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OCI-CLI(with jq) cook book

Last updated at Posted at 2019-01-29

Oracle Cloudの操作に役立ちそうなコマンドをcook bookとしてメモ(自分用)を記載してみました。


以下の環境を前提としています。 (環境準備は参考情報等を参照くださいませ)

  • oci cliのコマンドが実行できる
    → この記事の大前提

  • fish shellを使っている
    → OCIcliのコマンド等の補完機能がとっても便利

  • jqコマンドが実行できる
    → jsonの戻り値をハンドリングするための必須ツール

Cook Book

Identity and Access Management Service ( iam )

availability domain : ドメイン一覧

oci iam availability-domain list -c $compartment_id

oci iam availability-domain list -c $compartment_id 
  "data": [
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..******",
      "id": "ocid1.availabilitydomain.oc1..******",
      "name": "TGjA:US-ASHBURN-AD-1"
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..******",
      "id": "ocid1.availabilitydomain.oc1..******",
      "name": "TGjA:US-ASHBURN-AD-2"
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..******",
      "id": "ocid1.availabilitydomain.oc1..******",
      "name": "TGjA:US-ASHBURN-AD-3"

api-key : 情報取得


oci iam user api-key list --user-id $user_id

Compute Service

compute image : 情報取得

使用可能なcompute imageのリストを取得します。

oci compute image list -c $compartment_id

(例)該当するCompartmentで利用できるOracle Linux Imageの一覧取得

$ oci compute image list -c $compartment_id \
                          |jq -r '.data[]|select(."create-image-allowed" == true) |select(."operating-system" | contains("Linux")) | ."display-name" + "," + ."id" + "," +  ."operating-system" + "," + ."operating-system-version"'
Oracle-Linux-7.6-Gen2-GPU-2019.01.17-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaakzhli25jz7qb7papgx7cn2ssmfq347s23uqfxwhimz7wx7ewti6q,Oracle Linux,7.6
Oracle-Linux-7.6-Gen2-GPU-2018.12.19-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaayvmxa5eshwxn6psn2bpkuemhpo5hplhibhaw7gxeilnjdqhgdzwa,Oracle Linux,7.6
Oracle-Linux-7.6-Gen2-GPU-2018.11.19-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaa5ghgpkurpzdybudyhghmanedksqy5k4l7txwgkdntp3q5p5xziua,Oracle Linux,7.6
Oracle-Linux-7.6-2019.01.17-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaawufnve5jxze4xf7orejupw5iq3pms6cuadzjc7klojix6vmk42va,Oracle Linux,7.6
Oracle-Linux-7.6-2018.12.19-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaawiur3bi46qsb6egmfqnfhsn66kj74bnvnfxrr7o72wiyuhzy2fba,Oracle Linux,7.6
Oracle-Linux-7.6-2018.11.19-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaa2mnepqp7wn3ej2axm2nkoxwwcdwf7uc246tcltg4li67z6mktdiq,Oracle Linux,7.6
Oracle-Linux-6.10-2019.01.17-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaal4ngds7b5pddq35wxkyacbevzyammxgr6gfab3rydsx22qer3tia,Oracle Linux,6.10
Oracle-Linux-6.10-2018.12.18-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaawnepxjhz4aue42hv56ydl6txdolmke4i53kiavasmnwiu6fc4gq,Oracle Linux,6.10
Oracle-Linux-6.10-2018.11.19-0,ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaa63dxj6hspkwqz37tajxkrpdb4xr7cdpy6dyspcufqg32m65pj4sq,Oracle Linux,6.10 

Compute Instance : Instanceの一覧取得

特定のComaprtmentに所属するCompute Instanceの一覧を取得します。

oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id
oci compute instance list-vnics --instance-id $compute_id


$ oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id \
                                            |jq -r '.data[]' \
                                            |jq -r '(."Domain")=(."region" + "_" + ."availability-domain" + "_" + ."fault-domain")' \
                                            |jq -r '{"Domain" : ."Domain", "display-name": ."display-name", "id": ."id", "shape" : ."shape", "lifecycle-state" : ."lifecycle-state"}'

  "Domain": "iad_TGjA:US-ASHBURN-AD-1_FAULT-DOMAIN-2",
  "display-name": "test01Instance0",
  "id": (instance_id),
  "shape": "VM.Standard2.2",
  "lifecycle-state": "STOPPED"
  "Domain": "iad_TGjA:US-ASHBURN-AD-2_FAULT-DOMAIN-3",
  "display-name": "instance-20190127-1249",
  "id": (instance_id),
  "shape": "VM.Standard2.2",
  "lifecycle-state": "RUNNING"


