
Last updated at Posted at 2024-08-03





def create_sample_file(filename, lines):
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        for i in range(lines):
            file.write(f"This is line {i+1} of the sample file.\n")

# サンプルファイルの作成
create_sample_file('sample.txt', 10000)

このコードを実行すると、10,000行のテキストを含む sample.txt ファイルが作成されます。


1. open()for ループを使用する方法

def read_file_with_for_loop(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        for i, line in enumerate(file, 1):
            if i <= 5 or i > 9995:
                print(f"Line {i}: {line.strip()}")
            elif i == 6:



Line 1: This is line 1 of the sample file.
Line 2: This is line 2 of the sample file.
Line 3: This is line 3 of the sample file.
Line 4: This is line 4 of the sample file.
Line 5: This is line 5 of the sample file.
Line 9996: This is line 9996 of the sample file.
Line 9997: This is line 9997 of the sample file.
Line 9998: This is line 9998 of the sample file.
Line 9999: This is line 9999 of the sample file.
Line 10000: This is line 10000 of the sample file.

2. readline() メソッドを使用する方法

def read_file_with_readline(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        for i in range(1, 10001):
            line = file.readline()
            if i <= 5 or i > 9995:
                print(f"Line {i}: {line.strip()}")
            elif i == 6:



Line 1: This is line 1 of the sample file.
Line 2: This is line 2 of the sample file.
Line 3: This is line 3 of the sample file.
Line 4: This is line 4 of the sample file.
Line 5: This is line 5 of the sample file.
Line 9996: This is line 9996 of the sample file.
Line 9997: This is line 9997 of the sample file.
Line 9998: This is line 9998 of the sample file.
Line 9999: This is line 9999 of the sample file.
Line 10000: This is line 10000 of the sample file.

3. fileinput モジュールを使用する方法


create_sample_file('sample1.txt', 5)
create_sample_file('sample2.txt', 5)

次に、fileinput を使用して両方のファイルを読み込みます。

import fileinput

def read_files_with_fileinput(filenames):
    for line in fileinput.input(filenames):
        print(f"{fileinput.filename()}, Line {fileinput.lineno()}: {line.strip()}")

read_files_with_fileinput(['sample1.txt', 'sample2.txt'])


sample1.txt, Line 1: This is line 1 of the sample file.
sample1.txt, Line 2: This is line 2 of the sample file.
sample1.txt, Line 3: This is line 3 of the sample file.
sample1.txt, Line 4: This is line 4 of the sample file.
sample1.txt, Line 5: This is line 5 of the sample file.
sample2.txt, Line 6: This is line 1 of the sample file.
sample2.txt, Line 7: This is line 2 of the sample file.
sample2.txt, Line 8: This is line 3 of the sample file.
sample2.txt, Line 9: This is line 4 of the sample file.
sample2.txt, Line 10: This is line 5 of the sample file.

4. 大容量ファイルの効率的な読み込み(mmap)

import mmap

def read_file_with_mmap(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        with mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mmap_obj:
            for i, line in enumerate(iter(mmap_obj.readline, b''), 1):
                if i <= 5 or i > 9995:
                    print(f"Line {i}: {line.decode().strip()}")
                elif i == 6:



Line 1: This is line 1 of the sample file.
Line 2: This is line 2 of the sample file.
Line 3: This is line 3 of the sample file.
Line 4: This is line 4 of the sample file.
Line 5: This is line 5 of the sample file.
Line 9996: This is line 9996 of the sample file.
Line 9997: This is line 9997 of the sample file.
Line 9998: This is line 9998 of the sample file.
Line 9999: This is line 9999 of the sample file.
Line 10000: This is line 10000 of the sample file.



  • open()for ループの組み合わせは、最も一般的で使いやすい方法です。
  • readline() メソッドは、より細かい制御が必要な場合に適しています。
  • fileinput モジュールは、複数のファイルを連続して処理する際に便利です。
  • mmap モジュールは、非常に大きなファイルを効率的に処理する場合に有用です。





  1. open() 関数 - Python 公式ドキュメント
  2. file オブジェクト - Python 公式ドキュメント
  3. fileinput モジュール - Python 公式ドキュメント
  4. mmap モジュール - Python 公式ドキュメント



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