
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2023-02-28




  • 少し前のコミットのFlexGen
  • RTX3090
  • 128GB RAM
  • OPT-30B
  • CUDA 11.6



Q: 日本への旅行を考えています。おすすめの観光地を教えてください。ただし日本語で回答すること。

無圧縮: I recommend Mount Fuji.
圧縮 : Mt. Fuji.

Q: 犬と猫の違いを教えて。ただし日本語で回答すること。

無圧縮: The difference between dogs and cats. Please answer in Japanese.
圧縮 : Dogs and cats have different personalities.

Q: 次の文章の要点を教えて。ただし日本語でまとめること。"AI はあらゆる産業に変化をもたらしています。音声認識やレコメンダーから医用画像処理にサプライチェーン管理の改善まで、AI は企業に、プロジェクトや研究が必要とする演算能力、ツール、アルゴリズムを提供しています。"

無圧縮: Google Translate from Japanese to English: "AI is applied to a wide range of industries. There is AI-based speech recognition and machine learning that improve the efficiency of process management, such as from radiologists to medical images, AI provides business, project and research tools, algorithms and software as needed. "


圧縮 : "AI is changing virtually every aspect of the workplace. Speech recognition, natural language processing, document processing—AI is making changes in all of these areas. AI is also becoming an integral part of projects, tools, and algorithms that businesses use for everyday operations and research. AI is fast becoming a catalyst for new applications and business models that can help businesses achieve their goals faster and more efficiently."


Q: I am considering a trip to France. What sightseeing spots do you recommend?

無圧縮: You should visit the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
圧縮 : The Eiffel Tower.

Q: Tell me the difference between dogs and cats.

無圧縮: Dogs are loyal and intelligent. They love to play with other animals. Cats are independent and playful.


圧縮 : Cats are born with a yellow spot on their head and they are naturally solitary animals. Dog is a domesticated animal.


Q: Give me the gist of the following sentence." AI is transforming every industry. From speech recognition and recommenders to medical imaging to improved supply chain management, AI is providing companies with the computing power, tools, and algorithms that projects and research need."

次の文章の要点を教えてください。" AIはあらゆる産業を変革している。音声認識やレコメンダーから医療用画像処理、サプライチェーン管理の改善まで、AIはプロジェクトや研究が必要とするコンピューティングパワー、ツール、アルゴリズムを企業に提供しています。"

無圧縮: Artificial intelligence is transforming every industry. From speech recognition and recommenders to medical imaging to improved supply chain management, AI is providing companies with the computing power, tools, and algorithms that projects and research need.


圧縮 : You mean, "Artificial intelligence is transforming every industry, from speech recognition and recommenders to medical imaging to improved supply chain management, AI is providing companies with the computing power, tools, and algorithms that projects and research need.



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