$ set -x compute_ids (oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id |jq -r '.data[]|."id"')
$ for compute_id in $compute_ids
            oci compute instance list-vnics --instance-id $compute_id \
            |jq -r '.data[]|{"hostname-label": ."hostname-label", "public-ip": ."public-ip", "private-ip": ."private-ip"}'
  "hostname-label": "test01hst01",
  "public-ip": "x.x.x.x",
  "private-ip": ""
  "hostname-label": "instance-20190127-1249",
  "public-ip": "x.x.x.x",
  "private-ip": ""

Compute Instance : Instanceの起動

oci compute instance action --instance-id $instance_id --action "START"


$ oci compute instance action --instance-id $instance_id --action "START" | jq '.data|{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}' 
  "display-name": "instance-20190127-1249",
  "lifecycle-state": "STARTING"


# set variables regarding all information of stopped compute instances

$ set -x stopped_instances ( \
                     oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id \
                     | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "STOPPED")')

# Check the name of compute instance

$ echo $stopped_instances | jq -r '."display-name"'

# set variables regarding id of stopped compute instances

$ set -x instace_ids (echo $stopped_instances | jq -r '."id"')

# stop all instances above mentioned

$ for instance_id in $instace_ids 
                         oci compute instance action --instance-id $instance_id --action "START" | jq '.data|{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}'
  "display-name": "test01Instance0",
  "lifecycle-state": "STOPPING"
  "display-name": "instance-20190127-1249",
  "lifecycle-state": "STOPPING"



set -e compute_list
set -e compute_list_stopped
set -e compute_list_displayname
set -e compute_list_id
set -e return

### Gather information about compute name and id
set -x compute_list (oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id )
set -x compute_list_stopped (echo $compute_list | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "STOPPED")')
set -x compute_list_displayname (echo $compute_list_stopped  | jq -r '.|."display-name"')
set -x compute_list_id (echo $compute_list_stopped  | jq -r '.|."id"')
echo "compute display name is" (echo $compute_list_displayname)
echo "compute display id is" (echo $compute_list_id)

### Ask operators to see if start instances or not for just in case
echo "below is currently stopped compute list."
for compute in $compute_list_displayname; echo "$compute is stopped" ; end
read -p 'echo "are you sure to start compute instances? (y/N)"' yn
switch "$yn"
    case y Y
       echo "it'll beginning to start compute instance"
       echo $compute_list_displayname
       for compute_id in $compute_list_id; set -x return $return  (oci compute instance action --instance-id "$compute_id" --action "START"); end
       echo $return | jq -r '.data|{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}'
    case '*'
       echo "abort"

Compute Instance : Instanceの停止

oci compute instance action --instance-id $instance_id --action "SOFTSTOP"
SOFTSTOP ・・・ shutdownコマンドによる停止


$ oci compute instance action --instance-id $instance_id --action "SOFTSTOP" | jq '.data|{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}' 
  "display-name": "instance-20190127-1249",
  "lifecycle-state": "STOPPING"


# set variables regarding all information of running compute instances

$ set -x running_instances ( \
                     oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id \
                     | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "RUNNING")')

# Check the name of compute instance

$ echo $running_instances | jq -r '."display-name"'

# set variables regarding id of running compute instances

$ set -x instace_ids (echo $running_instances | jq -r '."id"')

# stop all instances above men

$ for instance_id in $instace_ids 
                         oci compute instance action --instance-id $instance_id --action "SOFTSTOP" | jq '.data|{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}'
  "display-name": "test01Instance0",
  "lifecycle-state": "STOPPING"
  "display-name": "instance-20190127-1249",
  "lifecycle-state": "STOPPING"



set -e compute_list
set -e compute_list_stopped
set -e compute_list_displayname
set -e compute_list_id
set -e return

### Gather information about compute name and id
set -x compute_list (oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id )
set -x compute_list_running (echo $compute_list | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "RUNNING")')
set -x compute_list_displayname (echo $compute_list_running  | jq -r '.|."display-name"')
set -x compute_list_id (echo $compute_list_running  | jq -r '.|."id"')
echo "compute display name is" (echo $compute_list_displayname)
echo "compute display id is" (echo $compute_list_id)

