v =1 #speed
self.x = 0 #position(left/right)
self.l_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the left
self.r_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the right
def human_random():
odd_or_even = list(range(NUMBER_OF_HUMANS))
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_HUMANS):
if odd_or_even[i] % 2 == 0:
human = StandHuman()
human = WalkHuman()
def side_decision(human):
l = human.l_like
r = human.r_like
if l > r:
human.x = 0
elif l < r:
human.x = 1
random_x = random.random()
if random_x <= 0.5:
human.x = 0
human.x = 1
add_human関数は利用者をエスカレーターに乗せる操作のみを行います.ただエスカレーターは便宜上,①立ち止まる人用の左 ②歩く人用の左 ③立ち止まる人用の右 ④歩く人用の右,の四列を用意しています.
def add_human(human):
if human.active == False:
if human.x == 0: #if left
escalator[0][0] = human
else: #if right
escalator[2][0] = human
if human.x == 0: #if left
escalator[1][0] = human
else: #if right
escalator[3][0] = human
def shift():
for i in range(STEPS-1):
escalator[0][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[0][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[1][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[1][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[2][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[2][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[3][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[3][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[0][0] = 0
escalator[1][0] = 0
escalator[2][0] = 0
escalator[3][0] = 0
def crash(front, front_position, behind):
x = random.random() * STEPS
if x <= 1-(front_position + 1)/STEPS:
if front.x == 0: #if left
front.l_like -= x
else: #if right
front.r_like -= x
y = random.random() * STEPS
if y <= 1-(front_position + 1)/STEPS:
if front.x == 0: #if left
behind.l_like -= y
else: #if right
behind.r_like -= y
def crash_checker():
for i in range(STEPS): #left
if escalator[0][i] != 0 and escalator[1][i] != 0:
crash(escalator[0][i], i, escalator[1][i])
for i in range(STEPS): #right
if escalator[2][i] != 0 and escalator[3][i] != 0:
crash(escalator[2][i], i, escalator[3][i])
def end_checker_for_walker():
escalator[1][STEPS-1] = 0
escalator[3][STEPS-1] = 0
def walk():
for i in range(STEPS):
l = escalator[1][i]
r = escalator[3][i]
if l != 0:
escalator[1][STEPS-i-1+(l.v)] = escalator[1][STEPS-i-1]
if r != 0:
escalator[3][STEPS-i-1+(r.v)] = escalator[3][STEPS-i-1]
import random
import pandas as pd
TIME_END = 1000000
STEPS = 100
human_list = list()
escalator = [[0] * STEPS for i in range(4)] #[[sl], [wl], [sr], [wr]]
class StandHuman:
def __init__(self):
self.active = False
self.v = 0 #speed
self.x = 0 #position(left/right)
self.l_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the left
self.r_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the right
class WalkHuman:
def __init__(self):
self.active = True
self.v =1 #speed
self.x = 0 #position(left/right)
self.l_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the left
self.r_like = 0 #how much a human like to ride on the right
def human_random():
odd_or_even = list(range(NUMBER_OF_HUMANS))
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_HUMANS):
if odd_or_even[i] % 2 == 0:
human = StandHuman()
human = WalkHuman()
def shift():
for i in range(STEPS-1):
escalator[0][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[0][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[1][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[1][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[2][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[2][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[3][STEPS-i-1] = escalator[3][STEPS-i-2]
escalator[0][0] = 0
escalator[1][0] = 0
escalator[2][0] = 0
escalator[3][0] = 0
def crash(front, front_position, behind):
x = random.random() * STEPS
if x <= 1-(front_position + 1)/STEPS:
if front.x == 0: #if left
front.l_like -= x
else: #if right
front.r_like -= x
y = random.random() * STEPS
if y <= 1-(front_position + 1)/STEPS:
if front.x == 0: #if left
behind.l_like -= y
else: #if right
behind.r_like -= y
def crash_checker():
for i in range(STEPS): #left
if escalator[0][i] != 0 and escalator[1][i] != 0:
crash(escalator[0][i], i, escalator[1][i])
for i in range(STEPS): #right
if escalator[2][i] != 0 and escalator[3][i] != 0:
crash(escalator[2][i], i, escalator[3][i])
def walk():
for i in range(STEPS):
l = escalator[1][i]
r = escalator[3][i]
if l != 0:
escalator[1][STEPS-i-1+(l.v)] = escalator[1][STEPS-i-1]
if r != 0:
escalator[3][STEPS-i-1+(r.v)] = escalator[3][STEPS-i-1]
def side_decision(human):
l = human.l_like
r = human.r_like
if l > r:
human.x = 0
elif l < r:
human.x = 1
random_x = random.random()
if random_x <= 0.5:
human.x = 0
human.x = 1
def add_human(human):
if human.active == False:
if human.x == 0: #if left
escalator[0][0] = human
else: #if right
escalator[2][0] = human
if human.x == 0: #if left
escalator[1][0] = human
else: #if right
escalator[3][0] = human
def main():
for i in range(TIME_END):
h = human_list[i % NUMBER_OF_HUMANS]
| s 0 | 0 0 |
| 0 0 | 0 w |
| s 0 | 0 w |
| s 0 | 0 w |
| s 0 | 0 w |
| s 0 | 0 0 |
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| 0 0 | 0 w |
| s 0 | 0 0 |
| 0 0 | 0 0 |
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| s 0 | 0 0 |
| 0 0 | 0 0 |
| s 0 | 0 w |
| 0 0 | 0 0 |
| s 0 | 0 0 |
| 0 0 | 0 w |
WalkHuman/StandHuman of left: 0.1 W:S= 5 50
WalkHuman/StandHuman of right: 34.0 W:S= 34 0
Left Right
StandHuman 50 0
WalkHuman 5 45