### Ask operators to see if stop instances or not for just in case
echo "below is currently running compute list."
for compute in $compute_list_displayname; echo "$compute is running" ; end
read -p 'echo "are you sure to shutdown compute instances? (y/N)"' yn
switch "$yn"
    case y Y
       echo "it'll start stopping compute node"
       echo $compute_list_displayname
       for compute_id in $compute_list_id; set -x return $return  (oci compute instance action --instance-id "$compute_id" --action "SOFTSTOP"); end
       echo $return | jq -r '.data|{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}'
    case '*'
       echo "abort"




$ oci network vcn list -c $comaprment_id | \
jq -r '.data[] | select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE") | ."display-name" + "\t" + ."id" + "\t" + ."cidr-block"'
test02VCN	ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.xxxxxx
test01VCN	ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.xxxxxx 10.0.0/16


oci network vcn list -c ocid1.compartment.xxxxxxx  | \
jq '[.data[] | {"vcnid" : ."id","display-name" : ."display-name", "domain_name" : ."vcn-domain-name", "cidr-block" : ."cidr-block" , "lifecycle-state" : ."lifecycle-state"} ]| select(."display-name" == "test01VCN")'
  "vcnid": "ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.xxxxxxxx",
  "display-name": "test01VCN",
  "domain_name": "xxxx.oraclevcn.com",
  "cidr-block": "",
  "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE"

Global-ip address割当情報取得

oci network virtual-circuit-public-prefix list --virtual-circuit-id $vcn-id


※ 表示名で「Sort」&「特定の文字列(Bastion)を含むものに限定」

$ oci network subnet list -c $comaprment_id  --vcn-id $vcn-id | \
jq -r '.data[] | {"display-name" : ."display-name", "id" : ."id", "availability-domain" : ."availability-domain",  "cidr-block" : ."cidr-block"} |select(."display-name" |contains("Bastion"))' | \
jq -s 'sort_by(."display-name")'
    "display-name": "BastionSubnetAD1",
    "id": ($subnet_id)
    "availability-domain": "TGjA:US-ASHBURN-AD-1",
    "cidr-block": ""

Security Filter ( Firewall ):情報取得

oci network security-list list -c $compartment_id -vcn-id $vcn-id


$ oci network security-list list -c $compartment_id -vcn-id $vcn-id \ 
  jq -r '.data[] |."display-name" + "\t" +  ."id"'
Bastion	($security_list_id)

oci network security-list get --security-list-id "hoge"

$ oci network security-list get --security-list-id "hoge" \
  | jq '.data[]|select(."id" == "hoge")|del(."compartment-id")|del(."id")|del(."vcn-id")'"
  "defined-tags": {},
  "display-name": "Default Security List for test01VCN",
  "egress-security-rules": [
      "destination": "",
      "destination-type": "CIDR_BLOCK",
      "icmp-options": null,
      "is-stateless": false,
      "protocol": "all",
      "tcp-options": null,
      "udp-options": null
  "freeform-tags": {},
  "ingress-security-rules": [
      "icmp-options": null,
      "is-stateless": false,
      "protocol": "6",
      "source": "",
      "source-type": "CIDR_BLOCK",
      "tcp-options": {
        "destination-port-range": {
          "max": 22,
          "min": 22
        "source-port-range": null
      "udp-options": null
      "icmp-options": {
        "code": 4,
        "type": 3
      "is-stateless": false,
      "protocol": "1",
      "source": "",
      "source-type": "CIDR_BLOCK",
      "tcp-options": null,
      "udp-options": null
      "icmp-options": {
        "code": null,
        "type": 3
      "is-stateless": false,
      "protocol": "1",
      "source": "",
      "source-type": "CIDR_BLOCK",
      "tcp-options": null,
      "udp-options": null
  "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE",
  "time-created": "2019-01-24T02:04:16.671000+00:00"

Security Filter ( Firewall ):設定(リスト変更)

Security-listのegress-security-rules or ingress-security-rules単位での変更となります。
1エントリだけの変更はできないため、事前に既存のリストを取得 → 変更する箇所を変更 → 反映の手順が必要になります。


$ oci network security-list update --security-list-id $security_list_id --egress-security-rules \
                                  "destination": "",
                                  "destination-type": "CIDR_BLOCK",
                                  "icmp-options": null,
                                  "is-stateless": false,
                                  "protocol": "6",
                                  "tcp-options": null,
                                  "udp-options": null
                                  "destination": "oci-iad-objectstorage",
                                  "destination-type": "SERVICE_CIDR_BLOCK",
                                  "icmp-options": null,
                                  "is-stateless": false,
                                  "protocol": "all",
                                  "tcp-options": null,
                                  "udp-options": null


DBaaS: DB Shapeの一覧を取得

oci db system-shape list --availability-domain $ad_names[1] -c $compartment_id


$ oci db system-shape list --availability-domain $ad_names[1] -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]|."shape"'

DBaaS: DB Versionの一覧を取得

oci db version list -c $comartment_id

$ oci db version list -c $comartment_id
  "data": [
      "is-latest-for-major-version": true,
      "supports-pdb": false,
      "version": ""
      "is-latest-for-major-version": true,
      "supports-pdb": true,
      "version": ""

DBaaS: DBaaSの一覧を取得

oci db system list -c $compartment_id


$ oci db system list -c $compartment_id \
             |jq -r '.data[]' \
             |jq -r '{"display-name": ."display-name", "id": ."id", "FQDN": (."hostname" + "." + ."domain"), "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state", "shape": ."shape", "database-edition": ."database-edition", "version": ."version" }'
  "display-name": "DBforODI",
  "id": "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.iad.******",
  "FQDN": "hoge.oraclevcn.com",
  "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE",
  "shape": "VM.Standard2.2",
  "database-edition": "ENTERPRISE_EDITION",
  "version": ""

DBaaS: Databaseの情報収集

oci db database list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id

$ oci db database list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id 
  "data": [
      "character-set": "AL32UTF8",
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..******",
      "db-backup-config": {
        "auto-backup-enabled": false
      "db-home-id": "ocid1.dbhome.oc1.iad.******",
      "db-name": "myODIDB",
      "db-unique-name": "myODIDB_iad1cx",
      "db-workload": "OLTP",
      "defined-tags": {},
      "freeform-tags": {},
      "id": "ocid1.database.oc1.iad.******",
      "lifecycle-details": null,
      "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE",
      "ncharacter-set": "AL16UTF16",
      "pdb-name": "pdb1",
      "time-created": "2019-01-24T08:30:20.937000+00:00"

DBaaS: Database Nodeの情報収集

oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id

$ oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id 
  "data": [
      "backup-vnic-id": null,
      "db-system-id": "ocid1.dbsystem.oc1.iad.******",
      "hostname": "db01forodi01",
      "id": "ocid1.dbnode.oc1.iad.******",
      "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE",
      "software-storage-size-in-gb": 200,
      "time-created": "2019-01-24T08:30:20.936000+00:00",
      "vnic-id": "ocid1.vnic.oc1.iad.abuwc******"

DBaaS: DBaaSの接続情報を取得

set -x db_node_id (oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|."id"')
set -x vnic_id (oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|."vnic-id"')
set -x domain_name (oci db system list -c $compartment_id |jq -r '.data[]|."domain"')
set -x pdb_name (oci db database list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|."pdb-name"')
set -x db_name (oci db database list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|."db-name"')
set -x global_ip (oci network vnic get --vnic-id $vnic_id |jq -r '.data|."public-ip"')

echo DB_name : $db_name\n\
Service Name : $pdb_name.$domain_name\n\
Global IP : $global_ip
DB_name : myODIDB 
 Service Name : xxx.xxx.oraclevcn.com 
 Global IP : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

DBaaS: DB nodeの停止


$ oci db node stop --db-node-id $db_node_id --wait-for-state STOPPED

db_sytem_idを取得 → 取得したidを使ってDB nodeを停止
※ 複数DBでの検証は未実施

# make sure if running db system's are the right ones or not.
oci db system list -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")|."hostname"'

# get db system ids
set -x db_system_ids (oci db system list -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")|."id"')

# make sure if running db node's hostname are the right ones or not.
oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")|."hostname"'

# get db node ids
set -x db_node_ids \
                     (for db_system_id in $db_system_ids ; oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")|."id"' ;end)

# stop db node ids by using the ids gotten above
for db_node_id in $db_node_ids; oci db node stop --db-node-id $db_node_id --wait-for-state STOPPED ;end

DBaaS: DB nodeの起動


oci db node start --db-node-id $db_node_id --wait-for-state AVAILABLE


# make sure if stopped db system's are the right ones or not.
$ oci db system list -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")|."hostname"'

# get db system ids
set -x db_system_ids (oci db system list -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")|."id"')

# make sure if running db node's hostname are the right ones or not.
oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "STOPPED")|."hostname"'

# get db node ids
set -x db_node_ids \
                     (for db_system_id in $db_system_ids ; oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id | jq -r '.data[]|select(."lifecycle-state" == "STOPPED")|."id"' ;end)

# stop db node ids by using the ids gotten above
for db_node_id in $db_node_ids; oci db node start --db-node-id $db_node_id --wait-for-state AVAILABLE ;end


ADWC: ADWCの一覧を取得

oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id


$ oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id \
|jq -r '.data[]|{"db-name": ."db-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state", "id": ."id", "connection-strings": ."connection-strings", "db-version": ."db-version", "service-console-url": ."service-console-url"}'
  "db-name": "tamakawa4oac1",
  "lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE",
  "id": "ocid1.autonomousdwdatabase.oc1.iad.*****",
  "connection-strings": {
    "all-connection-strings": {
      "HIGH": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/*****_tamakawa4oac1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com",
      "LOW": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/*****_tamakawa4oac1_low.adwc.oraclecloud.com",
      "MEDIUM": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/*****_tamakawa4oac1_medium.adwc.oraclecloud.com"
    "high": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/*****_tamakawa4oac1_high.adwc.oraclecloud.com",
    "low": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/*****_tamakawa4oac1_low.adwc.oraclecloud.com",
    "medium": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/*****_tamakawa4oac1_medium.adwc.oraclecloud.com"
  "db-version": "",
  "service-console-url": "https://adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/console/index.html?tenant_name=OCID1.TENANCY.OC1..*****"

ADWC: 指定したADWCインスタンスのコネクション情報の取得

|jq -r '.data|{"service-console-url": ."service-console-url"}' ```


$ oci db autonomous-data-warehouse get --autonomous-data-warehouse-id $adwc_id
|jq -r '.data|{"service-console-url": ."service-console-url", "connection-strings": ."connection-strings"."all-connection-strings"}'
"service-console-url": "https://adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/console/index.html?tenant_name=OCID1.TENANCY.OC1..",
"connection-strings": {
"HIGH": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/
"LOW": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/_adwdb1_low.adwc.oraclecloud.com",
"MEDIUM": "adb.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com:1522/

### ADWC: DB作成

```oci db autonomous-data-warehouse create -c $compartment_id  --db-name $db_name --display-name $db_name --admin-password $adwc_admin_password --cpu-core-count $cpu_core_count --data-storage-size-in-tbs $storage_size_in_tb```

CPU Core : 2
Storage size : 1(TB)

$ oci db autonomous-data-warehouse create -c $compartment_id --db-name $db_name --display-name $db_name --admin-password $adwc_admin_password --cpu-core-count $cpu_core_count --data-storage-size-in-tbs $storage_size_in_tb
"data": {
"compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..",
"connection-strings": null,
"cpu-core-count": 2,
"data-storage-size-in-tbs": 1,
"db-name": "tamakawa4oac1",
"db-version": null,
"defined-tags": {},
"display-name": "tamakawa4oac1",
"freeform-tags": {},
"id": "ocid1.autonomousdwdatabase.oc1.iad.
"license-model": "BRING_YOUR_OWN_LICENSE",
"lifecycle-details": null,
"lifecycle-state": "PROVISIONING",
"service-console-url": null,
"time-created": "2019-01-30T07:22:57.821000+00:00"
"etag": "*****"

### ADWC: Credentialファイルの取得

```oci db autonomous-data-warehouse generate-wallet --autonomous-data-warehouse-id $adwc_id --password $adwc_admin_password --file "wallet_adwc.zip"```

### ADWC: DBの停止

```oci db autonomous-data-warehouse stop --autonomous-data-warehouse-id $adwc_id ```

(例)稼働中のADWC IDを取得 → 一括停止


$ oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id
|jq '.data[]'
|jq 'select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")'
|jq -r '{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}'


$ set -x LIST_ADWC_ID (oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id
|jq '.data[]'
|jq 'select(."lifecycle-state" == "AVAILABLE")'
|jq -r '."id"' )


$ for i in $LIST_ADWC_ID; oci db autonomous-data-warehouse stop --autonomous-data-warehouse-id $i; end

### ADWC:DBの起動

```oci db autonomous-data-warehouse start --autonomous-data-warehouse-id $adwc_id ```

(例)停止中のADWC IDを取得 → 一括起動


$ oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id
|jq '.data[]'
|jq 'select(."lifecycle-state" == "STOPPED")'
|jq -r '{"display-name": ."display-name", "lifecycle-state": ."lifecycle-state"}'
"display-name": "tamakawa4oac1",
"lifecycle-state": "STOPPED"
"display-name": "example_autonomous_data_warehouse",
"lifecycle-state": "STOPPED"


$ set -x LIST_ADWC_ID (oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id
|jq '.data[]'
|jq 'select(."lifecycle-state" == "STOPPED")'
|jq -r '."id"' )


$ for i in $LIST_ADWC_ID; oci db autonomous-data-warehouse start --autonomous-data-warehouse-id $i; end

## Object Storage

### bucket:一覧の取得

```oci os bucket list -c $compartment_id```


oci os bucket list -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]|."name"'

### bucket:bucketの作成

```oci os bucket create -c $compartment_id --name "hoge (options)"```
- --public-access-type [**NoPublicAccess**|ObjectRead|ObjectReadWithoutList]
- --storage-tier [**Standard**|Archive]


oci os bucket delete -c $compartment_id --name "hoge"

### bucket:bucketの削除

```oci os bucket delete --name "hoge"```

$ oci os bucket delete --name "hoge"
Are you sure you want to delete this resource? [y/N]: y

### Object: オブジェクトの一覧取得

``` oci os object list -bn $bucket_name```

oci os object list -bn $bucket_name
"data": [
"md5": "Av+EbU/sV6TkwDYjN7qVWA==",
"name": "start_stopped_compute.sh",
"size": 1297,
"time-created": "2019-01-30T04:30:27.915000+00:00"
"md5": "9t0j9SODIFVAIEi09jAUTw==",
"name": "stop_running_compute.sh",
"size": 1298,
"time-created": "2019-01-30T04:30:28.330000+00:00"
"prefixes": []

### Object: ファイルアップロード (from a file)

``` oci os object put -bn $bucket_name --file[text] [options]```
- --overwite/**--no-overwrite** : 
- --parallel-upload-count[int] : the number of parallel operations to perform

oci os object put -bn $bucket_name --file date.txt

### Object: ファイルアップロード (from stdin)

``` oci os object put -bn $bucket_name --file '-' --name[text] [options]```
- --overwite/**--no-overwrite** : 
- --parallel-upload-count[int] : the number of parallel operations to perform

$ cat date.txt | oci os object put -bn $bucket_name --file '-' --name "date_new.txt"
Uploading object part [####################################] 100%
"etag": "fd6d011e-f9c0-4b4a-be15-2cc3fc0ad906",
"last-modified": "Wed, 30 Jan 2019 04:43:01 GMT",
"opc-multipart-md5": "PlO67BWCIqXExgbxEsjcpQ==-1"

### Object: ファイルアップロード (bulk)

``` oci os object bulk-upload -bn $bucket_name --src-dir[text] [options]```
- --overwite/**--no-overwrite** : 
- --parallel-upload-count[int] : the number of parallel operations to perform
- --include[text] : only upload files which match the provided pattern. *:match everything , ?: match any single character
- --exclude[text] : only upload files which don't match the provided pattern


$ ls
list_compute_id_and_displayname.sh start_stopped_compute.sh
list_running_compute_id.sh stop_running_compute.sh

$ oci os object bulk-upload -bn $bucket_name --src-dir . --exclude "start*" --parallel-upload-count 2 --overwrite
Uploaded stop_running_compute.sh [####################################] 100%
"skipped-objects": [],
"upload-failures": {},
"uploaded-objects": {
"list_compute_id_and_displayname.sh": {
"etag": "cb6531e5-fa8b-4b1b-8656-1abecc682bc3",
"last-modified": "Wed, 30 Jan 2019 04:31:18 GMT",
"opc-content-md5": "obuhDwFW8Q24neVWCMd4Xg=="
"list_running_compute_id.sh": {
"etag": "8e9c946e-2f8e-4c89-9998-b46abaf081dc",
"last-modified": "Wed, 30 Jan 2019 04:31:18 GMT",
"opc-content-md5": "8daBM37b5l+IV2kHMGlQeQ=="
"stop_running_compute.sh": {
"etag": "a271fe13-69e7-4a54-8c5a-2c86c04c3aea",
"last-modified": "Wed, 30 Jan 2019 04:31:18 GMT",
"opc-content-md5": "9t0j9SODIFVAIEi09jAUTw=="

### Object: ダウンロード (to file)

``` oci os object get -bn $bucket_name --name "foo.txt" --file "baa.txt" [text] [options]```
- --multipart-download-threshold[int] : Objects larget than the size(in MiB) will be downloaded in multiple parts / the minimum allowable threshold is 128MiB
- --parallel-download-count[int] : the number of parallel operations to perform

oci os object get -bn $bucket_name --name date.txt --file date2.txt
Downloading object [####################################] 100%

### Object: ダウンロード (to stdout)

``` oci os object get -bn $bucket_name --name "foo.txt" --file '-' [text] [options]```
- --multipart-download-threshold[int] : Objects larget than the size(in MiB) will be downloaded in multiple parts / the minimum allowable threshold is 128MiB
- --parallel-download-count[int] : the number of parallel operations to perform

$ oci os object get -bn $bucket_name --name date.txt --file '-'
Wed Jan 30 13:39:36 JST 2019

### Object: ダウンロード (bulk-download)

``` oci os object bulk-download -bn $bucket_name --download-dir "download_dir" [options]```
- --overwite/**--no-overwrite** : 
- --parallel-download-count[int] : the number of parallel operations to perform
- --include[text] : only upload files which match the provided pattern. *:match everything , ?: match any single character
- --exclude[text] : only upload files which don't match the provided pattern


$ oci os object bulk-download -bn $bucket_name --include "*.dat" --download-dir "."
Downloaded sale1v3.dat [####################################] 100%
"download-failures": {},
"skipped-objects": []

### Object: 削除

``` oci os object delete -bn $bucket_name --name "foo"  [options]```

``` oci os object bulk-delete -bn $bucket_name  [options]```

- --include[text] : only delete objects which match the provided patter.
- --dry-run
- --force


$ oci os object bulk-delete -bn $bucket_name --include ".dat" --dry-run
"delete-failures": {},
"deleted-objects": [
$ oci os object bulk-delete -bn $bucket_name --include "
WARNING: This command will delete all matching objects in the bucket. Please use --dry-run to list the objects which would be deleted. Are you sure you wish to continue? [y/N]: y
Deleted cust1v3.dat [####################################] 100%
"delete-failures": {},
"deleted-objects": [

## File Storage


## Container Engine for Kubernates


# Tips
## OCI tips

### SHELL変数取得script

前提 : 以下の変数がセット済み

- $compartment_id
- $nw_comparment_id ※ 上記と同じ場合あり


set -x ad_names (oci iam availability-domain list -c $compartment_id| jq -r '.data[]|."name"')
set -x ad_ids (oci iam availability-domain list -c $compartment_id| jq -r '.data[]|."id"')


set -x compute_id
(oci compute instance list -c $compartment_id
| jq -r '.data[]'
| jq -r 'select(."display-name" == "instance-20190127-1249")'
| jq -r '."id"')

network ( might need to change $compartment_id for network one )

set -x vcn_id
(oci network vcn list -c $nw_compartment_id
| jq -r '.data[]'
| jq -r 'select(."display-name" == "test01VCN")'
| jq -r '."id"' )

set -x subnet_id
(oci network subnet list -c $nw_compartment_id --vcn-id $vcn_id
| jq -r '.data[]'
| jq -r 'select(."display-name" == "BastionSubnetAD3")'
| jq -r '."id"' )


set -x db_system_id
(oci db system list -c $compartment_id
| jq -r '.data[]'
| jq -r 'select(."display-name" == "DBforODI")'
| jq -r '."id"')

set -x db_id
(oci db database list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id
| jq -r '.data[]'
| jq -r 'select(."db-name" == "myODIDB")'
| jq -r '."id"')

set -x db_node_id
(oci db node list -c $compartment_id --db-system-id $db_system_id
| jq -r '.data[]'
| jq -r 'select(."hostname" == "db01forodi01")'
| jq -r '."id"')


set -x adwc_id
(oci db autonomous-data-warehouse list -c $compartment_id
|jq -r '.data[]'
|jq -r 'select(."db-name" == "adwdb1")'
|jq -r '."id"' )

## JQ Tips

### Fileter処理

#### like検索
"select ... "を以下のようにlike検索(あいまい検索)に変更することも可能
select( .foo == "baa" ) => select ( .foo | contains("ba"))
↓ (例)

oci network vcn list -c $comaprment_id |
jq '.data[] | {"vcnid" : ."id","display-name" : ."display-name", "domain_name" : ."vcn-domain-name", "cidr-block" : ."cidr-block" , "lifecycle-state" : ."lifecycle-state"} | select(."display-name" | contains("test01"))'
"vcnid": "($vcn-id)",
"display-name": "test01VCN",
"domain_name": "xxxxx.oraclevcn.com",
"cidr-block": "",
"lifecycle-state": "AVAILABLE"

#### 特定のValueをもったKeyを削除 ```map_values```

(例)Valueが(null or false)のkeyを削除
```jq '.|map_values(select(. != false)) | map_values(select(. != null))'```

#### key/value追加  : ```| . + {"key": "value"}```

$ oci os bucket list -c $compartment_id | jq -r '.data[]| . + {"COMMENT": ."This is just for sample"}'
"time-created": "2019-01-23T12:23:14.180000+00:00",
"COMMENT": "This is just for sample"

#### ネストの展開(CSV準備等?): ```| . + ."key" | del(."key") ```


jq '. + ."tcp-options" | . + ."destination-port-range" + ."source-port-range" | del(."tcp-options") | del(."destination-port-range")


| jq '. + ."tcp-options" | . + . "destination-port-range" |del(."tcp-options") | del(."destination-port-range")'
"icmp-options": null,
"is-stateless": false,
"protocol": "6",
"source": "",
"source-type": "CIDR_BLOCK",
"udp-options": null,
"source-port-range": null,
"max": 22,
"min": 22

### 出力形式


#### コンパクト表示 : ``` jq -c '.' ```

oci network vcn list -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxxxxx | jq -c '.data[] | {"vcnid" : ."id","display-name" : ."display-name", "domain_name" : ."vcn-domain-name", "cidr-block" : ."cidr-block" , "lifecycle-state" : ."lifecycle-state"} | select(."display-name" == "test01VCN")'

#### CSV表示 : ``` jq -c '.[] | ([."foo", ."baa"]) | @csv ' ```

oci network vcn list -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxxxxx | jq -r '["display-name","lifecycle-state","cidr-block" ],(.data[] | [."display-name", ."lifecycle-state", ."cidr-block"]) | @csv'

#### Valueの連結(?)

``` jq -c '.data[] | ."displayname" | ."cidr-block" | ."lifecycle-state"' ```

$ oci network vcn list '.data[] | ."displayname" | ."cidr-block" | ."lifecycle-state"'

#### 特定のValueを置換 :```| (."foo") |= "baa"```


$ oci os bucket list -c $compartment_id | \
jq -r '.data[]|. + {"date-created": ."time-created" | split("T")[0]}|{"name": ."name", "time-creatd": ."time-created", "date-created": ."date-created"} | (select(."date-created" < "2019-01-22") | ."name") |= "plan to delete soon" '
"name": "plan to delete soon",
"time-creatd": "2019-01-21T02:35:11.208000+00:00",
"date-created": "2019-01-21"
"name": "test01oac01",
"time-creatd": "2019-01-23T12:23:14.180000+00:00",
"date-created": "2019-01-23"

#### 文字列の分割(Split): ``` jq -c '.data[] | ."abc-def" | split ("-")'```

$ oci os bucket list -c $compartment_id | \
jq -r '.data[]|. + {"date-created": ."time-created" | split("T")[0]}|{"name": ."name", "time-creatd": ."time-created", "date-created": ."date-created"} '
"name": "test01-odics01",
"time-creatd": "2019-01-21T02:35:11.208000+00:00",
"date-created": "2019-01-21"

#### ダブルクォーテーション外し : ```jq -r```

$ oci network vcn list | jq '.data[]."vcn-domain-name" | split(".") | .[0]'

### その他の関数
#### ソート : ```jq -s```

oci network vcn list | jq '."data" | sort_by(."display-name")'

↑ 配列で無いデータを扱うと以下のエラーがでてしまう。
jq: error (at <stdin>:34): Cannot index string with string "display-name"


### OCI
[Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation(Official):CLI](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/cliconcepts.htm)
[Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI Command Reference(Official)](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/)
[Oracle Cloud OCI IaaS関連情報まとめ](https://qiita.com/feifo/items/551a8a4250f83e4c33c3)
[コマンドライン(CLI)でOCIを操作する - Oracle Cloud Infrastructureアドバンスド
[Oracle Cloud にあるデータベースをコマンドライン(CLI)から起動・停止してみた](https://qiita.com/mikika/items/5a93c669d725a9dfc846)

### JQ
[jq manual(Official)](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/)
[jq sandbox](https://jqplay.org/)
[jq コマンドで JSON を CSV に変換する](https://medium.com/veltra-engineering/jq-supports-json-to-csv-fb5c951a9575)

### fish shell
[fish document(Official)](https://fishshell.com/docs/current/index.html)
[Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI用のfish補完を作ってみた](https://qiita.com/sugimount/items/fb71920f846175633d68)


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